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« Reply #450 on: <11-21-13/1048:38> »
Fooling a MAD would likely be the same as fooling a camera, one action per combat turn to edit a file.  This shouldn't be too hard for a decker to hack and walk-through the device, even without improved reflexes.

[quote="SR5 Page239] If you want to perform a continuous edit, such as removing your teammates from a video feed, you need to perform this action once per Combat Turn for as long as you want to keep the edit going.

So as I was walking into the scanner Id say to my GM that I want to continuously edit the file that would detect my weapons inside?  Though I thought Kincaid said weapons wouldn't be detected, just the arms since they're uh...not flesh lol. But that tidbit does help me, thanks!

A MAD will detect your arms, but whether or not it can parse your metal arm from the metal gun inside it is up to the GM.  It would probably be a bad idea to spoof the MAD with obvious cyberarms, since that'll tip off the guards that's something is wrong with the scanner.  It may still be worth your while to mess with the MAD for the sake of your teammates.  Doing a continuous edit on a MAD you're planning on walking through will require you to be in AR, so keep that in mind too.

I wouldn't be too worried about MADs with this guy, to be honest.  You'll set them off and point to your arms.  As long as you're not carrying a normal gun or something, you should be okay.  The thing to watch for is an olfactory scanner, which can sniff the ammo in your arm.  Those are less common than MADs, but something I'd definitely hack.

IMPORTANT EDIT: I realized for the last few posts I've been confusing MADs with millimeter wave scanners (aka cyberware scanners).  A MAD will pick up any metal with a single hit, but that's all it does.  You have obvious cyberarms so they're essentially meaningless.  The thing that picks out specific items of cyberware is the millimeter wave scanner, which has different thresholds based on the number of implants and their grade.  There's a case to be made that cyberguns are accessories, not augmentations, so the wave scanner won't be able to distinguish them from the arm.  Chem sniffers are still trouble.
« Last Edit: <11-21-13/1056:20> by Kincaid »
Killing so many sacred cows, I'm banned from India.


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« Reply #451 on: <11-21-13/1051:40> »
Ahhhh I got it!  Yeah I'm remembering the text about cyber guns on 458 and it says they're made of a different material to add to their conceal ability but it doesn't give any info on what exactly that is. I interpret it to be that they're invisible to scanners but the arms are not
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« Reply #452 on: <11-21-13/1212:44> »
Actually I was thinking on this just a few minutes ago on my drive to get something for lunch. With the new "everything is wirelessly(sp?) broadcasting" protocols, I can imagine that built into the MAD scanners are security systems that scan for RFID and wireless systems passing through the field area, and report those to the person monitoring. Which could be a boon to those runners that "should" be turning their wireless stuff off. If the security personnel are used to seeing this list, and the runner walks through and they don't see a list, depending on how secure the area is they might be lulled into a false sense of security.


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« Reply #453 on: <11-21-13/1430:16> »
Actually I was thinking on this just a few minutes ago on my drive to get something for lunch. With the new "everything is wirelessly(sp?) broadcasting" protocols, I can imagine that built into the MAD scanners are security systems that scan for RFID and wireless systems passing through the field area, and report those to the person monitoring. Which could be a boon to those runners that "should" be turning their wireless stuff off. If the security personnel are used to seeing this list, and the runner walks through and they don't see a list, depending on how secure the area is they might be lulled into a false sense of security.

I'm not quite sure I understand what you're saying. Basically are you saying to turn my wireless off before stepping through the scanner?

