[Resource] Chemistry Rules for 5th Edition

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« on: <04-18-14/0403:29> »
Chemistry House Rules by Namikaze
Chemistry Tables by Namikaze

I built these rules on the framework of the rules laid out in Arsenal.  All of the chemicals described in Arsenal are available, with the exception of Awakened compounds.  Awakened compounds are the realm of magical crafting, which this does not cover.  Use the chemistry tables document to get stats for availability, cost, and crafting thresholds.

Notable additions to the Arsenal rules include a number of toxins, mostly those that are naturally-occurring.  I created one new toxin of my own design, called MST-4, because it seemed silly to have two very rare toxins (maitotoxin and Taipan snake venom), and it seemed pointless to have strychnine listed as its effects are similar enough to other toxins to make it negligible.  Instead, MST-4 is a very difficult synthetic toxin to create that does tremendous damage to victims.

I also introduced a new toxin mechanic: necrosis.  The only toxin with necrosis is MST-4, so it shouldn't come up often (if ever).  The effect is simple: the victim takes 1 unresisted point of Physical damage every Combat Turn until cured or dead.

In order to simulate the crafting system, I utilized the explosives crafting rules found in Run & Gun.  Basically, you need to have a kit, shop, or facility to do the crafting, and a threshold is established for each item.  If you meet the threshold, you have crafted X number of items (determined by the tools used).

I strongly recommend that GMs take these things into consideration: the cost of item crafting is 10% of the street value of the item.  This means that a person who wants to make a drug with a shop can potentially earn a 1000% return on investment.  GMs would be wise to ensure that other drug dealers, chemists, etc. poke in periodically to interfere with whoever is encroaching on their turf.  Additionally, law enforcement assets should be used more frequently if someone is abusing this system.  Alternatively, just adjust the prices or availability, or even the 10% price point.

Final note: I have included some very rough rules on harvesting components for chemical creation.  This should lower the cost of the ingredient acquisition, not negate it.  There are many components to chemistry that simply cannot be harvested.  My wife could tell you more, but I don't want this to turn into a chemistry class.  :P
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Most people do not listen with the intent to understand; they listen with the intent to reply.

Emperors Grace

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« Reply #1 on: <04-18-14/1547:20> »
Can't wait to read these...

Furious Trope

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« Reply #2 on: <05-12-14/1108:46> »

You are awesome for converting this stuff. It's made everyone at my table super-happy.
You're only ever one bag of grenades away from chunky salsa.


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« Reply #3 on: <05-12-14/1240:55> »
I may have put the work into converting a lot of the stuff from 4th edition, but my wife is responsible for making it all make sense.  And of course, there are all the writers and testers who made the content for 4th edition to begin with.  I can't take credit for much with this, but your gratitude is appreciated.
Feel free to keep any karma you earned illicitly, it's on us.

Quote from: Stephen Covey
Most people do not listen with the intent to understand; they listen with the intent to reply.