[SR5] Technomancer, Hobo, Survivaist, Sniper

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  • Johny Walker, the street name Booze came by itself
« on: <01-13-14/0855:18> »
Metatype: E (Human[1])
Attributes: C (16)
Magic: B (Resonance 4, 2x4 Resonance skills, 2 Complex Forms)
Skills: A (46/10)
Resources: D (50,000)

+1 Resonance

16 Total to spend
Body: 1
Agility: 1
Reaction: 3
Strength: 1
Willpower: 4
Logic: 5
Intuition: 6
Charisma: 3
Edge: 2
Resonance: 4
Essence: 6

Magic and Resonance

Resosnance: 5 [+1 from metatype]
Compiling 4
Registering 4
Complex Forms:
Resonance Veil; Transcendent Grid

25 Starting Karma

Only Negative
5 Distinctive Style
5 Low Pain Tolerance
5 Incopetent [close combat]
10 Mild Allergy [Wi-Fi sensytivity]*
*The allergy works, while there is no or bad wireless matrix connection

46 Active Skill Points / 10 Skill Group Points

+5 Cracking Skill Group (Cybercombat, Electronic Warfare, Hacking)
+5 Computers Skill Group (Hardware, Software, Computer)

+6 Gunnery (Balistic)
+4 Longarms
+4 Palming (Pickpocket)
+4 Sneaking (Urban)
+1 Gymnastics (Parkour)

+4 Pilot Ground Craft**
**This could be changed to Aircraft, due to using rotodrone rather than doggy

+1 Running (Urban)

+1 Impersonation
+1 Performance (Music, Electro)

+1 Disguise
+1 Perception (Visual)

+1 Armorer (Firearms)

+1 Survival (Urban)

+1*** Compiling (Machine Sprite)
+1*** Registering (Machine Sprite)
+1 Decompiling
***For total 6

+4 Spraw Life (Scavenger)
+4 Club Music (Electro)
+3 Engenereiring (Electronics)
+2 Police Protocols (Phisical)
+1 Architecture (Residential)

N English (Street Talk)****
**** Took this as a speciality, [AGMD]

Resources (50 000¥)

Lined Coat

Melee Weapons:
Survival Knife (I know i can't fight with it, but still it is a useful tool)

Ranged Weapons:
Defiance T-250 (short barrel)
SVD (External Smartlink with internam Vision Magnification, (yes, there is a single slot inside))

Muscle Replacment rtg 1 Alphaware
+1 Str; +1 Agi, (There is a trick for that)
Total -1 Essence

Smart Firing Platform (It will be a perfect firing solution for a technomancer sniper, when deployed of course)
Commlink rtg 1 (Yes, it is cheap, but there is a trick for it)
Glasses rtg 1 [img link] (Lenon style)
Headphones rtg 1 [Select Sound Filter] (So he listens to music while listening someones conversation, or gunfire,...)
AutoPicker rtg 1
Armorer ToolKit rtg 1
Disguise ToolKit rtg 1
Survival Kit rtg 1
Respirator rtg 3
Grappling Gun
Rappeling Gloves
Microvire 100m (its cheap)
FakeSIN rtg 3

(shotgun/sniper rifle)
10/10 Regular
10/10 S'n'S
10/10 APDS
20/0 Flechetii

Squatter Lifestyle

Starting ¥
2d6x40¥ (yes, there was no ¥ left)

Leftover Karma:
-10 +1 Body
-10 +1 Agility
-10 +1 Strength
-15 +1 Body
-4 Complex Form (Pupeteer)*****
*****I'm not sure if it is a best choice, and what to do with a 1 left over Karma, or take a Quality like:
Analytical Mind; Focused Concentration [lazy rtg 1]...?

Final Attributes
Body: 3
Agility: 3^*
Reaction: 3
Strength: 3^*
Willpower: 4
Logic: 5
Intuition: 6
Charisma: 3
Edge: 2
Resonance: 5
Essence: 5

^*A Machine Sprites Diagnostics power on Muscle Replacement Enchances this further , up tu +4 total. So Agi and Str is 6. Of course at GMs aproval

Contacts (free points 9)
NetCat (loy 1; con 4)
Bob the Bum (loy 3; con1)

He's name is Johnny Walker, so you now Know, why is he called Booze, right?

Have you seen the movie calld Hackers, from 1995? Do you recognize Cereal Killer, Emanuel Goldstein? They look quite similar. Strange haircut, lenon glasses, coat fromhumanitary action, old military backpuck, pager-styled ComLink, Skates. The difrance in hobby. He is quite a Party man. Music is a must have! Electro, techno, cyberfunk, what ever. He will never go out, without headphones. Even in matrix, He looks like a living music file.

He belives in the old time hacking rules. Information is free, and we demand free access to data. Hack The Planet! If there is a bad person, and there is information about them, it is obligatory to spread the news! No mtter if it is a rapist, or a AAA-corpo... it is Duty of every keybord-cowboy, to let people know.

