Our group does for the more "non-family" holidays like Labor Day, Memorial Day and such. We generally have a weekend get-together and play all friday night and saturday night.
here's a rant - But Christmas, Easter, and Thanksgiving are pretty much a "no." Only my wife plays in our family; her brothers that visit are kind of, "Ahhhh! Dungeons and Dragons is EVIL." My in-laws don't really care. Oh, and we had to put locks on our cabinets that keep our gaming books in them or they and their children won't stay the night. Like the "Monsters" come to life in the books and they are afraid they will eat them. Or something. But I don't really care. It's what, for 5 days a year? Whatever. Now they think that about D&D, they probably wouldn't understand what SR is. Unless we told them. Which is probably not going to happen. Considering I now own more SR books than D&D (wow, that's a revelation), it may not be a problem in the future.
To be fair, they do have small children that might be "scared" of the gargantuan dragons. - end rant.
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