I want to train my Throwing Weapons.
Okay, you go to the local kindergarten. Then they call the cops and you can train Dodge.
The results of players being faster than me in down-time conversation.
On secondary details and options I've actually participated in...
- As you're walking down the street, you see an ARO ad in front of the mini stuffer shack flicker with a custom icon. You recognize it as a marking used by [Red Glen (local gangers)].
- While you're riding away from the meet, ticking away gear you'll need for the job in your head, you see flashing lights speed down the highway. Your bus comes to its stop and the ambulance turns the corner ahead and keeps going.
- When you head into the bus to find a seat, you notice a [young/old] [human/ork/dwarf/troll/elf] fidgeting nervously in the back. [He/she] notices you, then avoids eye contact.
- The subway station has about a dozen people in it - lighter than the upcoming rush hour, but a little heavier than it tends to be outside the rush hour period. There are a couple grungy [elves/humans/orks] meandering through the clumps of people.
-- After this one I either roll perception against them or have the pick-pocketing happen to somebody else, and then see what happens. I've only actually had a purse-snatching happen to another person once, but the PC was rather mercenary and said "I'm not getting paid for this, I sidestep and let the elf run up the steps".