The Old Smoke: CH3

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« Reply #945 on: <12-08-14/0350:07> »
She looks a bit miffed at your refusal to dance but smiles at you anyway, your thin hair sticking out at funny angles from where it had rested against the pillow and lined indentations on your skin from the folds of the bed linen giving you a distinctly dishevelled appearance.
She takes the sandwich readily with a mug of soycaf and heads back to bed with you, snuggling in for a lovely lazy Sunday

Pub'll be shut now mate, they giving us a room or something?
Time had gotten ahead of you, the wee small hours of the morning still feeling like it was only 9pm or something.
The waters calmed as you neared the shore, their onslaught more of an aggressive displeasure at your presence than the outright rage of the seas earlier.
Exhaustion overtook you and the will to stay awake gave way to a shallow and turbulent half-sleep, your head bobbing and stirring you to brief wakefulness before sleep retook you under.

A solid smack on your legs woke you with a start.
Come on Ye sleepyheads, time te go home
The grainy AR image showed the lights of ramsgate's harbour, spray from the rough seas overshooting the high wall of the perimeter.
Dunk eased the tiny craft around the perimeter walls and into the smooth, calm waters of the harbour.
It was tiny, much smaller than the promotional images made it out to be. The sensor feed showed a small fleet of pleasure craft and light fishing vessels tied to their moorings, a couple of larger pleasure craft moored at the jetties you assumed to belong to visitors or those sheltering from the North Sea storm. There was enough space at the jetty to disembark and dunk told you to get ready.
The discovery of an empty life raft in the harbour at first light would raise some eyebrows and you'd have to make a clean exit. Feeling the "thunk" of the metal hull on the wood of the jetty, you sprang into action as best as your wounds would allow


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« Reply #946 on: <12-08-14/1933:28> »
With the smack on the leg Knives sits bolt upright, "Wasn't me I swear, you can't prove it!  Ohh... Dunk.  Yea what do I need to do mate?"

He looks around for a second getting his barings,  "I'll grab Mantis then maybe I can put this tub at the bottom."
"Everything that is, casts a shadow" -Neil Gaiman.
Knives Chapter 4 (5th edition) OOC: Pg 93.


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« Reply #947 on: <12-09-14/1910:49> »
Mantis walks up to the ship bumping the shore line. ah it was only a dream.] Mantis looks around. We should head to more friendly ground. Oh do we have a ride that would make the the jog home a lot easier for me.] Mantis grabs a CIG and lights it doing his best to shield the flame from being spotted then cups his hands as he smokes to make sure the cherry is not seen by anyone.

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« Reply #948 on: <12-10-14/0753:08> »
Dry land has never felt so good, hauling (or being hauled) yourself up onto the jetty was a painful endeavour but the smell of the briny harbour was almost as good as any feeling could get after your long ordeal.
Your commlinks buzzed and chirped with the receipt of English 'trix service coverage once more and the only thing standing between yourselves and freedom was a heavy security gate at the end of the jetty.
It led up to a stairway to the street level, a small office that appeared closed lay off to the right, built into the harbour walls. A small dome camera protruded from the wall, the lens covered from view by the opaque one-way glass.
Walking up to the gate, you could see it was hinged by the harbour wall and was built to swing towards you. A reasonably basic maglock secured it in place, its keypad clearly worn with use, even in the poor ambient lighting cast down from the street lighting way above you


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« Reply #949 on: <12-10-14/1638:14> »
Mantis kills the last of his smoke and puts the butt in his jacket pocket. Mantis feeling beat to bloody hell but still standing whispers to his team. Chaps I have a program on my comm link that might be able to hack the camera then the mag lock. Let me see if I can get the little digital hacker to work for us. Mantis is glad he shelled out a not so small chunk of nuyen on a Mook to help in times when a decker was needed. Slicer MD I need you to hack the camera then the mag lock. Put the Camera on a loop so we can sneak past after that open the mag lock. Keep me informed of your progress. Hold on make your move I want to see what the whole team suggests first.
« Last Edit: <12-10-14/1723:29> by Scawire »

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« Reply #950 on: <12-10-14/1816:41> »
"Brill mate, glad you bought that.  I only got two ways to deal with cameras.  Sneakin is outta the question with your leg and the other is..." he pats the hilt of his fineblade.  Knives shrugs, "It's worth a shot and if it fails we do it my way.  We just gotta make it to the pub and I'm so fuckin knackered at this point I'll throw this bloody gate in the Channel before I let it stop us."
"Everything that is, casts a shadow" -Neil Gaiman.
Knives Chapter 4 (5th edition) OOC: Pg 93.


