"Flavor" Encounters

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« on: <04-05-14/1541:10> »
Hi guys - during an adventure I like to throw some oddball encounters in which are nothing to do with the plot, but just reflect the strangeness of the Shadowrun world. It also keeps them guessing if an event is actually to do with the scenario or not. Can anyone come up with a few? Here's a few examples:

#/ A clerk in a shop they're at flips out and tells the boss 'stuff this, I quit!' and starts knocking displays over, and smashing things up. The owner has to draw a shotgun on the the clerk to get him to leave.

#/ A couple of guys in a suped up red car, pull up next to the runners at the lights and start revving the engine, obviously challenging them to a race. Do they race or just leave it?

#/ While the runners are in a shop, some gang members come in and demand this week's protection money. The shop owner reluctantly pays up.

Stuff like that. I like to think that the shadowrun world has a life of its own, and doesn't just revolve the runners and their current plot, but I'm kind of dry of ideas at the mo. Little help?
The system we learn says we're equal under law
But the streets are reality, the weak and poor will fall


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« Reply #1 on: <04-05-14/1824:03> »
Those seem pretty interesting but you could also include flavor stuff in slightly more mission close things.  I'm often inspired by the little side rooms/scenarios that occur in video games. Like when you find and abandoned room where something clearly went down, or some 20 year old letters detailing the drama.

A perception check reveals some communications detailing an affair/drug deal/etc. etc. that doesn't relate to their current plot.

You search a room and discover a hidden drug stash (also perception check)

Players may pass/run into gang related deals or other Shadowrun teams at random moments or you can have side events like is their meeting with the Mr. Johnson the only meeting thats happening or do they meet him right as a different group of people is leaving.

Also I think you can reuse a lot of scenarios with slightly different details (such as the store clerk could get in a fight with a customer) and have lots of reusability. A lot of these events also seem like things that would be easy to come up with if you really fleshed out NPC backgrounds.  You could take an extra 1-5 minutes just coming up with more background for your NPC's and then figure out some of the crazy Shadowrun stuff they'd do from those extra background details.   


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« Reply #2 on: <04-06-14/0116:17> »
I like this Topic. Here is a few I plan to use soon.

You see a man running down the street. A pizza delivery MCT-Nissan Roto-Drone zooms after the man. The drones speaker, in a thick Italian accent, says "I got your Pizza right-a here!",
The man shouts "Leave me Alone!"
The drone catches up to the man, then when it's about 5 meters away, Tasers him in the back. He collapses, and the drone drops a pizza box on the man, and says "Enjoy your Pizza!"
The drone comes towards the Runners "I got your Pizza right-a here!"

The drone has been Hacked, or is possessed by a Machine Sprite. The owner would probably be happy to get the drone back or it could definitely be sold for some Nuyen.

A group of Gangers driving in a beat up Americar, speed pass the Runners (This encounter is assuming they are on foot) and crashes into a building a few meters away.  One Ganger goes right through the windshield and is a red stain on the building, his body is contorted in a way that leaves no doubt to his fate. The gangers look at their dead friend, then look at the Runners.
"Those %$^#@!ers killed Kenny!"
One Ganger pulls a pin on a Grenade and charges the Runners holding onto the Grenade like it's a melee weapon.
The rest of the Gangers charge pulling knives and clubs.

The Gangers are high on Kamikaze

« Last Edit: <04-06-14/0118:03> by Bushw4cker »
"Stupid men are often capable of things the clever would not dare to contemplate." -Terry Pratchett


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« Reply #3 on: <04-06-14/0127:43> »
I like this Topic. Here is a few I plan to use soon.

You see a man running down the street. A pizza delivery MCT-Nissan Roto-Drone zooms after the man. The drones speaker, in a thick Italian accent, says "I got your Pizza right-a here!",
The man shouts "Leave me Alone!"
The drone catches up to the man, then when it's about 5 meters away, Tasers him in the back. He collapses, and the drone drops a pizza box on the man, and says "Enjoy your Pizza!"
The drone comes towards the Runners "I got your Pizza right-a here!"

The drone has been Hacked, or is possessed by a Machine Sprite. The owner would probably be happy to get the drone back or it could definitely be sold for some Nuyen.

