[OOC] Chicago Depths: Open Recruitment and Game info thread

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« Reply #90 on: <07-19-12/0403:53> »
slow days in chicago... figured i'd revisit the portraits i made earlier and put them in a group shot. still no gardener - tough to figure how to draw a tree man.

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« Reply #91 on: <07-19-12/1605:14> »
I love how you make Devoted look like a naive idiot. It completely fits with how I see him ;)

Question: did we remove a window already?


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« Reply #92 on: <07-20-12/0003:47> »
Should be good to head down.


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« Reply #93 on: <08-02-12/0448:07> »
Hey folks, I got tired of always getting stuck as the game master with my local circle and figured that I wanted to play so bad that I'd settle for PbP. The idea of playing in Chicago is something of a novelty to me (I hadn't read Feral Cities and always assumed going to Chi-Town was pretty much a death sentence anyway). I've been playing Shadowrun since 2E (the Disco Dwarf thing is a holdover from an old 2nd ed. game) and I love the fourth edition... except, well, I never get to actually PLAY it.

So as I was saying (sorry, I'm a bit verbose, don't expect 2-line posts from me), this game looks pretty neat. I just read through the whole OOC part (I avoided the IC part to prevent metagaming on my part, should I join) and built a character. I have only a few questions, however (I worked as a troubleshooter for video games and as a teacher, so yeah, sorry for the truckload of questioning).
  • For Adepts, since I plan on playing one, do you use the optional "Adepts and Geasa" rule (Street Magic, p.31, "Tweaking the rules")?
  • Do you use the Advanced Lifestyle system (Runner's Companion, p.145-169)? 
  • Even though it is availability 9, I would guess that in an area such as CZ the Chemical Protection armor mod should still be fairly common; can it be taken?
  • From what I've read, I've been led to believe we receive a free fixer (Mike, I think? read it hours ago and it's now 3:30 am), am I correct and if so what are its ratings?
  • How much bookkeeping is required on the players' parts (for example, in games I run, I usually don't bother counting regular ammo, only special ones)?
  • How is dice rolling handled (again, I didn't peek at the IC thread)? Do you trust your players to roll and post an action, or must the action be queried and the dices rolled/approved by you before the actual post is made?
  • In what year is the game set? I'm not quite yet up to the 2072 timeline, mostly because my games use the Brackhaven/Dzugashvili political race as a backdrop a lot.
  • From an OOC point-of-view, what's the expected posting rate and general days/hours when everyone's more active?

Those should pretty much cover everything I can think of. Here's a (not so) brief view of my character's backstory, and incidentally a cue as to my personal writing skills:

Gerhardt was born in a small city in northern Germany some thirty years ago, or as close to it as to matter not. His parents would commute to work in Hannover everyday, leaving their young son to explore on his own: truth be told, he probably missed more days of school than he attended, at least until he joined local sports team to help him channel his extra energy. And energy he had: whether it was his uncanny reflexes to dodge a football tackle or his ability to summon strength for that decisive homerun at the baseball court, Gerhardt began to evidence signs that would ring bells to any parents that bothered checking in on their kids. Since his own didn't, it was a shaman attending a match that finally took note of the budding adept. He was 15, on another continent a dragon was running for presidency, and being "gifted" meant being part of the "cool new kids".

Gunnar, the shaman, approached Gerhardt carefully. Through cautious questioning, he confirmed that the youth was as-of-yet untrained in any way. The old man escorted the teen home that day and tried to explain the situation to his wage slave parents. Most of it barely registered as prejudice-driven fear made them distrustful of both shaman and son, but they eventually conceded that formal training was better than none at all, and Gunnar was offering it freely, after school hours. Hell, who'd refuse such an opportunity?

