Copycat Killer is the start and took place in summer 2072, I think. So did the ORIGINAL Ashes. The Prop 23 arc starts in december 2072 with SRM4-00, SRM 4-01/03/05/07/09/11 take place in those months so januari 2073, march, etc, up to november 2073.
The Sprawl Wilds Ashes and Carbon Copy (the remade Copycat Killer, sequel of SRM4-05) take place in either 2074 or 2075, no explicit date is mentioned in most missions. CC does imply it's 2075 by being 3 years after the Cutter first went down, which means that by now the Ork Underground has been legal for an entire year already. Meanwhile, Firing Line takes place in summer 2075 following Lost Islands Found's news bulletins.
By the way, I believe that Copycat Killer (the original, so not its remake Carbon Copy) comes free with SRM4-05 in DriveThru. I seem to recall that's why I bought it back then.