Wilson's Contacts
Mendoza is an underworld fixture in L.A., running his business out of the back of a biker bar, Hector's, in Laguna Beach. Hugely fat, he wears Hawaiian shirts and linen pants that match his slicked back hair and oily goatee. He's rarely seen without a basket of chicken wings and a huge beer sitting on the table in front of him. He's abrasive and crude, speaking with a broad Aztlaner accent that may or may not be an affectation.
Unlike most fixers Mendoza doesn't arrange jobs, he's a go-between for operators and suppliers. Need a new gun or an armorer? Mendoza knows just the guy. Want a hot car chopped apart and the parts sold? Mendoza knows the shop you need. Want to sell a fetish you ripped out of a mage's dead hand? Mendoza knows a Shaman who wants the totem and will pay top dollar. All Mendoza asks is 10%, and he can get you what you need when you need it.
Pedro Alvarez
Pedro Alvarez is a Colonel in the Nicaraguan Secret Police, essentially controlling the northeast portion of the country. Trim, dapper, with impeccable dress and manners. Typically seen smoking a small cigar and drinking from a silver cup he carries so he doesn't have to drink from his canteen, Alvarez exudes confidence and sophistication. But despite his elegant manners, Alvarez is utterly ruthless, bound and determined to get whatever he desires.
Alvarez is part of a shadowy network of intelligence and former intelligence agents and directors who spend their time trading secrets and favors to make sure that they get the outcomes they want and need. Sometimes the favors they trade come through sending each others operators on missions. Anyone who's part of Alvarez's network is automatically a favored son, and he treats his Familia well. If you need intel on an obscure compound, Alvarez can find it; a dossier on a target he has it. If you need a quiet place to interrogate a prisoner or to hole up to hide from pursuers, he can provide it.
His price is simple, obligation to La Familia Alvarez, his private network of spies, enforcers and assassins. And there are many willing to meet his price.