I thought it was safe to say that Technomancer can interact with all wireless devices naturally.
Without equipment.
That if they own a wireless smargun they can eject it's clip as a free action.
Without wearing trodes or getting a datajack.
Non-technomancers need devices like datajack, trodes, commlinks, sim-modules, VR-gloves, image links etc etc to interact with wireless devices.
But since having DNI is not even a requirement for the direct connection exploit anyway....
For the direct connection you need to connect your cyberdeck (Persona) physically into the device you are hacking.
(or, depending on your reading, enter a host that the wireless device is slaved to)
A technomancer can not connect his Living Persona physically into the device he is hacking
His Living Persona is not formed on any device that you can connect with a wire to another device.
The best house rule I've seen so far is that Technomancers get Skin Link Echo as default
...and that this let them use the direct connection exploit if they physically though a device.
As for a wired device.
SR5 p. 360 Wired security
Wired networks are still vulnerable in many of the same ways as wireless networks. If a wire is breached and tapped anywhere along its length, the signals can be intercepted and retransmitted via wireless anyway.
How do you tap a wire?
With a Data Tap!
(and this is probably the reason why the Technomancer archetype have a Data Tap in his inventory).
Since both devices are now considered wireless the Technomancer can now hack them.
Data Tap can also be used to establish a direct connection exploit
Again require that you physically attach, but this time to the data tap that is breaching the wire.
...and in this case you get a direct connection to both devices the wire is attached to.
but it is unclear if a wired device can be even slaved to a host to begin with
(you can't connect one end of the cable in a physical device and the other in a host... host have no physical location)