IC: Urban Brawl -- scenario 1 (finished)

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« Reply #90 on: <01-07-11/0218:29> »
The generic agent personasoft voice of the street doc sounds almost ridiculous since the emotion in the voice is not strong enough to convey the sentiment behind the content when she says, "Are you fucking out of your mind!!  You need to bring that girl in.  Without the right equipment and training she's going to bleed to death if she doesn't go to into hypoperfusional shock first!  For christ's sake i'll give you a discount but bring the poor thing in!"

The spirits nod to you and will help guide you to the location of the implants as soon as you begin the procedure.


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« Reply #91 on: <01-07-11/0930:57> »
"It's not possible. She will die if moved from the spot. And we cannot risk bringing you here. We risk enough by calling."
Stryker takes a deep, silent breath.
"We don't have the luxury of time, also. But we have a mage that will be able to heal her as we go, and the best medkit money can buy. Will that be enough for you to work with?"
Mariusz "Kot" Butrykowski
"Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons for you are crunchy and good with ketchup."


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« Reply #92 on: <01-07-11/1547:08> »
The street doc falls silent for a moment lost in thought, "So she's probably rigged to blow if she leaves some perimeter is what you're saying.   What size explosives are we talking about here?"  From your first cursory assensing and asking the spirits what they saw you tell the street doc that it looks like 2 brick sized blocks.  She answers back, "Sweet Jesus, it looks like she isn't the only one who would get taken out if she blows, more like the whole warehouse.  Well looks like you have the situation pretty much assessed and all I can do is help out as much as I can.  If you got a medkit onsite then link me up to it and I can check her vitals.  Roll up your sleeves boys, this is gonna be messy.  Oh, and my help is gonna run you 500 nuyen guys, you know how it is."  

[OOC: street doc could roll her medicine skill at a -2 and assist in the teamwork medicine knowledge test through even better advice of where and how to cut.  Each hit adds to the total DP which will start at the base DP of the person doing the cutting.  She'll also roll a Roll to diagnose: Logic 5 + Medicine 5 + remote -2 + indoor conditions -1= 7 (7d6.hits(5)=5).  Wow...she rolled good.  I'll say every net hit above 2 adds 1 die to her assistance roll.]

"For free i'll tell you right now though guys, she's not doing so hot"

[OOC: Tabby has a Body 1, and her physical condition monitor is 9 boxes with 8 of them already being filled.  Her stun is also 9 boxes and it's also filled with 8.]

« Last Edit: <01-07-11/1600:43> by inca1980 »


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« Reply #93 on: <01-08-11/0153:13> »
Brick and Styker consult each other the doctor and the spirits on how to best proceed
OOC:teamwork roll breakdown: brick 4 dice (with edge), styker 5 dice, both spirits adding 3 each for a total of 6 =to 15 dice.  (15d6.hits(5)=3)

after they agree on what to do brick takes his karambit in hand and prepares to cut the child open. OOC: Brick's agility roll for the cut only 1/2 successes count. (5d6.hits(5)=3)


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« Reply #94 on: <01-08-11/1236:54> »

[OOC: Street docs roll to remotely help you do the procedure right Street docs roll Logic 5 + Medicine 5 + Medkit 6 + Remote -2 + Teamwork 4 = (18d6.hits(5)=8).  Tabby's damage resistance roll is Body 1 = 1d6.hits(5)=0, she can use edge to negate this glitch.  Spirit can use Influence Spirit Cha 4 + Magic 4 = (8d6.hits(5)=2).  Tabby's resistance roll: Tabby's Will 2: (2d6.hits(5)=0).  So she'll use edge.  Ok, so the damage was negated and she has 8 boxes of physical filled.  Now to see if heavy damage was done: Heavy damage roll Edge 3 (1): (3d6.hits(5)=0).  She's started bleeding (1 box every turn).]

After Stryker connects various electrodes which stick to different points on Tabby's body and communicate wirelessly with the medkit's main node, the medkit initializes it's remote surgical procedures AR environment and suddenly the street doc materializes in a semi-translucent AR form right next to the desk everyone is huddled around.  "Next time pack an autodoc with your kit, then I could do this whole thing myself.  Big guy, find a lighter and sterilize that blade...what is that monofilamant?  Phenomenal, at least something is going our way.  Alright, spell-slinger you or any 'friends' in the room who I probably can't see know where these explosives are located?" 

Stryker shuts his eyes for a moment and suddenly his two companions materialize, The Wise One a swirling shadow with something that looks like the milkyway galaxy at it's core, the Eternal One a shrouded man with an un-earthly glow.  The street doc suddenly notices them and startles for a moment but quickly composes herself.  "We could use all the help we can get."  The spirits obviously cannot see the AR street doc but are aware of her through their mental link with their summoner. 

