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« on: <10-19-13/2009:23> »
Hello your freindly GM Brandon here bringing you the jungle/lamerc group game


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« Reply #1 on: <10-19-13/2010:17> »
Post any contacts you flesh out below or let me if you want your contacts back story's to be specific


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« Reply #2 on: <10-19-13/2331:52> »
Wilson's Contacts


Mendoza is an underworld fixture in L.A., running his business out of the back of a biker bar, Hector's, in Laguna Beach.  Hugely fat, he wears Hawaiian shirts and linen pants that match his slicked back hair and oily goatee.  He's rarely seen without a basket of chicken wings and a huge beer sitting on the table in front of him.  He's abrasive and crude, speaking with a broad Aztlaner accent that may or may not be an affectation.

Unlike most fixers Mendoza doesn't arrange jobs, he's a go-between for operators and suppliers.  Need a new gun or an armorer?  Mendoza knows just the guy.  Want a hot car chopped apart and the parts sold?  Mendoza knows the shop you need.  Want to sell a fetish you ripped out of a mage's dead hand?  Mendoza knows a Shaman who wants the totem and will pay top dollar.  All Mendoza asks is 10%, and he can get you what you need when you need it.

Pedro Alvarez

Pedro Alvarez is a Colonel in the Nicaraguan Secret Police, essentially controlling the northeast portion of the country.  Trim, dapper, with impeccable dress and manners.  Typically seen smoking a small cigar and drinking from a silver cup he carries so he doesn't have to drink from his canteen, Alvarez exudes confidence and sophistication.  But despite his elegant manners, Alvarez is utterly ruthless, bound and determined to get whatever he desires.

Alvarez is part of a shadowy network of intelligence and former intelligence agents and directors who spend their time trading secrets and favors to make sure that they get the outcomes they want and need.  Sometimes the favors they trade come through sending each others operators on missions.  Anyone who's part of Alvarez's network is automatically a favored son, and he treats his Familia well.  If you need intel on an obscure compound, Alvarez can find it; a dossier on a target he has it.  If you need a quiet place to interrogate a prisoner or to hole up to hide from pursuers, he can provide it.

His price is simple, obligation to La Familia Alvarez, his private network of spies, enforcers and assassins.  And there are many willing to meet his price.
Matrix <<Text>> "Speech"
Spirits and Sprites


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« Reply #3 on: <10-19-13/2340:00> »


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« Reply #4 on: <10-20-13/0257:41> »
Some info on your NPC partner mercs

Race human, 5' 9" white age 19

T or Trevor if ya know him well enough: T started off life in the shit hole.  Born with no clue of who his parents were he was raised in a small slum orphanage.  When he was young t was constantly beaten by a local gang of thugs who forced him through violence to rob and steal for there gang (the broken eye's).  T one day whale performing another task for his "friends"   he came upon and old personal computer that apparently someone had dumped.  After awhile t started getting so interested in technology that he started reading up on cybertec hacking exc until he started getting REALLY good.  (And you can guess what the first thing he did with this new found knowledge was)  One day the gang of the broken eyes were planning to hit a small town convince store and t set off the alarm and all of the gang member were guned down and killed by the local LA force.  and all the report filled was a tip form T whoever that was.  After being hired on his first job to break a young elven "hostage" out of her prison T decided to branch out.  Now T works with a small mercenary group that he has grown quite attached to and puts his skills to the test. 

T is always looking to test his skills, he has a cybernetic eye that he really donst tell people much about, plus he LOVES soda. 

JADE;  white, tan
Age 22
Height: 6'0"
Race: elf

Jade was born unto a rich family growing up in a rather wealthy part of LA born as daughter to one of the ex executives of the famous Shiawase corporation.  Most of her younger life as a child jade was kept secluded and was not even allowed to be with other children (her father thought she was to special for that)  Also at a young age jades father trained her intensely in the ways of Krav magra and ninjutsu.  By the age of 15 jade had mastered both arts.  Jade wanted to put her skills to use and found she enjoyed teaching people how to fight and wanted to open a dojo and enter in martial arts tournaments.  (of coarse with the overbearing father) that was not meant to be.  On her 16th birthday jade had decided she had had enough, she escaped her "home" or as she calls it prison and escaped with a local hacker who she had found and paid to disable the compounds security measures.  After she escaped she followed what she wanted she opened up a dojo under a new name and soon gained a large following of students.  One day whale she was on her way to the dojo she turned down a rather particular alleyway and found 3 men in red samuri armor.  Without warning the 3 men attacked.  Jade killed 2 and one ran off, to this day she is still unsure of why these men attacked her.  When she proceeded to the dojo she found it aflame and when the local police showed up they immediately open fired upon jade.  Jade got away and called up a friend who at that time she only knew as T.  "I need a new name and life now" after about a year of seclusion jade returned to the las circuit and found that in her absence her original identity now ceased to excist.  One day her friend T told her about a new merc group getting together and the pay was could, jade replied to him "Do they need a combat specialist?"   

Jade is very quiet around people she Does not know but after awhile she becomes very talkative and social when she gets to know ya.
SHe is the groups combat trainer and infiltration specialist.  JAde also suffers from mild Bi polar and really really like chocolate. 

For her size being somewhat thin and small jad is very strong and often puts trolls face first on the mat for critising her love of chocolate. 
« Last Edit: <10-20-13/0304:39> by avpbott »


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« Reply #5 on: <10-20-13/0308:17> »
Jareds ch Thanos:

"He was a Bio-tech surgeon when he was contacted by a big corporation and told that he had done surgery on a rouge agent of their's. He was threatened that he would have to hunt down this man by himself, but they would provide the best tech and training they could give him,on one condition; he must work for them if he succeeds. He told them the equipment he would need for his hunt, and they provided it. As this hunt went on he encountered many Shadowrunners  who were h elping his target. Eventually he caught up to his target only to be stunned. When he came to he was strapped to a chair and was starring at his target. His target said, I give you a choice leave with this tracker adn live and work for them, or," the target pulled out his hidden arm cannon that Thanos put in for the target along with the facial reconstructure, saying, "or die by your own creation."

Thanos accepted thisto get out of the chair and lower his target guard. As his target turned his back Thanos took out his pistol and shot at the target's head and killed him. After the shot Thanos felt reinvigrated  and reported instantly to his new superiors. After a few missions for them he got tired of being a "rouge-killer" as he was called. He soon desserted and became a merc."  He then soon started working with a small group of mercs working out of LA and has been with them ever since

