[OOC, SR4A] The Deep Shadows

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« on: <11-13-13/2351:52> »
Sorry for the overly melodramatic title, I had trouble coming up with something that would fit what I had in mind that wasn't incredibly 1930's.

As I've told each of you the concept for the campaign I have in mind is high adventure - basically leaving the Sprawls behind for a bit (although not just heading out into the woods) and doing some of the crazy things that you can do in the world of Shadowrun while traveling the globe.

Notes on character generation: it's standard 400 BP generation, with the current optional rules: you do get CHA x 2 contacts for free, and for equipment Body x 3 customization is available for free with your armor (which basically means you should grab it unless your character concept is 8th century Pict).

I'm not specifically disallowing anything for qualities except for Infected characters - although given the world travelling dependent will probably be more of a hassle than the BP is worth.  Last thing is that hopefully your team will take a long-term contract or contracts so although it's perfectly reasonable to have issues with authority, jacking that up to 25 BP of Prejudiced might cause problems when you're 3000 miles from home base as opposed to 30.

Other than that let me know when you create your characters and I can look over them, feel free to coordinate which character type you'd like to try and see if there's any overlap or gaps in the team.  I know most of you have an idea of what character you'd like to play and I hope you'd all be able to pick the one you want.

I'm planning on handing out Karma weekly, which you can spend in downtime in the story (i.e. if you're not in combat at the time, or during a crucial scene where you'd come up with more dice - negotiating with an npc, etc.).  This means the more you contribute during your posts the more Karma you'll get.  If you have any issues or concerns about posting you can post here or send me a PM, if you've got issues with gameflow or GM'ing I'd prefer you PM me first.

That's about it to start, post any questions below!

I should note that the game will start in Seattle - don't get too comfortable there or spend time fleshing out exactly what you'll do in city however.
« Last Edit: <11-16-13/1602:25> by Marlowe »
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« Reply #1 on: <11-14-13/0000:01> »
can i get in on this?


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« Reply #2 on: <11-14-13/1821:34> »
Yeah, you're one of the players I had down to play.
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« Reply #3 on: <11-17-13/1943:57> »


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« Reply #4 on: <11-20-13/0127:46> »
so i can post my ch stats but for some reason its saying my basic vision enhancers are over 12 avail?

Windmill Hunter

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« Reply #5 on: <11-21-13/1138:26> »
Mind if I chip in, I've been lurking around looking for a PBP for a while and this looks promising. question though, do you have Chummer.exe, it's a handy little chargen program that I put together most of my characters with but it needs another copy to open, I'd prefer to get a head start on copying out my characters if I need to.


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« Reply #6 on: <11-21-13/1351:23> »
ya its what i use and i belivie marlowe has it to


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« Reply #7 on: <11-21-13/1407:46> »
by the way marlowe my ch is done ill send the file to ya and my contact is smuggler connection 2 loyalty 2 and ill send his details later


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« Reply #8 on: <11-22-13/0126:34> »
Theme Song:

Hermetic Cyber Buff Mage + Astral Support reporting in. If anybody wants to tie in backstories: he owned a minor thaumaturgical research corp on the verge of a breakthrough, brilliant partner seduces him, steals the data, has a runner team torch everything and take him out. They were sloppy, and couldn't finish him off before DocWagon got to him, and a few years of coma and  some brain reconstruction later he wakes up after the Crash with no SIN, no records. DocWagon was (out of canon, but common sense?) obligated to keep folks alive for a certain amount of time after the Crash, but with nothing but the suit he had on when he emergency room he had nowhere to go but the barrens. He got adopted by a little anarcho-collective that didn't have any magical friends. From there, he plots his revenge. Sky Father demands it.

Relevant Bits:
Trunk Mage (keeps the meat out of the fight)
Logic buffs to 10
Common Sense
[ultrawide-band] cryptethesia means I can give you radar clairvoyance.
Mind-Net/armor/combat sense? Check.
Decrease Will/Decrease Reflexes/heals will be dispensed via my spirit(s) of man (working title: Jeeves)

Hit me up if you want to have history.

Windmill Hunter

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« Reply #9 on: <11-22-13/0926:13> »
Well this should be interesting, I've got a face/black mage ready to go, specced up for a more interogator/investigator role with the standard 'where the hell is he' powers.
Crunchy Bits:
glass cannon- capable in combat but definitly no bullet sponge
normal SINner
Trust Funds- no lifestyle cost so can spot for others when budgets tight
Physical mask/improved invisibility-for all your dissapearing needs.
-my file will be with you shortly


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« Reply #10 on: <11-22-13/2015:39> »
Theme Song:

Hermetic Cyber Buff Mage + Astral Support reporting in. If anybody wants to tie in backstories: he owned a minor thaumaturgical research corp on the verge of a breakthrough, brilliant partner seduces him, steals the data, has a runner team torch everything and take him out. They were sloppy, and couldn't finish him off before DocWagon got to him, and a few years of coma and  some brain reconstruction later he wakes up after the Crash with no SIN, no records. DocWagon was (out of canon, but common sense?) obligated to keep folks alive for a certain amount of time after the Crash, but with nothing but the suit he had on when he emergency room he had nowhere to go but the barrens. He got adopted by a little anarcho-collective that didn't have any magical friends. From there, he plots his revenge. Sky Father demands it.