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« Reply #951 on: <12-11-14/1505:21> »
Mantis knows his little Mook isn't the best Mook on the block but hopefully it will do the job but just encase Mantis wanted a plan B. Whispering Mantis gives his plan to the group. Ok guys if this goes south I want that camera not to see my face. Mantis pull off his jacket then his shirt, hands the shirt to knives then dawns his Lined Coat back on. Ok Knives you seem to cut meta humans like there is no tomorrow. How bout you make three masks we can wear that way if my Mook fails our faces are not on tonights news. Looking over at Dunk Mantis asks. He wheels of death see if you can spot anything in the boat we could use. Once we are all ready I'll see how effective my Mook is. Mantis wished he was at home and in bed but before that could happen they had this guard post to get past, and maybe a few more things. Jez I hope this is the last thing keeping me from seeing a nice street doc about a knive wound.

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« Reply #952 on: <12-11-14/1800:43> »
"That's not a bad idea... but... it's gonna smell like wet orc."  Knives chuckles and begins to cut the shirt up, "Just fuckin with ya mate.  Let's do this and get outta here."
"Everything that is, casts a shadow" -Neil Gaiman.
Knives Chapter 4 (5th edition) OOC: Pg 93.


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« Reply #953 on: <12-12-14/0604:06> »
Although you were just fucking with him, it really did smell like wet ork. Wet Smelly Ork to be exact.
The exertion of the fighting, smeared blood, the sea and the dank beds you'd slept in made it a less than pleasant, but the crude masks you'd made just about did the job you needed them to, though the vision through the eye slits wasn't great.

Dunk coughed against the scent of your torn up shirt and you shivered against the cold, the wet lining of your coat pressing up against your still-wet skin.
Your leg throbbed and you still felt light headed, the dream had felt so real, you didn't know whether it was a premonition or a bastardised memory. The medkit's drugs probably didn't help either, you still felt a bit spacey after those stims. You tried to focus your mind and took the remnant of your shirt from Knives.
The vision through your eye slits was pretty shitty, but it didn't have to get you far. You tied the thin ends around your head and set Slicer to work on the maglock.

The town sheltered you from the worst of the atlantic storm, the high harbour walls dropping the gales down to a chilly breeze.
The sea still pounded at the walls like a drunk trying to get in without his keys, but the rain had settled into a constant drizzle rather than the torrential sheets you'd been lashed with out at sea.


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« Reply #954 on: <12-12-14/1341:32> »
Mantis can't help but smile when he sees his two chummers faces when they have to wear Mantis's shirt on their face. Ha Ha Orced them, orced them good.

Mantis gets back to the job at hand. With his Mook Slicer on stand by Mantis gives the command to start the hack. Slicer pop the mag lock then the camera, keep me informed.

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« Reply #955 on: <12-13-14/1413:48> »
within seconds your commlink buzzes with new user account details for the lock.
Concern flashes through your mind as the commlink reports a crashdump text file from Slicer's Agent routine. You suspected he'd failed in his task of taking out the camera and been booted by it's IC.


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« Reply #956 on: <12-14-14/1137:17> »
Oh bollocks Mantis is not to pleased with his little Mook buddy. Whispering to his fellow runners. Ok door is unlock and we are up shit creek when it comes to the cameras...... ah....... I may or may not have set off an alarm best high tail it. Mantis is glad the gate is open but the camera might be a problem. I wish I didn't have a bloody gash in my leg slowing me down now is the time to get out of the frying pan and hope there is no major fire waiting to geek us on the other side. Mantis moves forward pulling his long coat over his face and head. Mask and all the less that camera records the better.

