[SR4A - IC] From Russia with Love!

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« Reply #450 on: <09-02-14/1448:41> »
"Just one thing first.  There are three of us and I believe the price we agreed upon was per person.  As long as that is not an issue then I see no reason to object to a retainer.   Work is always welcome."  Lynx points a thumb towards Icer when he mentions a third person but otherwise stands arms crossed.
"Everything that is, casts a shadow" -Neil Gaiman.
Knives Chapter 4 (5th edition) OOC: Pg 93.


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« Reply #451 on: <09-03-14/1227:35> »
Your so right sir, i did agree the price the per person...
He reaches into a draw on the desk and pulls out another cred-stick.
There you all present and correct.

Since it looks like we might be working together some door do you wish to join me 'debriefing' the professor?
PbP Legend:
Narrative | Thought | Speech | Matrix | Astral


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« Reply #452 on: <09-03-14/1255:54> »
by all means, lead the way.
Flea smiled, happy at the job done. Logging back into the university network she did her best to clear her datatrail before logging off.


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« Reply #453 on: <09-03-14/1939:46> »
Icer is glad to see he got his Nuyen after all. With a bow Icer takes his cred stick and pockets it. Once the metion that there was going to be a 'debriefing' of the professor Icer's mind starts to think the whole thing has turned into a trap again. Not wanting to show his cards he does his best to keep no expression on his face. Icers mind starts to think.... What am I walking into? Is it worth it? hummmm...... Icer finally decides to fallow the two runners into the 'debriefing'. Icer is hoping this gamble will let him to talk these two runners into helping him find a contact or two in the Shadow world. For some reason his heart and mind are drawing Icer to join the shadow players in this part of the world.

Magic uses higher laws to over come lower laws.


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  • Omae
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« Reply #454 on: <09-08-14/1243:39> »
Following the Johnson he leads you into the back.

The back of the warehouse looks far more clinical than anything else almost surgical, the odd blood stain here and there and the distinct smell of disinfectant and bleach. There is a one way window looking into the interview room where  Jimmy is stood behind the professor sat in robust aluminium chair in front of a a simple metal desk with a heavy cloth draped over it. The room is bright and intimating with gleaming white tiles everywhere and a small drain in the floor.
If you would like to watch the interview from here i'll go and interview the dear professor.
He walks into the room and slowly walks over to the table while reading a file, the same file he provided you earlier you would presume. He pauses while walking round the room before taking a seat opposite the professor.

So then, Boris
Last I recall was meeting you at that conference where was that again?

Anyway you mentioned you would be interesting in working for someone a little less controlling, well we have something for you, a lead role in our research division.

You'd have your own team, a private lab in the arcology, freedom to commit to YOUR research YOUR way!

Now I appreciate that because of your former sponsors you may have difficulties in the rest of the city, so we will provide you body guards when you leave the arcology for your own protection and a your own private accommodations in the arcology to help facilitate your efforts.

Is there anything else you would need?

The professor looks surprised as he expected a different approach.

It was in Vladivostok if I recall the, microbiology s-seminar was really rather dull but I did get to meet a few old friends.

Your offer is very interesting and I will gr-gratefully accept.

The only thing I would need is t-the research I have s-secured on my hone node,
Is that acceptable.

The Johnson watched his answers carefully, clearly a test to ensure that the professor is genuine.
Relaxing back into his chair he listens to the professor.

That should definitely be possible it would seem we have a deal...

He stands up and extends a hand to the professor who gladly accepts, before nodding towards Jimmy.
Jimmy taking his cue leaves the room and flips a switch as he does turning the mirror solid, you can see that they are still talking as the screen turns opaque and the sounds deadens.

Jimmy walks round the corner and talks to you in a distinct British accent
Well then gentlemen,
We thank you for assistance in this matter.

Since you have been paid i believe that settles all the business for now.
As you can see we will likely have more work for you soon given the research you have already done.

So I suggest you keep your Links close if your interested.
For now though i hope you enjoy your payday.

End of Act I
PbP Legend:
Narrative | Thought | Speech | Matrix | Astral


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« Reply #455 on: <09-18-14/1611:11> »
Once their business is concluded and they are back outside Lynx smiles to his companions, "Job well done.  That went smoothly all things considered.  Now I just need to return the van then it will time for celebratory drinks!  Either of you interested in coming along? "
"Everything that is, casts a shadow" -Neil Gaiman.
Knives Chapter 4 (5th edition) OOC: Pg 93.

