[IC] New Beginnings Post Mortem

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« Reply #75 on: <01-28-14/0120:36> »
"They wouldn't let him in here anyways," Sammy said, "as this place has a dress code.  And you might be older and flying with a dinosaur, but I'm not a kid, you know."
That last line was delivered with a smile, as she knew that in the shadows they were.  She had seen the same thing when they had gotten a new mage in the studio who came right out of university.  While he was older then she was at the time, she had been there for some years already and he really looked like a kid, professionally that is.  The rest of him was quite yummy.
"Magic can turn a frog into a prince. Science can turn a frog into a Ph.D. and you still have the frog you started with." Terry Pratchett
"I will not yield to evil, unless she's cute"


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« Reply #76 on: <02-03-14/2132:52> »
Clem answered Fionn's message. "I met him only once, but he's either a made man or he has powerful friends. What did you hear about his problems?"

She then turned her attention to Torley and asked him "Did Red ask you about Mason Ritchie?"

Sam nodded. "Yeah; got some basic information from one of my...friends that I passed on to him. Dunno much beyond that, though." The pause before the word "friends" was just barely noticeable, but to someone familiar with Sam's role in the shadows, it conveyed exactly what it was supposed to.
Colors: Speech Thoughts Matrix Astral

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« Reply #77 on: <02-04-14/0217:36> »
Clem nodded to Torley, indicating that she both understood and thanked him for answering her question. She then fired a message to Fionn, "I can't advise you on how to approach him, but if he's a lead to something, I would say he's a solid lead."

She then turned her attention to Torley once more. "Thanks for your assistance. If you need help with something, let me know" and, with a slight bow, she left.

She got on her bike and rode off, the grey skies looking like they would unload one of those famous Seattle payloads at any moment. She decided to head home, opting for the comfort of a book and the warmth of her bed over the usual night out trying to find work. She had just gotten paid, with enough to buy a new gun, one she had wanted for a long time. She was actually happy for once in a long time and chose to let herself enjoy it.

She stopped by the Stuffer Shack and got something that wasn't krill as well as some green tea. After all, nothing went better with the Tale of Genji than some green tea.

Once home, after a long, cleansing and relaxing shower, she quickly ate her dinner and boiled some water for her tea. She then slumped in her bed, book in hand and tea close-by, and read until she couldn't stay awake anymore.
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« Reply #78 on: <02-04-14/0300:38> »
"Thanks for the info.  Think I'm going to set a meet for once I'm healed up and out of here...  Leaves some time to focus on who hired us and who tampered with my shotgun..."
Matrix <<Text>> "Speech"
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« Reply #79 on: <02-04-14/0531:09> »
After finishing up with Ulrich, O’Connor drove Darrell back to his shop, along the way talking more in-depth about the projects he was commissioning. After dropping the dwarf off, O’Connor began scouring the area, Wonder how long it’s gonna take to find a semi-sane hobo? After a considerable search, O’Connor found what he was looking for, a hobo with an exploitable vice, but still lucid enough to follow semi-complex instructions. The hobo was nondescript as far as hobos went: filthy and matted brown hair, bloodshot brown eyes, grim covered, and smelly as shit. O’Connor reigned in his disgust of those weak enough to become like the said hobo, “Yo, got a deal for you. Keep tabs on the Azure Fists and I’ll help pay for your fix. If you’re interested, come here on Wednesdays, starting now, at three in the afternoon. If I’m here, I’m here. If I’m not, I’m not. Though if I’m here and you’re not, deals off. There’s also a bonus in it for you if you find info on a certain member of the A.F.” After the hobo, going by the name of Angus, agreed to the deal, O’Connor gave him the description of the ganger chick that survived his impromptu attack, “Find her, and I’ll pay out enough for you to O.D. on.”

After finishing his business with the hobo, O’Connor returned to his apartment for the first time in days. He was mildly, and pleasantly, surprised that his apartment, and the whole complex by extension, hadn’t been burnt down in his absents. He made his way down the hallway casually. O’Connor took pleasuring in seeing his next door neighbor, a beetle head by the name of Gritz, scurry into his apartment at the sight of him. Gritz gave O’Connor a wide berth after he broke the chiphead’s arm for causing a loud enough ruckus to wake up the entire floor at three in the morning a few weeks back.

O’Connor collapsed on his coach and breathed a sigh of relief. After spending the last several days trekking over the wilderness, navigating the convoluted trail the last run left, and a few days healing up, it was nice to sit down and just breathe. As quick as that feeling of contentment came, it left. As nice as it was, idle moments weren’t ideal for O’Connor. It let his thoughts wonder, for instance they currently fell on the soured relations between him and Clem. He was still angry at her for trying to steal Darrell’s shotgun, but it was a situation he’d created. He’d essentially left a fat kid, by themselves, in a candy shop. If the situation was reversed, he’d probably have done the same thing.

