First of all, I have some game-mastering experience, however they are all from about 10 years prior. Since then I have not been doing any RPG's, besides those on PC. Now, me and my two friends have decided to geek it out again.
None of us have any experience with Shadowrun. We have read through the rulebook and this is where the difficulties start.
First of all, due to edition changes, I don't know which books support the current, 5th installment of the game. I'd be obliged if you'd point me to the titles that are relevant. I know that the history presented in the editions is continuous, so that basically I could read all of the books, however, as we've grown into more mature lifestyles, we don't have as much time as years before and therefore have limited time to spend at hobbies.
Secondly, there are only three of us. This gives only two players, which are also keen on playing the shooty types- one decided he wants to be a street samurai, the second will most probably go for special ops operative. I anticipate that lacking any power in magic and decking will prove difficult for a duo of shadowrunners. Should I try to persuade them to dabble in decking and magics?
Finally, bearing all the above in mind, which adventure would you encourage for me to run?
Thanks for all your input!
Which books are for 5 ed?
Can a samurai and special ops operative survive on their own, or should they mix magic and decking?
Point me towards an adventure that would be a cool, introductory run for two newbs.