The Old Smoke: CH3

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« Reply #15 on: <11-12-13/0604:32> »
Your head swims with disorientation. It felt like you were moving, and standing still at the same time. You couldn't see anything and opening your eyes was an effort you just didn't have the strength for.
A burning sensation made itself known in your shoulder. No, it was more than that, it was agony. A sickening, raw, agony.

BOD + WIL please

A half-dream-half-nightmare of a home reminiscent of your childhood pervades your thoughts. The details are fuzzy and it doesn't look quite right, but no matter how fast your un towards the image, you make no progress. It feels like you're walking on water, a sense of movement belies how still your body is, until you feel like you have fallen through time and space.
Freezing cold water around your body snaps you from your slumber,  your body aches and strong arms around your chest almost feel like they are forcefully drowning you.
You try to open your eyes, but the salt water stings your eyes and blackness clouds your vision.


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« Reply #16 on: <11-12-13/0741:03> »
*Bloody hell...  I'm still completely knackered.*  Knives covers his eyes with his uninjured arm and rolls the burning shoulder praying for an ounce of relief. 
Body 5 + Willpower 5 = 10d6
10d6.hits(5)=5  Good way to start the Chapter :)

Unwilling to open his eyes Knives calls out, "Oy Mantis, you dead man?"
"Everything that is, casts a shadow" -Neil Gaiman.
Knives Chapter 4 (5th edition) OOC: Pg 93.


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« Reply #17 on: <11-12-13/0751:09> »
Though your shoulder burns with agony, you manage to summon up enough strength to roll over and push yourself up onto your knees.
Movement flares the pain in your shoulder to almost unbearable levels, it feels like it must be dislocated.
Hauling your body upright caused your wet clothes to rub against your skin uncomfortably. Your lank hair sticks to your forehead as you use your one good arm to brush it out of your eyes. You shiver with the cold of exposure and take stock of the situation. The boat had come to rest on a shore line, Dunk was no-where to be seen. A faint moonlight peered through gaps in the cloud cover, illuminating everything in a half-glow.
Sparse vegetation could be seen beyond a small strip of light coloured sand, a solitary light emanating from a building beyond the trees.
The back of the boat had clearly seen some action. Large holes and scorch marks could be seen around the stern area, and both drone racks were now empty.
No reply came from Mantis


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« Reply #18 on: <11-12-13/0848:05> »
Knives' face twists and distorts with pain as he makes it to his feet.  *I gotta get this shoulder popped back in...  Till then lets see if we can dull the pain.*  He very carefully digs through his pack till he finds the stim patch.  Carefully pealing back his soaked clothes he places the patch right on top of the agonizing shoulder.  Now that the pain had receded from blinding to semi-tolerable, Knives takes a good look around the boat hoping to find signs of his companions.
Perception 4 + Intuition 3 + Enhancements 3 + Actively Looking 3= 13d6

After he's taken a look around Knives pulls out his com checking for signal and hopefully a sign of where the fuck they landed.
"Everything that is, casts a shadow" -Neil Gaiman.
Knives Chapter 4 (5th edition) OOC: Pg 93.


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« Reply #19 on: <11-12-13/1032:55> »
The stim patch sticks badly to your wet skin, you have to hold it in place for a while before the adhesive sticks. The meds it releases feel good, numbing the pain somewhat.
From your position on deck, you can see two drag marks in the sand, heading towards the building with the light on.
It takes an age for your commlink to boot and find signal, but when it does, your spirits lift as the service message informs you you will incur roaming charges while overseas.
//Bonjour! Bienvenue au France//


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« Reply #20 on: <11-12-13/1207:17> »
Looking at the service message Knives sighs, *Great I've died and gone to hell.  Still beats a MMU holding cell.*  He carefully makes his way off the boat, trying not to put any pressure on his busted shoulder, and slowly hobbles up to the building.  Keeping to the shadows he tries to catch a peak of the inside.
"Everything that is, casts a shadow" -Neil Gaiman.
Knives Chapter 4 (5th edition) OOC: Pg 93.


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« Reply #21 on: <11-12-13/1218:05> »
You drop down off the port side into the shallow waters, re-soaking your legs in the cold water of the English channel.
You can see more damage to the section of the hull that lay above the water line. Strange scorch marks indicate a fair amount of resistance to your exit while you were out cold.
Wading up the beach, you find the drag marks and follow them as best you can, your head swimming against the nausea of the pain, drugs and sleep deprivation. As you clear the beach and begin to hit the scrubby grass and trees, you begin to hear laboured grunting and groaning, the odd guttural scream of pain interspersed amongst the noise.
The noise appeared to come from directly ahead of you, deeper through the treeline, heading towards the building.


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« Reply #22 on: <11-12-13/1256:51> »
Upon hearing the noises Knives stops and calls his taser into the hand of his still functioning arm.  He crouches, making himself a smaller target, and tries his best to sneak through the scrubby foliage towards the noises.  *Please be Dunk... please be Dunk... please be Dunk...*

Not sure what my damage track is looking like now so I'll just roll the full pool.
Infiltration 3 + Agility 6 = 9d6
If you take off 3 from what my damage mods were it knocks down to 3 successes.
"Everything that is, casts a shadow" -Neil Gaiman.
Knives Chapter 4 (5th edition) OOC: Pg 93.