The "shaman" turned out to be the gode of small a circle of Ásatru magicians, and Gerhardt's mind was quickly filled with the stories of the heroes of yore: in his head, he had already become the next Sigurd (needless to say, that didn't help his school attendance). The circle exploited the teen's desire to measure himself to mythological "monsters" and quickly took him along on reagent-collecting trips, where his physical skills proved helpful in taking down the paracritters required for the various focus formulae they used. By his 21st birthday, Gerhardt was a fairly accomplished talislegger. He had also caught the eye of Freya, a mage and the daughter of one of the circle's member, with whom he started dating. That was in 2063.

A year later, Crash 2.0 wiped most of their savings, their SINs, and killed Gerhardt's parents (well, they're still hooked up on life support somewhere, but after assensing their soulless husks, Gerhardt knew better). Winternight's apocalyptic gambit damaged the public's view of Ásatru believers at large, and the circle collapsed when old man Gunnar was murdered by grief-stricken haters seeking to lash out at someone for the death of their loved ones, the loss of their identity, or just plain bigotry (frankly, they didn't take the time to explain as they stoned the old mage with bricks and pieces of the pavement). Freya and Gerhardt hid at the edge of  Berlin's shadows, taking on a life of shadowrunning. Their talents made them valuable, and the warrior adept's expertise at tackling paranormal threats meant a steady stream of jobs. Things went well for a year or two, but as it turns out, some of the paras that Gerhardt was paid to hunt happened to feel the same way about losing their loved ones as they did. In an act of retaliation, a banshee assaulted Freya, draining her of some of her essence. The Infected's sadistic urge to draw out the act saved the girl's life as a Guardian spirit quickly fetched her lover, then assisted in dispatching the creature, but the damage was done, and Freya had nearly lost all of her magical potential. Worse yet, a few calls and searches uncovered that the Banshee was part of a larger organization of similar night creatures, and it would seem Gerhardt had been marked to suffer for the rest of his life rather than have a quick death.

The only wise move was to move out. Burning out most of their savings and all of their local contacts and favors, they took the bare minimum and shipped out to Chicago, figuring the possibly lingering FAB III bacteria would deter any pursuer. Freya and Gerhardt have been eking out a life of survival ever since. Despite having lost a lot, she remains an accomplished talismonger, and Gerhardt is more than willing to go out and bring back what is needed for her to ply her trade. Of course, given Gerhardt's "social skills", he quickly pissed off some locals when he refused to give ground, and the Destroyers are a bit on the vindicative side so Gerhardt will need to be careful not to allow them to follow him home from now on. They're no banshees, but Freya's no warrior either, and a street gang kicking down the door would be bad news for everyone.
« Last Edit: <08-02-12/1314:30> by DiscoDwarf »


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« Reply #94 on: <08-02-12/1614:43> »
I'm also interested in putting up a char and waiting when there's an opening... trying to decide between a hacker or an Adept of some kind.


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« Reply #95 on: <08-03-12/0516:35> »
  • For Adepts, since I plan on playing one, do you use the optional "Adepts and Geasa" rule (Street Magic, p.31, "Tweaking the rules")?
  • Do you use the Advanced Lifestyle system (Runner's Companion, p.145-169)? 
  • Even though it is availability 9, I would guess that in an area such as CZ the Chemical Protection armor mod should still be fairly common; can it be taken?
  • From what I've read, I've been led to believe we receive a free fixer (Mike, I think? read it hours ago and it's now 3:30 am), am I correct and if so what are its ratings?
  • How much bookkeeping is required on the players' parts (for example, in games I run, I usually don't bother counting regular ammo, only special ones)?
  • How is dice rolling handled (again, I didn't peek at the IC thread)? Do you trust your players to roll and post an action, or must the action be queried and the dices rolled/approved by you before the actual post is made?
  • In what year is the game set? I'm not quite yet up to the 2072 timeline, mostly because my games use the Brackhaven/Dzugashvili political race as a backdrop a lot.
  • From an OOC point-of-view, what's the expected posting rate and general days/hours when everyone's more active?