If he’d been clear headed at the time, he probably won’t have drawn a gun on her. At the time though, he’d had a bust rib cage for two days, dragged her across several blocks with said ribs, and then essentially been spit in the face by her flippant attitude towards being caught trying to rob his best friend.  Despite all that, he recognized she’d been one of the few people in a long while to show him any measure of comradery. After steeling himself he called Clem, if she answered or it went to voice message his message was essentially the same, “Hey Clem…it’s O’Connor. Yeah, I know we didn’t leave off on the best of terms. I won’t apologize for being pissed off that you tried to rob my best friend, but...I’m…I’m willing to admit that I could’ve handled it better. Anyway, I have biz to talk. If ya wanna meet, cool. If not…whatever.”
"Speech" *Thought* <Matrix> ~Astral~



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« Reply #80 on: <02-04-14/1034:44> »
Clem had heard her commlink ring the night before, but nothing was going to burst her bubble so she had decided to silence it for one night. Nothing was too urgent that night that couldn't be addressed the following morning. Besides, she was reading the last book her boss had given her before he was killed: it would have been an insult to his memory if she had answered the call.

When she woke up, she got straight to it, although the caller ID surprised her: it was O'Connor, and he had left a message. Without bothering listening to the message, thinking he was probably drunk and thought he could get some, she decided to brew herself a cup of soycaf and enjoy a lazy morning, just to prolong that perfect 12 hour streak. While sipping her morning drink, the usual noise coming from the bunraku parlour echoing faintly but surely throughout her apartment, O'Connor's call started nagging her. After thinking about it for a few minutes, she chose to listen to the message, deciding that if it was a booty-call she would have to block his link code.

"Business? Guess he really doesn't have that many friends he can turn to" thought Clementine. She knew she had been wrong to try and take a gun from his friend, but she couldn't admit that to him after he had shoved a gun in her face. At least not now. Clem decided to send him a reply, thinking that a call back would send the wrong message.

"What kind of business are we talking about?" asked the ork, keeping it short and simple.
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« Reply #81 on: <02-04-14/1937:55> »
After leaving his message for Clem, O'Connor sent a mass text to all the runners, <Any of ya get contact info from the crazy hermit or the crazier pilot?>

He grabbed a few beers from his fridge while entertaining the idea of buying a beer-fetching drone. He returned to the coach and channel surfed until he found a movie with a suitable number of explosions. He turned the volume up,  loud noises helped distract him and drown out his own thoughts. His mind always dwelled on the past, which did nothing but ruin his present, so he did what he could to keep himself in the present.

The next day, he was a bit surprised that Clem had messaged him back. Though, he contemplated, she's probably just lookin' to charge me an arm 'n' a leg. He messaged her back, <Lookin' for another fixer. Hopin' you'd point me in the right direction, for a finder's fee, of course. >
"Speech" *Thought* <Matrix> ~Astral~



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« Reply #82 on: <02-04-14/2110:29> »
"Looking for one myself" replied Clem to O'Connor's message. "Torley probably knows a sea of fixers if you're desperate." After thinking a bit more, she added "I'm headed to the Ice Pick if you're interested. We might have more luck if we come as a pair." The thought of saying "pair" in the same sentence as O'Connor sent shivers down her spine, but she was mature enough to deal with the realities of a life in the shadows.

After sending the message, she got herself dressed, armour, weapons and all, and left her place. On her way out, a man accosted her in the hallway, most probably mistaking her for a joygirl. Getting too grabby, Clem shoved him against the wall, telling him to "Try that again and see how you enjoy paid pleasure without the lower half of your body." Leaving the man reeling from his encounter, she removed her hand from the grip of her sword and left the building, getting on her bike and heading for the Ice Pick, a bar known for occasionally having work. Although she hadn't gotten anything there yet, others had and that was good enough for her to try her luck.
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« Reply #83 on: <02-04-14/2135:35> »
O'Connor cocked his head in bewilderment at the message he received. He'd expected Clem to refuse or charge exorbitantly, not suggest teaming up. His reply was simple, <Sure, meet ya there.> He got armed and armoured quickly and headed out to meet Clem. On the way to the Ice Pick, O'Connor kept going over what Clem's motives were in his mind. Minus gettin' sticky fingers at the end, Clem was pretty straight up an' straight forward, her offer could be on the level. Though she did seem the type to hold a grudge, so it could be a set up. Despite all her insults 'bout my people skills, she didn't seem one to make friends easily either, so that could be the reason. On the other hand, she might be expectin' somethin' to happen and needs an unsuspectin' meat shield. I don't fraggin' know, guess I'll just find out when I get there.
« Last Edit: <02-04-14/2150:00> by Necrogigas »
"Speech" *Thought* <Matrix> ~Astral~



