[SRM5] Characters

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« on: <11-09-13/0942:49> »
A friend of mine has stretched himself thin on RPGs, and isn't as up to speed as he should be on SR5. I told him I'd build his character for him, with his input on certain things such as advantages and disadvantages. In SRM4, he was just a Street Sam. In this edition, he wanted to do more than just shoot; after some last minute changes he's going with a hybrid combat decker build. I'm not as up to speed on the matrix section as I probably should be, so I made his character first and am posting it (next up in this thread will be mine, once I get it done! :-\). Please let me know if you see any errors or such, and any ides on improvements will be greatly appreciated!

Priority Allocation
A: Resources - 450,000 Nuyen
B: Skills - 36/5
C: Attributes - 16
D: Race - Human (3)
E: Magic - Nope!

BOD: 3
AGI: 3(5)
REA: 3(5)
STR: 2(4)
WIL: 3
LOG: 5
INT: 3
CHA: 2
EDG: 5
ESS: .1

Physical: 6
Mental: 6
Social: 3

Physical Initiative: 8+3d6
Matrix Initiative:  8+3d6

Pistols 3
Automatics (ARs) 6( 8 )
Electronic Skill Group 5
Hacking (Host) 6( 8 )
Electronic Warfare 6
Cyber Combat (Devices) 6( 8 )
Armorer 1
Heavy Weapons 4
Perception 3
Sneaking 1
Gymnastics 1

Knowledge Skills
Street Docs 3
Matrix Groups 3
Area Knowledge: Chicago 3
Safe Houses 3
Matrix Security 4
English N

Negative Qualities
Distinctive Style +5
Allergy (Common, Mild - Subject to GM approval, and because he's a dog person, he's going with cats) +10
Incompetent (Biotech) +5
Prejudiced (Bias - Trogs) +5

Positive Qualities
Will to Live (3) -9
Quick Healer -3

25 free karma + 13 from Negative Qualities (after Positive Quality deduction) = 38
Perception raised from 2 to 3, for 6 Karma
Pistols raised from 1 to 3, for 10  Karma
AR Specialization for 7 Karma
10 Karma converted to 20,000 Nuyen
5 Karma saved

Datajack .1 Essence   1,000
Muscle Replacement (Rating 2 - Used) 2.5 Essence   37,500
Wired Reflexes (Rating 2) 3 Essence     149,000
Reaction Enhancer (Rating 1) .3 Essence 13,000

Fixer 5/1

For ease of viewing (and calculations) I tried to group up similar items with additions (such as ammo for firearms), even though such items would sometimes be bought separately.

Renraku Tsurugi Cyberdeck  214,125
-AR Gloves, Satellite Link, Simrig  1650

Browse, Configurator, Edit, Encryption, Signal Scrub, Tool Box, Virtual Machine  560

Armor, Baby Monitor, Biofeedback, Biofeedback Filter, Blackout, Decryption, Defuse, Demolition, Exploit, Fork, Guard, Hammer, Lockdown, Mugger, Shell, Sneak, Stealth, Track, Wrapper  4750
Fake Sin (Rating 4), 4x Fake Licenses (Rating 4) 1 month Low lifestyle     12,800

Ruger Super Warhawk w/ concealable holster, Laser Sight, 10 Speed Loaders, 20 rounds APDS, 20 Stick-N-Shock, 20 Rounds  1,365

Ares Alpha w/ shock pad, gas vent 3, 10 clips, Airburst link, 400 regular rounds, 100 APDS, 100 Stick-N-Shock, 6 Thermal Smoke Grenades, 6 HE grenades, 6 Flash-Bang Grenades   6,750

Armored Jacket w/ Non-conductivity 6 and Chemical Protection 6    4,000

Helmet   w/ Thermographic Vision   600

Earbuds (Rating 3) w/ Audio Enhancement (Rating 3)   1,650

Contacts (Rating 3) w/ Smartlink, Image Link, Flare Compensation   2,275

Glasses (Rating 4) w/ Lowlight, Vision Enhancement ( Rating 3)   2,400

Gecko Tape Gloves   250

Miniwelder   250

Renraku Sensei Commlink  1,000

Electronic's Kit    500

C-N Jackrabbit   12,000

Leftover Nuyen:   3,575
« Last Edit: <11-09-13/0948:04> by Dinendae »