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« Reply #23 on: <11-12-13/1411:51> »
Though you try to be as sneaky as possible, you realise pretty quickly from the smears of blood on the foliage that whoever is making the noise is pretty badly hurt
Following the drag marks, you find a heap of ork and human lying on the back garden of the house, illuminated by what appears to be the kitchen window. A seperate pool of light spills out further round the house, much longer and taller. You assume it is an open doorway.
The mass of flesh ahead of you begins to openly sob, you assume through pain and the strain of having to haul a dead ork up the beach and to this point, so close to the house.
It was clear that the dragger hadn't noticed your approach, he was too caught up in his emotions.


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« Reply #24 on: <11-12-13/1509:39> »
No matter how injured and exhausted Knives couldn't bare the sight of the heap of metahuman crying from pure exhaustion.  He slowly approaches the house, his taser still ready but held downward.  "Oy you alright over there?  That you Dunk?"  He fiddles with the different settings in his contacts to try and get a clear view of the scene before getting too close.
"Everything that is, casts a shadow" -Neil Gaiman.
Knives Chapter 4 (5th edition) OOC: Pg 93.


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« Reply #25 on: <11-12-13/1558:21> »
The sobbing decreases, and between the gasps, you get a reply:
I'm fucked up mate....Losing blood.....I can't do it..... Get this one... in.. the house
He screams and groans under the strain of trying to shift Mantis' dead weight off his legs and lower body, rolling Mantis' body onto his stomach and the smooth grass of the lawn.
In the dim light cast through the window you can see why Dunk was complaining. A makeshift bandage is strapped around his left thigh and he has extensive burns to his left shoulder, his melted flesh looks like it fused with the armour plating in his clothing.


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« Reply #26 on: <11-12-13/1618:34> »
Mantis's nightmares take him through the rough parts of Edinburgh. He can see old friends on the ground being feasted on by pacts of Devil Rats. As Mantis walks through the dead bodies of friends he use to run the streets with and he sees an old image... At first it was hard to be sure but as the moon lite night shines a bit of light on her face he knows for sure, It is Jennifer. As Mantis tries to run to her his legs give out a few meters back for a loving embrace. Mantis falls to the ground, as he hits the ground Jennifer voices up. You couldn't protect me, why did you let me go, we had so much together. I was looking for the power, the power that you wanted and now because of you I'm gone.  Mantis tries to tell her he is here and was going to do everything he can to protect her but as he tries to speak any energy he had was drained away and not one word came out. Jennifer starts to get enveloped by shadow, Mantis does what ever he can to draw power from the world to give him strength to get to her. Mantis is unable to even get the strength to breath, he is breathless as the shadow around Jennifer finally takes her away. She was gone, but to where Mantis has been looking for so long to find where she was but has never found anything that would give him a lead to where she might have gone to the night she disappeared she was looking into something magical that she thought would help the two of them increase their magic and give them an edge in this cold unforgiving world. She had never told Mantis what it was she was looking into, she said it was going to be a gift for the two of them, but now she was gone. Mantis lays on the ground with his old dead friends wondering what was to come next.
« Last Edit: <11-12-13/1620:31> by Scawire »

Magic uses higher laws to over come lower laws.


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« Reply #27 on: <11-12-13/1621:28> »
Once he hears Dunk's voice Knives sends the taser back home to it's resting place in the arm slide.  *No rest for the wicked, eh?*  He puts a hand on Dunk's shoulder, "No worries mate you did great.  If it weren't for you we'd be proper fucked.  Just stay there, I'll get you both inside."

He bends down and tries his best to scoop Mantis up one handed and drag the ork inside.  He takes a quick glance around the room before going back out to help Dunk inside.
If it's too difficult will boost his strength.

"Everything that is, casts a shadow" -Neil Gaiman.
Knives Chapter 4 (5th edition) OOC: Pg 93.


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« Reply #28 on: <11-13-13/0752:35> »
Visual Perception to try and catch the patch
Rank Perception 1 + Intuition 4 + Vision Enhancement 3 = 8d6
Syberix follows the two to the table. As the he starts pourin' the drinks and knocking them back she flashes a grin and scoops up the bottle, pouring herself another shot, and keeping the bottle in hand.
"Eh, Looking to stay dry mostly. If he wasn't serving shitty beer - well you know the sayin' Don't start nothing, won't be nothing. Anyway - I doubt he's half as bad as the ork that planted this shiner on me. What brings you two in here?"
"To absent friends, lost loves, old Gods, and the season of mists; and may each and every one of us give the Devil his due."



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« Reply #29 on: <11-13-13/0804:08> »
you notice the badge has two eagles flying in opposite directions and three stars, almost like military insignia. "Chelles chapter" can be seen written underneath. It looks old, well worn.

we own it. Just been down to Marseilles for a race against an Albanian outfit. Was all friendly until the last lap, then it got ugly. [the taller one intersects, his eyes glazed and fixed somewhere behind you] I See why you're all cocky. You're a mojo-slinger!

[the shorter one looks at you intently] What you doing tomorrow? Fancy some work?

