Shadowrun Missions Living Campaign > Living Campaign and Conventions

Dev running 3 games at Wolfcon

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--- Quote from: PeterSmith on ---Hey Jason, do we need to bring characters?

--- End quote ---

You're welcome to bring characters if you want, but I'll have a supply of characters if you don't. Including my nifty laminated character cards from GenCon.

Jason H.

Kid Chameleon:
Getting shot is no fun, but it's safer than being behind 8 Ball!

It was a beautiful game. Fun players, chaos, and things blowing up. What more could I want?

Jason H.

Reminder to anyone playing Saturday at Wolfcon--bring canned food for special bonuses!

Jason H.

Alas, the drive was just a bit too far for this tired ol' pile of bones to drive. Especially after doing all that Christmas shopping yesterday.

Let us know of any future events!


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