I got a chance to read up on reloading weapons. So my physical weapons I can just take out the clip and insert a spare clip as a free and simple action (respectively). But now my question is with my cyber weapons (and I guess it applies to my physical too as I have a smart gun system with smartlink). How does reloading the cyber weapons work?  They have a smartlink or whatever in them so is it a free action to eject the internal mag and a simple to relad?  Or is it two simples or a combo of those and a complex or what?  I'm just confused on that. Page 166 says ejecting a smart gun clip is a free action but what about reloading the clip?  Is that still a complex action per the table on ~164?
« Last Edit: <11-21-13/1540:53> by WNxTyr4el »
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« Reply #454 on: <11-21-13/1709:19> »
Its more that you turn off anything incriminating, and let the obvious stuff draw their attention away.  Standard misdirection, and very obvious things like cyber arms actually would help sneaking in other things.  If whoever is running the security sees you walk up with two obvious cyberarms, they will not be at all surprised to detect cyberware.  If what the scanner report matches up with what they see, why would they investigate more thoroughly.


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« Reply #455 on: <11-21-13/1735:30> »
I got a chance to read up on reloading weapons. So my physical weapons I can just take out the clip and insert a spare clip as a free and simple action (respectively). But now my question is with my cyber weapons (and I guess it applies to my physical too as I have a smart gun system with smartlink). How does reloading the cyber weapons work?  They have a smartlink or whatever in them so is it a free action to eject the internal mag and a simple to relad?  Or is it two simples or a combo of those and a complex or what?  I'm just confused on that. Page 166 says ejecting a smart gun clip is a free action but what about reloading the clip?  Is that still a complex action per the table on ~164?
Smartgun ejecting only works for clips, not for internal magazines. But yes, a cyberweapon with a clip can be reloaded with a Free Action to mentally tell it to eject the clip (so it pops out the external clip port in your cyberlimb and falls to the ground) and a Simple Action to insert another clip into the external clip port. Internal magazines have the same reloading mechanism as regular weapons with internal magazines, except you also have to open the cyberlimb to get to it, which isn't really described in the rules.


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« Reply #456 on: <11-21-13/1806:12> »
I got a chance to read up on reloading weapons. So my physical weapons I can just take out the clip and insert a spare clip as a free and simple action (respectively). But now my question is with my cyber weapons (and I guess it applies to my physical too as I have a smart gun system with smartlink). How does reloading the cyber weapons work?  They have a smartlink or whatever in them so is it a free action to eject the internal mag and a simple to relad?  Or is it two simples or a combo of those and a complex or what?  I'm just confused on that. Page 166 says ejecting a smart gun clip is a free action but what about reloading the clip?  Is that still a complex action per the table on ~164?
Smartgun ejecting only works for clips, not for internal magazines. But yes, a cyberweapon with a clip can be reloaded with a Free Action to mentally tell it to eject the clip (so it pops out the external clip port in your cyberlimb and falls to the ground) and a Simple Action to insert another clip into the external clip port. Internal magazines have the same reloading mechanism as regular weapons with internal magazines, except you also have to open the cyberlimb to get to it, which isn't really described in the rules.

I'll probably just use it as described in the rules for internal magazines and use whatever action it takes to eject and reload and insert. Thanks :)
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« Reply #457 on: <11-21-13/1930:09> »
I found what they look like!

"Cyberguns: Generally speaking, these are mount- ed in a cyberarm or directly into a natural arm, but you could install one in a leg or even your torso. Cyberguns are distinct from cyber holsters in that the gun itself can be controlled and fired directly, as an extension of your body. Depending on the size of the gun, cyberguns take up part of your forearm or replace your arm altogether, with the functional parts of the arm built around the gun. Smaller cyberguns fire through a hidden port in the palm or knuckles, while larger cyberguns fold back the user’s hand at the wrist."

So the wrist basically folds backwards. Like if you extend your arm with your palms and forearms facing up, the wrist would bend backward and a pistol would come out (in my case it would due to it being a heavy). I wasn't thinking of it like that. I forgot the arm is fake so it doesn't really feel pain so of course the wrist can fold back!  Question though. Do I need a gyro mount or cyber holster or cyber slide to hold the pistol or is the gun implanted directly into the arm and it's completely concealed?  The text makes me believe that it's the latter :). This game is going to be a lot of fun. I'm really excited to play soon :)
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