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« Reply #957 on: <12-15-14/0602:11> »
You didn't need telling twice, the gate swung open with your newly-hacked credentials and you high-tailed it as fast as you could up the stairway and onto the wide esplanade that surrounded the harbour area.
Dunk propped Mantis up and helped him up the long stairway, grunting with the awkward load.
The town had begun to awaken from its sleep and an auto-bus trundled down the main road ahead towards the port, ready to pick up the morning shift workers for their daily commute. It was still quiet outside, no-one had yet braved the cold, not even a dog-walker. It would be another hour or so before the town sprung fully to life and you knew you didn't have long to find the pub.
A swift location search plotted you the route in your AR feed, a glowing dashed green line guiding you the 0.4 miles to the Artillery Arms.
heading away from the harbour and across the esplanade, you headed up Liverpool Lawn road, hobbling past the quaint old terraced houses that had obviously stood there for well over 2 centuries. Many had been turned into cheap B&B's, Vacancy signs in most showing that business in the town was less than brisk now the summer trade had ended. The gradient took its toll on your tired frames and you stopped outside the gardens to get your breath back for a minute, looking at the lightening sky with concern. Daylight was still a while away but time was not on your side.
Pressing on up Hertford street, the steady climb uphill away from sea-level made carrying Mantis's awkward load even more of an arduous task, by the time you'd reached West Cliffe Road you were panting and the crappy masks Knive's had cut were beginning to slide and slip away under your own sweat.
The odd light on in the houses either side of you meant it was only a matter of time before you had to take them off for fear of drawing more attention so you stuffed them into your pockets and hit the high-street.
Rows of glistening shop fronts lay empty, for-sale and for-rent signs displaying yet another failed seaside-town regeneration project. Charity shops filled the spaces in between empty retail units, the odd Polish food shop or cheap chinese clothes shop the only rent paying inhabitants of the project.
The slight climb continued, but you could see the AR logo of the naval gun emplacement of the Pub's namesake up ahead.
A noisy and ancient battered white van passed you without slowing, Its occupant too busy stuffing breakfast down his neck as he navigated the speed bumps put in to retard old manual vehicle's speed.
Its common-rail diesel engine rattled and echoed off the shop fronts as it tailed off downhill towards the old centre but all you could think of was the pub. You'd never been so happy to reach such an old and worn out pub before, but you knocked and waited by the old hand-carved wooden door, paint flecks peeling off with neglect to reveal the previous 3 or four colour iterations it had seen over the decades.
A light clicked on upstairs as a mainly empty bus rolled past, bleary eyed commuters staring at their e-paper magazines and comm displays, or so you hoped.
After what seemed like an age, a dirty and unshaven bloke unbolted the door, waving you in with a gesture.
The main room of the pub stank of stale beer, cigarettes and fart. The faint light of the beer taps was all that illuminated the room from the inside, the street lights from the main drag caught the upturned stool legs on the tables and cast long shadows over the cold tiling under-foot.
Bunk down in the cellar lads, oi've left some kit down there for you. It ain't much but your lads didn't gi' me much notice now di' they?. {he leads you over to the bar and lifts the hatch to the barrel cellar}
Oi've left a flask O' tea down there and a couple packs O' biscuits roight. I ant got nowt more substantial Oi'm afraid.

His lilting south-west accent was reassuring and his pitted and weathered face cracked a smile.
You two head down and get some kip. Oi'll look after the wounded one in the back room. Come on lad

He helps Mantis through a door at the back of the bar and into a darkened room. You hear him grunt with pain as he limps heavily away from you and you feel relieved at finally getting back into your comfort zone.
Doing as the old bloke had said, you descended into the beer cellar as directed. A naked bulb hung from the low ceiling, rows and rows of beer barrels were hooked up to a series of pipes that trailed off into pressure gauges and Nitrogen tanks built into the crumbling brick wall.
It smelled damp and you saw three rolled out mats with heavily patterned blankets strewn over them positioned between crates of bottles and the row of barrels.
True to his word, a large thermos stood in the centre of the mats amid a menagerie of different brands of biscuit and plastic cups made for camping trips.
It wasn't much but your throat rasped for a cup of tea and your stomach rumbled for something resembling a proper breakfast.
Dunk followed behind you and immediately banged his head against the low beams supporting the ceiling.
Fuck! ow...Pour us a wee cuppa will ye pal? I'm gagging fer a brew.

