The Old Smoke: CH3

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« Reply #60 on: <11-15-13/1100:58> »
A Shin Hyung sits in good condition in the spacious garage. The RFID key sits on a hook on the wall, just inside the door. You fire it up and check the fuel; full tank. all tires are inflated. the back seat is gonna be a bit of a squeeze, but it'll definitely get you where you need to go.
Punching in the co-ordinates that the boss gave to you, you see it'll take around 2.5-3hrs to get there, probably a bit less given how early it was.
Gridguide couldn't get a solid satellite fix, but it puts you somewhere in the Dunkirk-Calais region of the north east French coastline, near to Belgium.
Dunk must have hit a straight southern line out of the Thames for speed and ease of navigation. Either way, it wouldn't take a genius to follow your radar trace and guess your rough landing point. You couldn't dally here for long.
Popping back into the kitchen to tell the lads the good news, you're rewarded for your efforts with a sandwich.

Dunk snaffles the sandwich in seconds, screaming breadcrumbs as the drone sprays his burns with antiseptic gel, repeating his agony as it treats his thigh wound.
He fights to hold back the tears as the drone attempts to separate his flesh from his clothes, eventually succumbing.
The drone gives him a shot of painkillers followed by sedatives and he relaxes, struggling to keep his eyes open.
It turns its attention to you, checking for signs of head trauma, fractures, punctures and burns before administering a shot of anti-inflammatories, pain killers and creating a crude sling to help support your busted shoulder.
It wasn't much, but it was better than nothing.
[spoiler]pilot 3, profession 3, medkit 4 (10d6.hits(5)=3) again, 1 net hit, 1 physical box healed.[/spoiler]

Your mouth tasted like shit. it had been so long since you last brushed your teeth properly that it felt like they'd each grown a fur coat.
A burning sensation in your throat voiced itself as a terrible thirst and your head began to pound. Opening your eyes, you see it's just getting light.
A small window lets in mucky brown light from the outside world. It'd clearly not been cleaned in a while.
In your disoriented state, it takes a while for you to discern whether it's thundering or if an engine was running somewhere nearby.
Doing your best to level your head and focus on your surroundings, you see you're in a large dormitory. A couple of beds are taken besides yours, the noise appears to be coming from a huge, fat ork on the far side of the room. The world spins as you grab your commlink, trying to focus on its all-too-bright display to get a read out of the time; 07.16. The race wasn't until 9, but your bladder wouldn't last that long, even if all you wanted to do right now was curl up and sleep off the impending hangover.


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« Reply #61 on: <11-15-13/1343:21> »
After the manservant looks him over and patches him up a bit Knives looks around, "Alright lads are we set?  Let's get you two piled up in the car and get on the road."
"Everything that is, casts a shadow" -Neil Gaiman.
Knives Chapter 4 (5th edition) OOC: Pg 93.


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« Reply #62 on: <11-15-13/1529:30> »
Ya lets get heading any idea if that drone is going to clean this mess I hate leaving any forensic evidence we where here. If not I think we are out of luck we best hit the road. Or are we taking the tin can with us? Mantis grabs the sandwich and gives a bow to Knives then heads back to the car. (unless someone needs caring) There is no way I want to drive right now I'm hoping we can auto pilot and rest for a bit we all seem to need it. Mantis Figures he will grab the passengers seat the two humans can fight over who wants the drives seat and who wants the seat less back.
HAHA Mantis called Shotgun. Hey do we have a shotgun that could geek those dam drones alot better then what I was throwing at them. No ok maybe next time.


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« Reply #63 on: <11-16-13/1335:43> »
Seeing Mantis already piling into the car and Dunk fading fast from the pain killers Knives curses, "Fuck me, looks like I'm driving.  Come on Dunk we gotta get you in the car before you go passing out on me."  Once again he helps Dunk up and pours him into the back seat.  Taking the driver's seat Knives plays around with the AR display trying his best to have the pilot program of the car do the heavy lifting. 
"Everything that is, casts a shadow" -Neil Gaiman.
Knives Chapter 4 (5th edition) OOC: Pg 93.


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« Reply #64 on: <11-16-13/1532:52> »
Knives I'm beat, kind of like you two, I'll see if I can sleep any of this off. Hopefully that will put me back in the game to a small degree. Mantis finishes the sandwich Knives was nice enouph to make for him then he lays back in the seat and tries to sleep some of this pain away.

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« Reply #65 on: <11-16-13/2213:58> »
Syberix groggily rubs her eyes and tries her best to orient herself before she stands.
*uhhgggh... Fuck French liquor...*
As her thoughts manage to form, she pushes her aching self to her feet and searches for her bag. She looks to make sure everyone else is asleep before she rights herself.
Makeover - Force 4
5 Magic + 4 Spell casting + 2 Specialization + 2 Mentor Spirirt = Total 13
Drain Resistance Test - Resisting 2S
5 Willpower + 6 Charisma = Total 11
As she pulls the mana in it begins it's work. Her purple and green hair is spiraled up into a mohawk of spikes, her teeth are 'brushed', her clothes have the muck of the night removed, and it might as well do as having had a shower.
*Now vith zis out of ze way... to ze bathroom.*
She meanders her way through the bunk, bag over shoulder till she finds the bathroom to finish her mornings activities. After relieving at least part of the night away, she heads out of the bunk - her eyes squinting in the early morning sun.
*Now for ze coffee... at least zis ze French are doing well... Zat will fix zis headache.*

"To absent friends, lost loves, old Gods, and the season of mists; and may each and every one of us give the Devil his due."