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  • Ace Runner
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« Reply #1 on: <11-10-13/0727:40> »
Ok, time for my character! The third player in our group is going with a Shaman/Face, leaving me open to develop my Mystic Adept however I wanted. For quite awhile now, I had been toying with an idea loosely based on Kat O' Nine Tails, only an athlete (Urban Brawler). I talked with my SRM GM, and he said that from what he remembered of Super Brawl Sunday, magic had been allowed into the game as long as it was flashy and combat oriented. He wasn't entirely sure if Chicago even had any teams any more though, after the events of Bug City. I figured that the Corps at least would have rebuilt their teams, even if the city couldn't. 

Street Name: Sif 
Real Name: Tara Blade
League Name: Natalya 'Fallout' Petrova

We usually go with themes for the team. In SRM Season 4, it was Distinctive Style: Steampunk, and in Season 5 we decided to go with the names of Norse Gods as our street names. The fact that Thor is coming out completely escaped us!  :P

Priority Allocation
A: Magic - Mystic Adept - Magic 6, 2 rating 5 magic skills, 10 spells
B: Attributes - 20
C: Skills - 28/2
D: Resources - 50,000 Nuyen
E: Race - Human (1)

BOD: 3
AGI: 5
REA: 4(7)
STR: 2
WIL: 5
LOG: 5
INT: 2
CHA: 2
EDG: 3
ESS: 6

Physical: 5
Mental: 6
Social: 5

Physical Initiative: 9+4d6
Astral Initiative:  4+2d6

Spell Casting 6
Summoning 6
Gymnastics 2
Sneaking 3
Exotic Melee Weapon: Monofilament Whip 5(6)
Perception 3
Locksmith 4
Unarmed Combat 1
Running 2
Pilot: Ground Vehicle 1
Firearms Skill Group 1
Acting Skill Group 1

Knowledge Skills
Urban Brawl 3
Area Knowledge: Chicago 3
Magical Theory 4
Russian 4
English N

Negative Qualities
Corporate Sin - Truman Technologies (+25)  *I wanted the Fame disadvantage (along with a Sin and perhaps Distinctive Style)  to reflect that people might know her, but that will not come out until the Runner's Companion I'm guessing.

Positive Qualities
Mentor Spirit: Raven (Adept) -5

25 free Karma + 25 from Negative Qualities  = 50
30 Karma converted into 6 Power Points
10 Karma converted to 20,000 Nuyen
5 Karma spent on Positive Qualities
3 Karma spent on binding weapon focus
2 Karma saved

Adept Powers
Improved Reflexes (Rating 3) 3.5 PP
Combat Sense (Rating 2) 1 PP
Wall Running .5 PP
Mystic Armor (Rating 2) 1 PP
Traceless Walk - Free from Mentor Spirit
Voice Control (Rating 1) Free from Mentor Spirit

Acid Stream *
Toxic wave *
Improved Invisibility
Chaotic World *(?)
Heal *
Stabilize *
Ice Sheet *

*If I understand what I was told correctly, those spells with a * by them would be the only spells she could use during games. Chaotic World I'm not sure on; it effects cameras and sensors as I understand the spell, but I'm not sure if it would be League legal. Acid Stream and Toxic Wave might not be 'flashy' enough for the trid, but I figure players running around screaming as they claw at their faces might make up for the lack of a spectacular light show like Lightning or Fire spells have.

Talismonger 5/1

As before, for ease of viewing (and calculations) I tried to group up similar items with additions even though such items would sometimes be bought separately where necessary.