A group of Gangers driving in a beat up Americar, speed pass the Runners (This encounter is assuming they are on foot) and crashes into a building a few meters away.  One Ganger goes right through the windshield and is a red stain on the building, his body is contorted in a way that leaves no doubt to his fate. The gangers look at their dead friend, then look at the Runners.
"Those %$^#@!ers killed Kenny!"
One Ganger pulls a pin on a Grenade and charges the Runners holding onto the Grenade like it's a melee weapon.
The rest of the Gangers charge pulling knives and clubs.

The Gangers are high on Kamikaze

you're an effing genious!


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« Reply #4 on: <04-06-14/0307:46> »
Thanks Cowdragon. I Have a few good ones for upcoming game, but I don't want to post till after game in case any of my player read my post.
"Stupid men are often capable of things the clever would not dare to contemplate." -Terry Pratchett


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« Reply #5 on: <04-06-14/1617:51> »
A great way to make the setting seem more alive is to describe things like ARO ads and news feeds and stuff.  "Hovering near the beverages section of the Stuffer Shack you see an ARO for the new Starkaf 'Iced Soykaf Mocha Explosion' drink." or "Near the lottery machine an ARO flickers.  Soundlessly you see an elf newswoman speak while what she says flies across the bottom of the image.  '...Lone Star claims the explosion in their new barracks building was caused by a rookie improperly storing a flashbang in his locker...'"
I'm Madpath Moth on reddit (and other sites).  Feel free to PM me errata questions!
Jeeze.  It would almost sound stupid until you realize we're talking about an immortal elf clown sword fighting a dragon ghost in a mall.


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« Reply #6 on: <04-07-14/1227:13> »
If your safe house is in a residential area, I like the idea of the Troll vacuum salesman who wants to clean your carpets. Or the drunk who tries to break into your place in the wee hours of the morning, thinking that this is his house.


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« Reply #7 on: <04-07-14/1331:05> »
I want to train my Throwing Weapons.
Okay, you go to the local kindergarten. Then they call the cops and you can train Dodge.
The results of players being faster than me in down-time conversation.

On secondary details and options I've actually participated in...
- As you're walking down the street, you see an ARO ad in front of the mini stuffer shack flicker with a custom icon. You recognize it as a marking used by [Red Glen (local gangers)].
- While you're riding away from the meet, ticking away gear you'll need for the job in your head, you see flashing lights speed down the highway. Your bus comes to its stop and the ambulance turns the corner ahead and keeps going.
- When you head into the bus to find a seat, you notice a [young/old] [human/ork/dwarf/troll/elf] fidgeting nervously in the back. [He/she] notices you, then avoids eye contact.
- The subway station has about a dozen people in it - lighter than the upcoming rush hour, but a little heavier than it tends to be outside the rush hour period. There are a couple grungy [elves/humans/orks] meandering through the clumps of people.
-- After this one I either roll perception against them or have the pick-pocketing happen to somebody else, and then see what happens. I've only actually had a purse-snatching happen to another person once, but the PC was rather mercenary and said "I'm not getting paid for this, I sidestep and let the elf run up the steps".


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« Reply #8 on: <04-07-14/1601:14> »
Thanks for the ideas guys - especially like the pizza delivery drone :)

Pickpocketing is an interesting idea, regardless of whether it succeeds or not.

I thought it'd be interesting to have a religious group (any) accost the runners as well and start to debate them.

I like anything which gets the group talking and roleplaying (often outside of the actual plot) really.
The system we learn says we're equal under law
But the streets are reality, the weak and poor will fall


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« Reply #9 on: <04-07-14/1717:24> »
This Encounter assumes character is not magically active.

Your meet with Mr. Johnson is in an hour. Suddenly you hear ..Theme Music?.. (Perception 3 test to see the Watcher in your Blind spot). A Watcher is following you providing you with your own Theme Music, you must have pissed off some mage.
"Going to see Mr. Johnson!, Going to make some Nuyen, probably going to screw him!" he sings.
People on the street start staring at you.
"Stupid men are often capable of things the clever would not dare to contemplate." -Terry Pratchett


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« Reply #10 on: <04-07-14/1724:50> »
This Encounter assumes character is not magically active.