Excellent back story with a good reason for a magic-type to be playing around in what is basically hell on earth.

Anyway, to the list.
Yeah, I'll allow gaesa.  You definitely don't seem the type to exploit them and shrug off roleplaying them, and besides, an adept trying to function in near-constant background count is going to need all the help possible.

Advanced lifestyles are fine.

Chemical protection is fine.  Anything that's not restricted or forbidden shouldn't really be a problem availability-wise if it makes sense.

Wild Mike is 3/3 L/C and you can spend bp to raise the loyalty if you like.  He's a guy who operates on the edge of the Ares base beyond the 10-mile Corridor which surrounds the Containment Zone.  He organizes expeditions to try and salvage valuables and to gather intel.

Ammo is pretty important since a major part of the setting is scarcity and being cut off from the world.  If you've got access to vehicles then you can have massive ammo stores, but when you're hoofing it, then you should keep track of your resources.  It's all part of the tension. :)

Rolling rules are spelled out in the OOC play thread here, which is also linked to in my tag.

The game is set in the 2070s.  The exact time-period is not particularly relevant to the setting.  Let's say 2072.

Posting should be checking in at least once a week.  I try to check daily at least, but sometimes a thing happens and there's no helping.


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« Reply #96 on: <08-05-12/2313:25> »
Ok, character almost done, but I have three more quick questions:

  • Regarding background count, how bad is it? From reading Feral Cities, I was under the impression that this was mostly a problem in the Zone proper. How high should I expect the BGC to be? Anything above 2 will likely kill the character (or make him very useless at the least)
  • As an aside, how bad does BGC affect Adept powers? Namely, is it that chosen powers are completely turned off (meaning I won't regain access to them until I leave the BGC), or is it that I can't use powers totalling more than my new Magic attribute (meaning I could selective switch on or off some powers to still be able to use what I need at the moment, possibly by taking a Complex Action to rechannel my diminished Magic/Chi/etc. reserves in the appropriate places in my body)?[/i]
    • I was considering taking Astral Perception, to help deal with spirits. I was under the impression that, using a weapon focus, you could still use your normal Attr+Skill pool against astral targets, but some thread a read seems to point out that I'd need to use Astral Combat + Willpower even though I'm swinging a sword. Am I correct (I never had players with astrally perceiving adepts)?

    I must say I had blithely forgotten about the Background Count when I started building the character, but I'm ready to roll with a character that is suffering from a handicap, so long as said handicap is not going to cripple him completely.


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« Reply #97 on: <08-05-12/2327:49> »
If you've got the room, I'd like to try my hand at playing a mage of some kind.  More than likely a paranormal investigator, specializing in para-critters.  Of course, if you have the room, that is.
I could wile away the hours conversing with the flowers
Consulting with the rain
And my head I'd be scratching while my thoughts were busy hatching
If I only had a brain...

"Good. Bad. I'm the guy with the gun." - Ash, Army of Darkness


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« Reply #98 on: <08-06-12/0014:06> »
why on god's green earth would anyone wanna play a mage in the gotta have a likin' for pain


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« Reply #99 on: <08-06-12/0159:02> »
Ok, character almost done, but I have three more quick questions:

  • Regarding background count, how bad is it? From reading Feral Cities, I was under the impression that this was mostly a problem in the Zone proper. How high should I expect the BGC to be? Anything above 2 will likely kill the character (or make him very useless at the least)
  • As an aside, how bad does BGC affect Adept powers? Namely, is it that chosen powers are completely turned off (meaning I won't regain access to them until I leave the BGC), or is it that I can't use powers totalling more than my new Magic attribute (meaning I could selective switch on or off some powers to still be able to use what I need at the moment, possibly by taking a Complex Action to rechannel my diminished Magic/Chi/etc. reserves in the appropriate places in my body)?[/i]
    • I was considering taking Astral Perception, to help deal with spirits. I was under the impression that, using a weapon focus, you could still use your normal Attr+Skill pool against astral targets, but some thread a read seems to point out that I'd need to use Astral Combat + Willpower even though I'm swinging a sword. Am I correct (I never had players with astrally perceiving adepts)?

