You see a Mime Desperately trying to escape a Physical Barrier Spell...
Is it an act? or someone doesn't like mimes?
A mime is a terrible thing to waste.
You could also have a more literal milk run - where your runners get contacted by mistake by somebody rich but new to shadowrunning because he wants real bread, milk, and eggs.
That's not a milk run; that's a cake walk.

(No one made any comment about my Dwarf Kaer Encounter
I loved it!
I'm just not sure if it's ICly appropriate, though, that's all. Haven't read all of the Artifacts missions, though, so I don't know if the term 'kaer' is out and about in the SR world. Don't think so, but I could be wrong ...
Some of my best 'flavor encounters' were ones I generated myself. Do a hiring meet on a bus - one guy is hired by the Johnson to do a job for X amount of money, he hires the rest of the runners - and, while on the bus, a trio of gangers gets on and harasses their way down the bus to the back. See how the PCs react. One thing I did was to stunbolt all three of them in rapid succession, then pull the 'stop requested' cord, get off the bus and drag them off with me, then lift a) all their weapons and b) something personal from each of them. I then planted those items in the vehicle (stolen, of course) I used as the initial get-away vehicle for the heist.
Another was purchasing a half-dozen cheap ground drones, and letting neighborhood kids play with all but one (I used the last one) in the street/lot near the facility. A good way to cover your snooping - do it in plain sight, but with an obvious reasonable explanation for what's going on...