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« Reply #84 on: <02-05-14/2047:30> »
Clementine arrived at the Ice Pick with the sun at her back. It was still a few hours before sundown, but it was definitely the start of the workday for runners that weren't yet established in the shadows. Parking her bike not too far, she walked into the Ice Pick, scanning the room quickly before taking a seat at the bar. It seemed that O'Connor hadn't arrived yet, which let her relax a bit. She ordered a drink (what was it again?) and started sipping it while waiting for either a Johnson or O'Connor.
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« Reply #85 on: <02-05-14/2133:56> »
O'Connor arrived at the Ice Pick a bit later than he'd planned. He'd missed a turn without realizing it for a few blocks. He predatorily stalked into the bar, relaxed but ready to lash out at a moment's notice. He paused briefly to scan the room, and found Clem quickly since she was at the bar. He made his way over and took the barstool next to her. He gave her a nod of acknowledgement before ordering a dark beer. He took a healthy swig before turning to Clem, "Gotta say, wasn't expectin' ya to suggest teaming up." Normally O'Connor would've ended his statement in a double entendre, but since they were there for business, he decided to be on his best behavior.
"Speech" *Thought* <Matrix> ~Astral~



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« Reply #86 on: <02-05-14/2328:03> »
As you sit in the back of the private car, you wonder again at the information in the strange hardcopy note, even as you follow its instruction.  Dressing in formal attire is not something odd for you at all, and you are certainly comfortable with the deference shown to you by the driver when he arrived, courteous and professional to take you to your appointment.

The towering skyline of Downtown Seattle quickly overcomes a rare sunny day as you realize you are traveling on some of the highest priced real estate that has ever existed.  Whether the multitudes of turns are meant to confuse you or lose possible pursuit, you have to assume it is successful either way as a final random turn onto an underground ramp erases the last of any natural light.

The vehicle travels a parking structure under it is facing a blank wall.  The wait is such that you almost decide to reach for a door handle when a hidden panel shifts and slides away and the car pulls forward down a driveway.  The car stops again and your door is opened by a dangerous looking person perfectly at ease in his suit and mirror shades,  the elevator has an additional security person, as well as a much less imposing person  by a small podium.

Walking up the three short stairs you head for the opening elevator when the little man make a polite cough and the dangerous one raises his arm to block your way.

“I am sorry Ms Delavine, but you really should travel up to the event together.” Says the slight one and as the ork woman turns she is quite surprised to see Sam Torley stepping out of similar vehicle.


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« Reply #87 on: <02-05-14/2329:47> »
Surprised nothing else was coming, Clementine answered to O'Connor "Money talks, Con. And there's a better chance of landing something if we cast a wider net." O'Connor could see that she was already a few drinks in by the empty glasses in front of her, but that didn't seem to impact her at all. Maybe she was drinking non-alcoholic beverages, or maybe she had a high tolerance for alcohol? She was an ork, after all.

She looked at him from the corner of her eye, trying to identify what he was carrying. [spoiler]Int 4 + Perception 3 + Perceptive 2 + Vision Enhancement 3 (12d6.hits(5)=3) no glitches[/spoiler]
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« Reply #88 on: <02-05-14/2351:56> »
O'Connor nodded at her answer, "Pragmatism, got it." He saw her scanning him analytically, again biting his tongue from making some crude comment. In lieu of saying something, he merely assessed what and where her own weapons where, though he didn't bother trying to do it on the sly. After finishing his own assessment of his new partner, he motioned to the empty glasses, "You interview better after a few?"

Int 3 + Perception 3 + Visual 2 = Pool 8
8d6.hits(5) → [6,4,2,5,1,2,5,1] = (3)
"Speech" *Thought* <Matrix> ~Astral~



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« Reply #89 on: <02-06-14/0151:26> »
"Don't you?" asked Clem as an answer to O'Connor's question. Seeing him obviously checking her out, she rolled her eyes and said to him "Be discreet about it or just ask me, you oaf" before finishing her drink. O'Connor couldn't miss the big sword she was half concealing under her overcoat, at waist level. He did also spot a stun baton on the other hip, a sub-machine gun (a Colt Cobra?) and a handgun tucked way inside the coat (pretty sure it's a gov. 2066).

While rolling her eyes, she took the opportunity to look around the room. There were a few other Clems and O'Connors, just waiting for someone to approach them with an offer. Although the evening was just starting, the air was already filled with smoke and curses, some patrons drinking with one another while others were discussing various things. Everyone was on edge, trying desperately to set themselves apart from the rest of the pack.

"What did you spend your money on?" asked Clem in an attempt to distract herself from the somber atmosphere.
« Last Edit: <02-06-14/0154:23> by HydroRaven »
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