With only a thought, the Wise One shows Stryker where exactly the two brick-like shapes are sitting.  About 2 cm right of the appendix and about 3 cm below the abdominal wall.  The street doc begins to show AR schematics which draw little lines of light all over the little girl's abdomen. 

Brick runs his lighter several times over the blade of his monofilament sword and then steadily brings it down.  Placing one hand on the girl to steady her he holds the tip of the sword right up to the the AR dotted line which indicates the best starting point for the incision.  Up until now, the whole run through, even when dodging bolts of flame, Brick hasn't broken a sweat.  But now beads of perspiration begin sliding down his forehead and he closes his eyes briefly.  As soon as he opens them again he pushes the blade in and a light stream of blood begins seeping out the from the corners of the puncture.  The blade still steady he begins cutting downward and makes a gash about 5cm long and then removes the blade.  For a few seconds the cut looks rather clean but very quickly begins to pool up with blood at an alarming rate. 
"That should be big enough, now just like we planned, pull them out slowly...." says the street doc in a smooth steady voice. 

The Wise One sprouts a void-like appendage which seeps into the incision, and then suddenly the cut begins to bulge out and stretch around a blood covered object which once it comes out fully looks like a duck-tape covered brick.  As soon as the second one comes out you see a glimpse of yellowish intestine right before the cut tenses shut again.  The Wise One carefully places both bricks on the desk and then fades away into nothingness. 

"Quick, apply the nano-sutures to close up the incision!"

Stryker grabs a little plastic vial from the medkit which is attached to a small little chip and dumps the contents, a black dusty powder, over the incision.  In a few seconds the dust fades out of site and you see several stitches begin to weave together and sew the wound shut.  Once the process seems complete however, it just won't be enough.  Blood continues to seep through the wound at an ever more alarming rate. 
"Shit! She needs to be stabilized or she's not gonna make it."


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« Reply #95 on: <01-08-11/1251:23> »
Stryker was ready for it. He steadily ran through the prepared stabilization sub-routine on Brick's Medkit, and the device started pumping her with chem, as the elf did his best to help the girl get out of shock. He works fast, and with focus that he didn't know he had...
Logic(4)+FirstAid(1)+Medkit(6)-1=10 (10d6.hits(5)=5)
"You are going to be okay, Tabby. We'll get you home."
Mariusz "Kot" Butrykowski
"Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons for you are crunchy and good with ketchup."


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« Reply #96 on: <01-09-11/0011:14> »
Even as the stabilization subroutine runs its course the AR window showing all of Tabby's vitals indicates that her pulse is becoming more and more eratic and now the whole surface of her small little abdomen is covered in blood and her breathing becomes shallow.  The Eternal One whispers in her ear trying to calm her and push the pain farther out of her mind.  

Even behind the generic modulated voice of the street doc, a sense of urgency cuts through.  "It's what I feared, nano-suture's tensile strength isn't programmed for the size of child.  You're gonna have to sew it up old-fashioned like.  If you don't know how to stitch then she's had it, it's all you spell-slinger."

Knowing that a healing spell would be useless in the case of uncontrolled hemhoraging you pop open the medkit and pull out the thread and needle, clumsily wipe the blood off the badly nano-stitched incision and started stitching just like you practiced so many times in corp. sec.  As you tighten it up and tie it off you quickly bring her legs into the knees-up position to relax her abdominal muscles.  You ask the Eternal One to apply pressure to the wound and he smiles and gladly complies.   As your attention stays fixed to the vitals AR screen for several tense minutes, you notice the amount of blood flowing down the sides of her torso slowly starts to subside and her breathing steadies.  Her vitals begin to slowly stabilize and you hear the street doc breathe out a sigh of relief.  Stryker falls to the ground into a sitting position and buries his face in his blood covered hands breathing heavily.  Brick looks down at him shakes his head lost in thought for moment and then wipes sweat off his brow with his sleave, cleaning the monofilament blade with a bandage and then re-sheaths it.  The street doc AR hologram just stands there with it's hand out stretched...."Nice job kid, now That's gonna run one of you 500 nuyen chummers."

Brick looks at the street doc and shakes his head again..."welcome to the shadows kid, stand the fuck up and pay the doc.  We got a package to move."
« Last Edit: <01-09-11/0017:21> by inca1980 »


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« Reply #97 on: <01-09-11/0657:09> »
"Thanks, Brick. You know, that was not exactly what i expected. But it was worth it." His face slowly looses the deathly pale color. "I'm indebted to you. Not that i regret that. At the least let me pay for the ammo, and the patch from my share."
He bows lowly to the two Spirits, and his japancorp upbringing seems obvious now. "I owe you both a great Debt too, Exalted Ones. Which i will pay gladly, with sweat or blood. I am your servant, after the child is returned home."
Then he turns back to Brick, with a malicious look in his eyes."But first, we have a small score to settle."
Mariusz "Kot" Butrykowski
"Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons for you are crunchy and good with ketchup."