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« Reply #66 on: <11-18-13/0656:58> »
___Lumen + Scawire____
Knives opens up the gridguide terminal and sees that Mantis had already punched in the co-ordinates for the next safehouse. The readout said you were heading into the Parisian suburbs and the journey would take roughly 2.5-3hrs dependent on roadworks and traffic. [spoiler]pilot software is specific to one vehicle model so your agent won't be able to pilot this car, yours can run your bike model only. all cars have an autopilot mod though so don't worry about it![/spoiler]
The car's autopilot engages, the garage door opens and the electric motor quietly rolls the car out into the road. A moment of panic overtakes you as the car heads out onto the right hand lane of the road, until you remember that they drive on the wrong side over here on the continent.
A local 'Trix broadcast plays through the car's speakers as it pulls out of the residential street and onto a wider stretch of main road. The digital compass read out says you are going in a south westerly direction, though the predicted range and journey length displays on the Gridguide display indicated you'd have to fuel up at some point on the journey.

Mantis snaffles the sandwich hungrily, its easily the best thing you've eaten in a long time. Soon after finishing it though, you're not sure how good an idea it was. You start to realise just how hungry you actually are now the adrenaline has died down and reality returned.
As the main road leaves the small seaside town and heads out into the country, the babble of the trix 'cast combined with the rythmic sound of tyres on asphalt lulls you into a shallow sleep. Your head rolls and lolls with the motion of the car, occasionally jarring you half-awake as the car stops for traffic lights and junctions.

Dunk soon goes the same way. Whatever the drone gave him for the pain really knocked him for six and he begins to snore quietly, occasionally interrupted as he shuffles his body into a more comfortable position in the economy rated seats of the hybrid electric-petrol commuter car.

With two sleepy-heads in the car and the rythmic strobing of passing street lights, Knives eyes start to feel heavy. The warm air conditioning and easy listening music combined with the lack of sleep and exhausting day do nothing to help either.
[spoiler]Roll INT + REA (4) to stay awake, or you can roll INT + REA (1) if you decide to drive manually[/spoiler]

The residents of the bunk room are all soundly asleep, the effects of their long haul drive or last night's booze still taking their toll.
The effort of casting the spells sharpens your mind a bit, feeling cleaner certainly helped too.
You bundle up your kit, smiling at the squiggly drunken cross you scratched into the bed frame, it looked more like two crossed snakes than anything else.
The dorm had a small bathroom at either end with a couple of stalls, some sinks and an open communal shower area. Neither bathroom was labelled for either gender, so you just picked one and did your thing, checking yourself over in the filthy mirror before heading out into the morning air.
Last night's downpour had settled into a grey and overcast autumnal morning. A leaden sky above you and puddles of water collected in the potholed courtyard didn't give much hope of it brightening up for the race.
Your breath hung in little clouds in front of you as you crossed the courtyard and passed the closed bar. The courtyard opened up into a larking parking area. You checked your commlink as you passed a couple of HGV's parked up for the night, you guessed one must have been the fat Ork's ride.
You hit the main road into Chelles on the far side of the industrial estate, and pops your earbuds in, listening to some tracks you'd not heard in years. Traffic on the main road is relatively light given the time of day, but a few people are up and about, heading to work, walking the dog, dropping the kids off at breakfast club and all the other boring shit that normal people did at this ungodly hour of the morning you supposed.
None looked at you twice as you headed down to the Euro-Mart however, and that was what mattered most.
A yapping doormat of a dog was tied up to a bicycle rack outside the shop, its barking and panting at you snapping you out of your hungover mindlock as you trudged toward the shop entrance. It's happily wagging tail contrasted with its angry sounding bark as it strained against its lead to walk over to you.
« Last Edit: <11-18-13/0704:04> by Csjarrat »


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« Reply #67 on: <11-18-13/0820:09> »
Going for staying awake cause Knives knows he's a bad driver.
Reaction 5 + Intuition 3 = 8d6.

Knives curses under his breath for being saddled with driving.  Once the other two fade off to sleep he tries all the tricks to stay awake.  He cranked up some Goblin Rock in his earbuds hoping to help, it didn't.  He cracked the window to get a face full of brisk air, it didn't help.  No matter what he tried his body refused to keep fighting and eventually he nods off, leaving their fate to the autopilot.
"Everything that is, casts a shadow" -Neil Gaiman.
Knives Chapter 4 (5th edition) OOC: Pg 93.