    I must say I had blithely forgotten about the Background Count when I started building the character, but I'm ready to roll with a character that is suffering from a handicap, so long as said handicap is not going to cripple him completely.
BC in the Zone is 1 everywhere and 2 in many places.  BC outside the Zone is 1 in several places and less elsewhere.

There is no rules-defined way to handle temporary power loss with an Adept.  How I view magic and mysticism in SR is as if it were lucid dreaming, but the dream is the material world.  They have awoken to a truer world, and now the real world is like a dream world where they can alter the variables to their will.  Background Count then to an awakened person is like a nightmare.  It emotionally overwhelms the awakened enough to pull away their control.

So, what does this mean for an adept's powers?  Well, this is an involuntary reaction, so having total control seems wrong.  How about you do an edge test when you enter a BC area and if you make it, you can pick what power goes down.  Then, every.. say, 10 minutes you can re-roll to try and make a new edge check to select a new power.

why on god's green earth would anyone wanna play a mage in the gotta have a likin' for pain

It's like walking into a sand storm with your skin already off.  Also everything is made of poison.
I remember someone wanted to take Spirit Bane [Insect Spirits]...[/list]


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« Reply #100 on: <08-06-12/1152:49> »
why on god's green earth would anyone wanna play a mage in the gotta have a likin' for pain

It's like walking into a sand storm with your skin already off.  Also everything is made of poison.
I remember someone wanted to take Spirit Bane [Insect Spirits]...
I just re-read through much of Chicago, and I have to say that I am now MORE intrigued at playing a mage in Chicago.
Every run has problems and potential dangers.  A street sam taking a package into the Ork Underground in Seattle could be life-threatening if you take a wrong turn in the tunnels - one Ghost Gator is enough to take out some pretty tough sams.  You could be a hacker and get your persona fried by some IC on a security node, ending up like Philo Gantt in Strange Days, your frontal lobe digitially fried and unable to process any incoming information.  Granted, neither of these has to deal with insect queens and other spirits potentially awakening from torpor, nor do they have to deal with an FAB III cloud, but there are dangers no matter what you play or where you play.
I also got an idea to play a medic or street doc of some kind (cyber doc or organ thief), trading his services for BTLs or tempo.  I can hear him in my thoughts:  Everybody needs medical attention.  Some get it before they need it.  And I'm the guy to give them the services needed.
I could wile away the hours conversing with the flowers
Consulting with the rain
And my head I'd be scratching while my thoughts were busy hatching
If I only had a brain...

"Good. Bad. I'm the guy with the gun." - Ash, Army of Darkness


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« Reply #101 on: <08-07-12/0159:29> »
Well, didn't get any answer regarding it and I supposed it wasn't such a good thing after all so I dropped the Astral Perception/Combat part and tried to concentrate on making a hardened survivalist/tracker/hunter (since being a talislegger can mean stalking a target and taking it down quickly to gather the reagent before it decays). Somewhere between the Athelete's Way and the Warrior's Way, I still picked the latter because I figured that'd be more useful on average.

Final question though: since it was established that the optional "Adepts and Geasa" rule was good to go, can a single geas affect more than one power?  I'm not talking about getting the Geas quality more than once, but more like having powers that are "limited" in the same way that spells can be attuned to a fetish to reduce their drain. As GM, I would find a bit OP that a negative quality gives you a 25% discount on all powers, so I see three possible ways of handling:
  • Only a single power can receive a geas discount.
  • Multiple powers can receive a discount, but each must have a different Geas (Incantation, Condition, Talisman, etc.)
  • One power per two full Magic point can receive a discount (much like the bonus you get with the various Ways quality from WA).

