Hacking a comlink unaware

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« on: <03-08-14/1749:21> »
So I have a character who is hunting down an NPC comlink in the matrix. He's spent extensive time searching and has finally found it connected/online on the local matrix and is planning on using sleeze to stealth into their comlink in order to obtain some info from the comlink. That is where the run ended last night due to time constraints, my question is can he attack/sleeze into the comlink unaware ? Would the opposed test still be Intuition + Firewall ?


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« Reply #1 on: <03-09-14/0132:08> »
So I have a character who is hunting down an NPC comlink in the matrix. He's spent extensive time searching and has finally found it connected/online on the local matrix and is planning on using sleeze to stealth into their comlink in order to obtain some info from the comlink. That is where the run ended last night due to time constraints, my question is can he attack/sleeze into the comlink unaware ? Would the opposed test still be Intuition + Firewall ?

Short answer: yes and yes.  The commlink is a matrix device that is connected and available for targeting with matrix actions.  To do it unaware, he might be better off using Hack On the Fly, as it won't trigger the OS score if he succeeds.  The opposed test is Intuition + Firewall.
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« Reply #2 on: <03-09-14/0143:07> »
So I have a character who is hunting down an NPC comlink in the matrix. He's spent extensive time searching and has finally found it connected/online on the local matrix and is planning on using sleeze to stealth into their comlink in order to obtain some info from the comlink. That is where the run ended last night due to time constraints, my question is can he attack/sleeze into the comlink unaware ? Would the opposed test still be Intuition + Firewall ?

Short answer: yes and yes.  The commlink is a matrix device that is connected and available for targeting with matrix actions.  To do it unaware, he might be better off using Hack On the Fly, as it won't trigger the OS score if he succeeds.  The opposed test is Intuition + Firewall.

...  Any illegal action triggers OS, but successful Sleaze actions do not alert the target/target's owner; unsuccessful Sleaze actions do, however.

There is no circumventing the risk of detection, OP.
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« Reply #3 on: <03-09-14/0436:47> »
Correct about the OS - I was interpreting the question as referring to the owner's awareness, not GOD's.  GOD is always aware.
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« Reply #4 on: <03-09-14/0722:18> »
Thanks - I was thinking of Hack on the Fly(I misphrased it i guess), I get that any resisted hits from the comlink would give him net him + to overwatch score, I was more curious about the NPC knowing that he was being hacked. My thought process being adding the intuition would imply the user's brain power is involved, thus making him aware. And was also thinking of the way normal combat is done, a surprise attack  that someone doesn't see coming, doesn't get defense so I guess I sort of expected a similar rule in the matrix. I re-read the matrix section and I found my answer, pg 237 under [Matrix Actions]  - "When a defense test calls for a Mental attribute, use the owner's rating. Even if she isn't currently defending or even interacting with the device, her previous interactions and settings affect the defense test."

Ok I just want to make sure I've got it right(or at least been running it right thus far). If for example you do Hack on the Fly, its Hacking + Logic [Sleaze] vs Intuition + Firewall ; As long as the hacker gets more net hits than the thing/person getting hacked they place a mark without said thing/person being aware ? (and  of course the OS goes up for every hit from defender)


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« Reply #5 on: <03-09-14/1510:48> »
Ok I just want to make sure I've got it right(or at least been running it right thus far). If for example you do Hack on the Fly, its Hacking + Logic [Sleaze] vs Intuition + Firewall ; As long as the hacker gets more net hits than the thing/person getting hacked they place a mark without said thing/person being aware ? (and  of course the OS goes up for every hit from defender)

Yes.  If you use Hack On the Fly, you will get a mark without the owner's awareness being raised.  And you can also get some information as if you'd passed a Matrix Perception test, which can be kind of nice.
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Most people do not listen with the intent to understand; they listen with the intent to reply.