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« Reply #68 on: <11-18-13/1119:48> »
___Lumen + Scawire____
You wake with a start to a loud "PING PING PING".
ROLL FOR INITIATIVE!! + perception tests please. -2 for disorientation


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« Reply #69 on: <11-18-13/1229:16> »
Reaction 5 + Intuition 3 - 2 DM = 6d6
Initiative 7 IPs 2

Perception 4 + Intuition 3 + Enhancements 3 - 2 DM - 2 Disorientation = 6d6

Knives startles awake, "Bloody hell, what's that noise?" 
"Everything that is, casts a shadow" -Neil Gaiman.
Knives Chapter 4 (5th edition) OOC: Pg 93.


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« Reply #70 on: <11-18-13/1433:11> »
REA 3 + INT 2 - Disorientated 2 = 3 1 hit
4 w/ 2Passes


Drek!! Who the hell is making that noise?

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« Reply #71 on: <11-18-13/1450:36> »
In your half-awake panic, you reach for your weapon but find yourself bound and constrained, your movements restricted.
A bright light casts a glare that hurts your eyes, making it difficult to focus.

The pinging returns, an electronic warning chime followed by a familiar, smooth female french voice.
s'il vous plaît insérer carburant, s'il vous plaît insérer carburant

As the initial panic of your sudden awakening fades, your eyes begin to adjust to the bright light.
A slightly bemused man smirks at your disoriented panic and returns to filling up his mini-van for his early morning commute

s'il vous plaît insérer carburant, s'il vous plaît insérer carburant

The petrol station forecourt was fairly empty, the man at his van and an unattended motorbike being its only customers. Not surprising at 4.17am.
A quick glance at the pulsing red AR control shows you that you're low on fuel, the commuter car was clearly not built for long distance driving. It had emptied its tank in a little over 2hrs.
The journey progress indicator shows you're only about 20 mins away from your destination in a service station somewhere off the main motorway to the north east of Paris.

The van man shakes his head and giggles a bit to himself as Knives takes the wheel, manually parking up at an empty pump.
Silencing the french autopilot persona from the AR control panel took a few seconds of hammering at different buttons, though eventually she yielded and the chiming pings stopped reminding you to fill up.


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« Reply #72 on: <11-18-13/1514:34> »
Realizing where he is in and that he's not in danger Knives sighs and looks to Mantis, "Sorry mate, guess I dosed off there.  Whenever we get where we're going I'm gonna sleep for a week." 

As he pounds away ineffectively on the AR he fusses at the controls, "Shut up, shut up, shut up.  I got it, that gibberish means get more fuckin petrol."  Once he's got it shut off Knives fills the tank up.  Looking towards the shop face he realizes he hasn't had a smoke in hours and the pack he had from last night was destroyed by the seawater.  He peeks his head in the window to ask Mantis, "I'm gonna duck in for a soykaf and a pack of smokes you want one?"  He waits for an answer before heading in to indulge his vices.
"Everything that is, casts a shadow" -Neil Gaiman.
Knives Chapter 4 (5th edition) OOC: Pg 93.


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« Reply #73 on: <11-19-13/1220:03> »
As Syberix makes her way out of the bunk, her face brightens at the grey skys. Overcast days usually meant the wage slaves would be keeping to themselves - after all, the only way to make such a bleak existence grimmer is to remove the last bits of color from their surroundings.

As she walks down the street noticing the 'normal' activity she takes the time to chuckle to herself and bob her head a little more visibly to her music.
*Ze people are not understanding vat living iz...*
She smiles at a passerby smoking a cigarette, mimicking his gestures and puffing out clouds in the cool morning air, and of course smiles and waves to children should they see her... regardless of if their parents felt the need to put themselves between her and them.

She eventually makes her way to the Euro-mart in her quest for coffee.. Seeing the dog barking at her she makes her way up to it, crouching down just out of it's reach.
"'ouah-ouah', le petit chien dit." she chuckles and holds up a hand, making a fist in a 'stop' geusture, "Assis. Sitz."
"To absent friends, lost loves, old Gods, and the season of mists; and may each and every one of us give the Devil his due."



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« Reply #74 on: <11-19-13/1345:30> »
Mantis was ready to race his mind into some quick plan to deal with the treat when he hears some girl telling the group God knows what. The team needs gas it seems ok. As Knives asked if he wants to join him for a smoke and soycaf he gives his body a big stretch. Ya mate I'm game. Mantis searches his body quickly to see if he still has his special Snuff smokes when he finds one he gets out of the car to light up.Thankfully the drink didn't kill all my gear, I think I have that wet suit to thank. As Mantis looks at the flame from his lighter he can't help but think how that grid link office deserves to have itself go up in flames. As this thought goes through his head he starts to see pictures of the building on fire, he starts to look around to see if there is anything worth burning. When ever this feeling comes on at home he usually grabs a metal garbage and burns a few pieces of paper garbage to get the bug out but right now he is cut off from his burning good time. So he puts out his lighter and drags on his snuff smoke.

Note Page 18 and 19 of Chapter 2 says what me and knifes had on us for that last run. Just FYI.
« Last Edit: <11-19-13/1356:50> by Scawire »

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