Your meet with Mr. Johnson is in an hour. Suddenly you hear ..Theme Music?.. (Perception 3 test to see the Watcher in your Blind spot). A Watcher is following you providing you with your own Theme Music, you must have pissed off some mage.
"Going to see Mr. Johnson!, Going to make some Nuyen, probably going to screw him!" he sings.
People on the street start staring at you.

This is so fragging awesome!  ROFL so hard it actually hurts... +1 good sir.

I so nee to do this with my table top group when we get together next
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Narrative | Thought | Speech | Matrix | Astral

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« Reply #11 on: <04-07-14/1811:42> »
Had a PC encounter an agressive donator-person who was in truth using the reputation of a good samaritan to scam cash himself, he got agressive with the neighbour and pretty soon the guy had a gunfight with the PC and the local gang. PC then started digging into the good samaritan, and was extremely distrustful of the lady when they were sent over to her place a few runs later.
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« Reply #12 on: <04-07-14/1944:59> »
This Encounter assumes character is not magically active.

Your meet with Mr. Johnson is in an hour. Suddenly you hear ..Theme Music?.. (Perception 3 test to see the Watcher in your Blind spot). A Watcher is following you providing you with your own Theme Music, you must have pissed off some mage.
"Going to see Mr. Johnson!, Going to make some Nuyen, probably going to screw him!" he sings.
People on the street start staring at you.

This is so fragging awesome!  ROFL so hard it actually hurts... +1 good sir.

I so nee to do this with my table top group when we get together next

Thanks, your comment made my day 8)
"Stupid men are often capable of things the clever would not dare to contemplate." -Terry Pratchett


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« Reply #13 on: <04-07-14/1947:58> »
For Christmas Encounter you could use my Jolly Old Ork.

Santa Ork who brings guns to all the needy SINless in the Barrens.

Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the Barrens.                                 
Not a Ghoul was stirring, not even the sound of Sirens.                                 
The bodies were laying in the gutter, a stench in the air,                                 
The Ork ganger’s gun was broken, beyond repair..                                 
The squatters were nestled using dumpsters for beds,                                 
While BTL visions danced in their heads.                                 
The Ork needed a new gun, the one he had was crap.,                                 
It wasn’t safe to be unarmed in Redmond not even for a nap.                                 
When out on the street there arose such a clatter,                                 
He hoped it wasn’t Stilettos looking for some brains to spatter..                                 
A Red Harley-Davidson came down the street in a flash,                                 
Hauling ass down the road, looking like it would crash.                                 
As he got closer to the ganger his bike began to slow                                 
The biker was an old Ork with a cache of weapons in tow                                 
“Old man what the Frag are you doing out here?”                                 
The ganger cursed at the old Ork with a sneer                                 
The old ork smiled and said my name is “Saint Nick”                                 
I have a new Predator for you, if you stop being a Dick”                                 
“It has built in smartlink that’s sure to help your aim”                                 
Shooting your enemies will never be the same       
"Stupid men are often capable of things the clever would not dare to contemplate." -Terry Pratchett


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« Reply #14 on: <04-08-14/0000:36> »
You see a dumpster lid slowly open, a man slowly peeks out, looks around, then sees you. He expression is full of fear, he looks at you pleadingly for help. In the distance you hear what sounds like a large group of people.
He looks at you and says "You got to help me, crazy bitch put a curse on me."
The noise from the crowd gets louder. "I think he went this way" you hear someone shout in a deep voice.
"whatever you see, it's not real!, it's a spell!" he tries to explain.
He climbs out of the dumpster, he's wearing a white shirt. In big black letters, on both sides it says "I HATE TROGS!"
You now see the crowd that you could only hear before, which would probably be better described as an angry mob. An Ork holding a club seems to be leading the mob. He points a finger at the man. "There he is!"

A wife has put a curse on her husband for cheating...A woman scorned and all that..
« Last Edit: <04-08-14/1148:44> by Bushw4cker »
"Stupid men are often capable of things the clever would not dare to contemplate." -Terry Pratchett