Relevant Bits:
Trunk Mage (keeps the meat out of the fight)
Logic buffs to 10
Common Sense
[ultrawide-band] cryptethesia means I can give you radar clairvoyance.
Mind-Net/armor/combat sense? Check.
Decrease Will/Decrease Reflexes/heals will be dispensed via my spirit(s) of man (working title: Jeeves)

Hit me up if you want to have history.

I wouldn't mind a more detailed history of your character sure.

Well this should be interesting, I've got a face/black mage ready to go, specced up for a more interrogator/investigator role with the standard 'where the hell is he' powers.
Crunchy Bits:
glass cannon- capable in combat but definitely no bullet sponge
normal SINner
Trust Funds- no lifestyle cost so can spot for others when budgets tight
Physical mask/improved invisibility-for all your disappearing needs.
-my file will be with you shortly

Windmill, not sure if I have a spot for you yet, but if you have a character feel free to send it to me - some of the players I've set up with have been pretty darn slow about getting their characters to me and I've been chomping at the bit to get started.
Matrix <<Text>> "Speech"
Spirits and Sprites


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« Reply #11 on: <11-22-13/2357:21> »
Character: Ron Cervantes use to be your typical no nonsense solder who who would head forst into dnager just to test himself.  In his first few years he didn't see a hole lot of action due to mysteryies circumstances unknown to him.  One day during a routine patrol his squad was ambushed and ron was thrown into a ditch, when he awoke he found his entire squad dead.  When he returned home he was attacked by a man in a stange straw hat.  He escaped but that day ron decided to go dark and started a life of taveling merc. 

CONTACT: EDD DENTER: your typical low bing smuggler, he mostly is seen drinking from his endless bottle of ale and ofter is useally trying to hit on wommen constantly.  He is not extreamly loyal but if your pocket is deep enough he donsnt mind smuggleing you in a barrel ^_^


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« Reply #12 on: <11-22-13/2357:58> »
the rest of their details i leave to you marlowe

Windmill Hunter

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« Reply #13 on: <11-23-13/1743:09> »
Ok well here are the details in case anyone drops out,
 Wall O' Text incoming
Character: Martin Fitzalan-Howard is an ex-MI5 spook who saw the writing on the wall and with a few other operatives decided to get out of the UK before the Pendragon Underground decided to turn him, his wife, and his house into debris. After embezzling an eyewatering amount of money from the LPO he and his collegues scattered, with him and his CO ending up suborning a MI6 sleeper network in UCAS and going to ground there, taking advantage of the chaos back in the UK to take control. With his loot tucked away in a swiss bank account Martin and his wife settled in Seattle.
 A couple of years later, he lost his wife in an accident involving go-gangers whose circulatory systems were more based on nitro than blood. After burning up a painful sum of his hoard for a cloned spine and atttended his wife's funeral, he made a few calls to some old friends who happened to be in the neighbourhood.  A year after making some feral ghouls very happy indeed, he found himself looking at his old gear and missing his old life, howerver dubious it was. He called someone recommended by a friend of a friend and rejoined the shadows.
Contact: Col. Henry Brightman- His old commander in MI5 as well as a good friend, he is willing to act as an infomation souce but won't give any physical assistance due to a desire to remain deniable wenever possible, citing old habits when pressed. He is secretly pleased that Martin is back in the shadows, beliving that Martin's skills shouldn't go to waste even if his brief time as an Upstanding CitizenTM had left him a little rusty.
sorry if tl;dr


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« Reply #14 on: <11-30-13/1300:44> »
Sorry for my lateness. I just put the finishing touches on my character and got them approved.

Character: Bullpen is a black Cuban minotaur and a former baseball player on the Seattle Crushers all-troll team. He played on the team for four years, but that all ended when he was caught gambling on games with a Mafia bookie (thanks to a teammate who ratted him out to the league). Sued by sponsors and despised by many fans, he started running in the shadows to scrape by and pay off his bookie. It's been about two years and he's most of the way through the debt though his gambling addiction hasn't helped on that front. He's trained in Arnis de Mano since leaving the league, because it turns out fans can hold a grudge for a long fucking time. His general demeanor is jovial, though he won't think twice about causing some serious harm in a fight. Personality wise, he's a bit like Jane from Firefly, though he's generally more personable out of combat.   

Crunchy Stuff:
Melee tank
Wields either a Jupiter Taser Club or a Stun Baton (both modded to resemble baseball bats)
Can bat grenades at enemies for ranged attacks or distractions
Dmg Disarm, Clinch and Disorient abilities
Str 12/Body 10
Gets up to 2 IP w/ drugs (though I hear the mage has increased reflexes)

Mafia-affiliated bookie -- C4/L1 -- his loyalty was higher when I was still on the team. He's glad I'm paying the debt back in installments but annoyed that it's taking so long. Once that debt is paid off, I can probably work on upping his loyalty.
Fixer -- C3/L2 -- I've been pretty reliable so far, but I haven't been working for him that long. Possibly a former fan?
Gambling Buddy -- C2/L2 -- A guy I sometimes gamble with. He knows his way around casinos and sports gambling.
Retired Baseball Coach -- C3/L4 -- Used to be the batting coach of my team. He retired before I was disgraced. We were fast friends and though he is unimpressed by the gambling fiasco, we're still tight.
« Last Edit: <11-30-13/1413:16> by fourclover »
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