The confusion comes from the wording of the last two sentences of the optional rule:
In this case, breaking the geasa only affects that power; the adepts remaining geasa-limited powers are unaffected.
So on one hand, it says breaking the geas(a) only affects one power. On the other, it mentions the other powers are still limited by the geas(a). From what I've seen, there's been quite a few debates on the subject on these forums, but nothing that came close to an official answer. Considering I'm going for a pure adept rather than an augmented one (I always find it annoying that some implants or powers are so grossly imbalanced, like Imp. Attribute vs Muscle Toner/Aug; each PP costs 10 BP, and thus "worth" 50k nuyen), I'm trying to get the most out of it. And since BGC will take down whole Magic points, I don't want to focus on just two or three powers.


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« Reply #102 on: <08-07-12/2350:02> »
While waiting on an answer to finalize the character, I looked at the active characters to see how I'd fit in. While I was surprised to see there was another Awakened of the Asatrů tradition (I had not even noticed Devoted was Awakened in the first place), I also realized two things: first, my skills that I had expected to be useful are actually overlapping on other people's skills (Machete is a better Outdoorsman and blade fighter and has more Perception and other stackable bonuses to everything that I care to count, Devoted will handle spirits so I'm definitely throwing Astral Perception out the window, and Digger is a sneak and the mob's next olympic champion); Second, the average Cha+... well, any social skills, hovers around 3 or 4...

So I'll probably submit two characters, with a second one being a more social adept to handle this apparently forgotten part of the team. People can then vote on which character they'd actually hire for the 'run. Also,  just have way too much time on my hand, so I can make two characters for the kick of it.


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« Reply #103 on: <08-08-12/0003:51> »
Eh, Jack is live too (link to charsheet in my sig); he's a character someone else started and I picked up mid-game after that player went missing in action. I don't think his presence is reflected on the first post of this thread, but I've been playing him for a while now. I rewrote him into a bit of a hacker/face (albeit, not much of either). He's middle-of-the-road at a bunch of stuff, and a sort of techie-survival build with a mouth and some second-hand tailored pheromones (eugh). I've been playing around with a bit of his backstory, fleshed out from the bits that came before I joined the game... mostly just to help me figure out what that character's goals would be and why he's there in the first place.

It seems like Devoted might get retired, so despite magic being hell to play it could be a useful role. But I think having more of a face around would be awesome, too... really, I'd go with making a character you want to play.

Also, Gardener was a character (a tree-man tank) but has gone NPC now since his player went MIA. If someone did want to jump into something immediately, that might be an option, although he's laid up and pretty damn wounded at the moment, so prob not too much fun. Anyway, my character Jack came in with Gardener and is worried about getting him out alright at the moment.
Jack, CD, IC | OOC | Charsheet & Bio
I stole these: Matrix; Subvoc; Speaking; Thinking


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« Reply #104 on: <08-09-12/0358:43> »
While waiting on an answer to finalize the character, I looked at the active characters to see how I'd fit in. While I was surprised to see there was another Awakened of the Asatrů tradition (I had not even noticed Devoted was Awakened in the first place), I also realized two things: first, my skills that I had expected to be useful are actually overlapping on other people's skills (Machete is a better Outdoorsman and blade fighter and has more Perception and other stackable bonuses to everything that I care to count, Devoted will handle spirits so I'm definitely throwing Astral Perception out the window, and Digger is a sneak and the mob's next olympic champion); Second, the average Cha+... well, any social skills, hovers around 3 or 4...

So I'll probably submit two characters, with a second one being a more social adept to handle this apparently forgotten part of the team. People can then vote on which character they'd actually hire for the 'run. Also,  just have way too much time on my hand, so I can make two characters for the kick of it.

You can tie as many powers as you like to a single geas, but if you break that one geas, then you lose all of those powers. 

The biggest role that's missing is the rigger/hacker role.