Stealing? It's a survival trick ;) Of course, if you steal from a bum, it's evil mate, but whill a corporate siut notice that his comlink is gone? Might be, but if he is in a hurry, and his commlink will show only errors? Why not magically repair it, or just pick up from trashbin? Booze lives on streets from some time, as he has no big needs for goods and gear, whatever he needs he can steal it orspoof it. But there is something good in sleepeing in the woods of central park ;) like contacts.

Bob The Bum is a bum. A hobo, who lives in city and under it. He knows where they tharsh good food, where is nice place to sleep and so on. Some times he see how criminal activity is taking its part. But who could notice a poor homeless? But how Booze ended in such place. Shadowrunning? When asked about parents he always anwsers, "They were on woodstoc, and never came back"

Aaa, and NetCat. Thats a story. Resonance story,... When Boose simply waiting in a line in supermarket, he just made commlinks play some music. One by one, every commlink stated to play favourite song of Booze [at the moment]. As he did it using resonance, a living persona of cat, stood right in front of him, asking what is he doing? There was a fight, he losed, she helped him recover, and showed him some tricks, and especially technomancers rules of keeping low profile.
Booze's VU93 Profile
Im From EU, so my time zone is +7 from forum time, when you sleep I read ;)


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« Reply #1 on: <01-13-14/1038:16> »
When i saw the stats at first i was surprised: survivalist with minimal physical attributes? Then i saw the mods later, and that changed things. The concept i like, although there are two things you should consider:

- Your Resonance starts at 4 from priority, +1 from metatype special attribute point, but you get -1 from cyber so the final figure should be 4.

- Diagnostics doesn't raise the rating of the device it affects, just provides dice pool modifier for using it. So, if the GM lets you enhance your ware, you may get bonus dice to Agility and/or strength tests but the attributes won't be higher. Also keep in mind Sprites immediately start to gather OS after compiled, so you have to watch how long you can use this option.
"Speech", Matrix, >>Text<<, Thoughts, Astral


  • *
  • Chummer
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  • Posts: 219
  • Johny Walker, the street name Booze came by itself
« Reply #2 on: <01-13-14/1448:24> »

- Your Resonance starts at 4 from priority, +1 from metatype special attribute point, but you get -1 from cyber so the final figure should be 4.

- Diagnostics doesn't raise the rating of the device it affects, just provides dice pool modifier for using it. So, if the GM lets you enhance your ware, you may get bonus dice to Agility and/or strength tests but the attributes won't be higher. Also keep in mind Sprites immediately start to gather OS after compiled, so you have to watch how long you can use this option.

1st. is a tricky thing. As it is written in caracter creation chapter, there is no detail on it.
"Cyberware and bioware augmentations are not for
everyone. The physiologies for magic users and technomancers
respond poorly to the loss of Essence that
accompanies these augmentations. In game terms, this
means that any fraction of Essence loss reduces a Magic
or Resonance attribute rating by 1. This means that if a
magician with Magic 5 decides to buy and install some
cybereyes (Rating 4), their Essence will go from 6 to 5.5
due to the Essence cost of the cybereyes, and the magician
will also lose a full point of Magic, leaving them
with a Magic attribute rating of 4. The character can then
lose another half a point of Essence, taking him down to
5.0, without a penalty to Magic, but if he drops below
5.0, his Magic rating is going to lose another point.

This is why so few magic users or technomancers
make use of either cyberware or bioware. Those who do
can find their talents burned out if too many augmentations
reduce their Magic or Resonance rating to 0.
For more information, see Magic Loss (p. 278) or Resonance
(p. 249)."

There is no direct note about it, inn that chapter. But on page 249 we can read:

"If you’re a technomancer, you have a Resonance
attribute. This attribute represents how connected you
are to the Resonance. Your Resonance rating affects
all of your Resonance abilities and your living persona.
Your natural Resonance maximum is your Essence
rounded down. Whenever you lose Essence (after character
, you lose an equal amount of Resonance,
rounded up. If your Resonance ever reaches
zero, you lose the Technomancer quality and all Resonance

So I assumed That if i take 5 resonance at character generation, and 1 point of essence loss, due to cyberware, it still will be 5 resonance points. I'll repost it in faqu part of forum.

2nd. I'm aware of that, thats why i will register those spirits, or use Cleaner, when i will learn it.
Booze's VU93 Profile
Im From EU, so my time zone is +7 from forum time, when you sleep I read ;)


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« Reply #3 on: <01-14-14/0650:22> »
RAI, as far as I know, is that Resonance is pretty much the same as Magic as far as Essence loss is concerned. The rules on the Resonance part are just awkwardly written, since they also imply hat every instance of Essence loss rips a full point of Resonance from you.

The average GM will probably not let your interpretation fly (I know I wouldn't) because it borders on cheesy. Plus, it makes no sense to have a technomancer still have full resonance despite being cybered up to the gills just because they got it all at Chargen...