Fake Sin, Low Lifestyle, 2x Fake Licenses (Spellcaster, Foci) 13,600

Armor Jacket w/ Nonconductivity (Rating 6), Chemical Protection (Rating 6) 4,000

Helmet w/ helmet with thermographic vision 600

Monofiliment whip, Weapon Focus (Rating 1) 17,000

Magical Lodge (Rating 6)  3,000

Hermes Ikon Commlink (Shadowrunning) 3,000

Renraku Sensei Commlink 1,000

Microtranciever 100

Tag Eraser 450

White Noise Generator (Rating 6) 300

Contacts (Rating 3) w/ Low-light, Flare Comp, Image Link  1,375

Glasses (Rating 4) w/ Vision Enhancement (Rating 3), Vision Magnification 2,150

Earbuds (Rating 3) w/ Audio Enhancement (Rating 3) 1,650

Lockpick Set 250

Autopicker (Rating 6) 3,000

Maglock Passkey (Rating 4) 8,000

Climbing Gear 200

Gecko Tape Gloves 250

Rappelling Gloves 50

Catalyst Stick 120

Stealth Rope (500m) 425

Miniwelder 250

Survival Kit 200

Suzuki Mirage w/ Manual Operation 9,000

Leftover Nuyen:  30


  • *
  • Ace Runner
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  • Posts: 1340
« Reply #2 on: <11-10-13/1907:40> »
100 views and no comments at all? No problems or errors on my part? No poor choices? I would have thought the Mystic Adept would have generated at least one comment, based on my choice of powers alone.


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  • Ace Runner
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  • Posts: 1340
« Reply #3 on: <11-11-13/1158:56> »
Looking over the MA, it just wasn't feeling right in my head for the character concept. I decided to toss out MA, and just go with the same concept as an adept. I know some people say that Improved Attribute is a waste of karma, but the way I look at it is that I was already -30 karma on the MA build, just to get the standard 6 power points, so I'm actually 16 karma ahead on this build. Same new Urban Brawl player concept as above, only a 'heavy' (I think I got the term right) instead of a scout.

Priority Allocation
A: Ork (7) - 5 spent on Magic Rating
B: Attributes - 20
C: Skills - 28/2
D: Adept Magic 2
E: 6,000 Nuyen

BOD: 5
AGI: 6 (7)
REA: 5 (8 )
STR: 5
WIL: 3
LOG: 3
INT: 3
CHA: 3
EDG: 3
ESS: 6

Physical: 8
Mental: 4
Social: 5 (6)

Physical Initiative: 8+4d6
Astral Initiative:  6+2d6

Longarms 6
Blades 5
Locksmith 6
Perception 4
Sneaking 4
Gymnastics 2
Running 1
Unarmed Combat 1
First Aid 1
Acting Skill Group 2

Knowledge Skills
Urban Brawl 3
Area Knowledge: Chicago 2
Security Systems 3
Russian 4
English N

Negative Qualities
Corporate Sin - Truman Technologies (+25)

Positive Qualities
Exceptional Attribute: Magic -14
Human Looking -5
Mentor Spirit: Raven (Adept) -5

25 free Karma + 25 from Negative Qualities  = 50
10 Karma converted to 20,000 Nuyen
24 Karma spent on Positive Qualities
8 Karma spent on Sneaking 3 to 4
8 Karma spent on Perception 3 to 4

Adept Powers
Improved Reflexes (Rating 3) 3.5 PP
Combat Sense (Rating 2) 1 PP
Wall Running .5 PP
Mystic Armor (Rating 2) 1 PP
Improved Physical Attribute: Agility 1 PP
Traceless Walk - Free from Mentor Spirit
Voice Control (Rating 1) Free from Mentor Spirit

Fixer 6/1
Bartender 1/1

One Month Low Lifestyle, Fake Sin (Rating 4), Fake License (Rating 4) 12,800
Combat Axe  4,000
Enfield AS-7 w/Gas vent 3, shock pad, 5 drums, 60 regular rounds, 60 stick-n-shock 2,350
Armor Jacket 1,000
Helmet 100
Renraku Sensi Commlink (Shadowrunning)   1,000
Meta Link Commlink  100
Lockpick Set 250
Contacts (Rating 3) w/ Flare Comp, Image Link, Vision Magnification 1,125
Earbuds (Rating 3) w/ Audio Enhancement (Rating 3) 1650
Gecko Tape Gloves 250
Medkit (Rating 6) 1300

Leftover Nuyen:  75