Firstly, thanks for the comment!

I'm writing this in Python 2.7, as I believe Python is the most rewarding language for this problem, because of its syntax, and because of its deployment options. I'm considering creating a Django powered web application, or a C#/C++ powered desktop GUI. (Thought both of these will require major code rewriting.)
Regarding the character creator, I think it really is possible, tough the biggest problem would be scripting gear, just because the sheer amount of it. If I commit to implement a character creator, I'll also add sprites/spirits, and spells/complex forms, and AI's as objects/classes.
P.S. Also regarding desktop GUI, I kinda think a split console-gui window would be a perfect solution, because the console can be used to quickly perform many rolls just by typing, and there would be a fallback UI for users not confident enough with console applications, and possibly, as a character creator/editor.