The old chap didn't have anywhere near the same level of strength as Dunk did and you felt bad for putting your weight on him, instead trusting more weight onto your wounded leg.
You grunted against the pain as he led you into a darkened room, a large wooden cover had been put over the pool table that stood in the centre and some solutions and bandages stood to one side.
Hop up there pal he directed, flicking the lights on.
The room was similar to the first one you came in by, a smaller bar area on this side and carpets under-foot showing that this room probably saw less use though.
Pushing yourself back onto the wooden table-protector, the old man grabbed a bottle of whisky, some towels and a small plastic kit from under the bar and headed over to you, popping on a set of old optical magnifying glasses with a built in torch.
How'd ye get this then? he said gesturing at your leg wound.
He took a pair of scissors and cut the trouser leg off well above the wound, giving you the whisky to glug to help against the pain.
Sorry lad but this is gonna hurt loik fuck. Brace yourself.
He yanked the severed trouser leg off, dislodging the congealed blood from your leg hair and the scabbed over wound.
You screamed, spraying un-swallowed whisky over his back.
There now, that's that. Oim gonna clean this down and see what oi can dig out of it before sealing it. You'll need to see a proper doc soon though, don't wanna get a nasty infection in it, or you'll need summat a lot stronger than that bottle o'whisky. He smiled at you and encouraged you to take another good swig before pouring half a bottle of fluid onto your leg, its chemical smell tanging the back of your nose. It stung against your wound, a low background niggle that let you know it was doing its thing, hopefully killing all those nasty bacteria that had gotten into your system.
He poked and prodded at the wound, making you groan and shout in protest, fresh blood trickling from the disturbances he made looking for fragments.
Eventually he left you alone, spraying a sealant on the wound and dressing it with the bandages.
That'll do ya. Get some kip with the others. Your lads will be here around lunch time.


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« Reply #958 on: <12-15-14/2323:03> »
Knives barely had to duck to avoid the low ceiling, his body already half collapsed from exhaustion.  What typically would have been an easy stroll had sapped his last remaining strength.  He plops down pitifully on what would pass for a bed tonight and fills two cups with the contents of the thermos.  "It must be the exhaustion talking cause this shite actually smells good.  Just a few hours of sleep and this miserable day will be behind us.  We better get paid extra for this..."

He's barely able to finish a pack of bisquits and his cup of tea before he's beginning to nod off once again.
"Everything that is, casts a shadow" -Neil Gaiman.
Knives Chapter 4 (5th edition) OOC: Pg 93.


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« Reply #959 on: <12-19-14/0440:26> »
The tea was lukewarm and the bed mats had become saturated with the cold of the rough concrete floor. It hardly mattered though, you'd not had a decent sleep in what felt like days. The attack on the safehouse felt like a lifetime ago, but as sleep overtook consciousness, your waking exhausting was replaced by fitfull and erratic sleep.
Visions of the girl's anguish flooded your dreams, the faces of the men contorted in ecstasy and then wracked with the agony of your timely intervention.
You half-woke regularly, noises of ordinary life rattling by at street level above you, footsteps on the bar floor above you mixed with the cricks in your neck and pins and needles in your limbs to deprive you of a proper rest.
Eventually the sound of tearing metal-on-metal shocked you out of your slumber.
Reaching clumsily for your weapons, you realised it was the ancient hatch at the end of the cellar, the one they used for barrel deliveries.
Daylight streamed through into the cellar in a solid ray of gold, highlighting the specks of dust in the air like miniature stars in a constellation.
A figure dropped down off the street, a beaming smile on his face.
Wakey wakey sleepy heads. Your chariot awaits!
His deep cockney accent is reassuring, and Knives clearly recognises the lad as one of his own.
He was one of the younger lads that worked the docks, though his name escaped Knives at the moment.
The rest of the journey was a bit of a blur. The driver brought in a few empty barrels as a cover for a delivery and the three of you dashed into the back of the van.
Your AR feed, blurry through your heavy eyes read 11.36am as the van lumbered down the road, but with no windows and no natural light, you had no way of telling how close to home you were.
Your heads bobbed and rolled as you would briefly nod off, joltinig awake as the van pitched and rolled over speedbumps and juddered to a halt at junctions and all you could think about was having a shit, shave and shower and then getting into bed.
Eventually, the van came to a rest, the sliding door retreated into the roof and a sickly orange light illuminated your compartment.
The young lad helped you down into a large warehouse that smelled of fish and damp.
You each said your goodbyes and headed for home, glad you'd survived another ordeal and wondering what the future would hold....

