New member looking for a game!

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« on: <11-09-10/1050:09> »
Hello there! I'm a new forum member who is looking for a game. Can't seem to find anyone around here who wants to try SR because its to wishy-washy for them when it comes to genre. Since I don't want my SR books to gather dust I figuere I'd give this a go. So, is anyone looking for a dedicated player?
Greetings from the Netherlands, comrade!


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« Reply #2 on: <11-09-10/1058:34> »
Where you located, AJ?
The Netherlands (also known as Holland). Windmills, cheese, tullips and the red light district :D
Greetings from the Netherlands, comrade!


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« Reply #3 on: <11-09-10/1552:34> »
     I am new here and looking for a game as well. Trying to get a feel for how things are done here. I like the genre of Shadowrun because it hits close to home while still being very fantasy oriented. I have a couple ideas for a character I would like to run with. One is a combat face, the other is a spirit mage (and I do NOT mean possession mage). It might also be fun for me to play a gung-ho soldier/tank type. Right now I am playing a crazy troll with a big gun that just shoots a lot... pretty fun to play, but I just wish he wasn't so heavy so other people could drag him around easier when he goes unconscious. Not interested in playing a hacker. What kind of characters do you like to play, AJ?

     I am from Atlanta, GA. I have a game that I play weekly with some guys locally, but I wanted to try this online thing out. I like the idea of just logging on anytime and participating in the game rather than setting aside 6 hours of a pure gaming session.


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« Reply #4 on: <11-09-10/1617:13> »
I've been thinking about dusting off my GM hat.   
Which would the potential player prefer: a near street-level scrounging game in Chicago, or a factions game set in Portland right after the fall of the Emerald curtain?


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« Reply #5 on: <11-09-10/1618:31> »

I was thinking of a either a human face character. I'd also like to intergrate Muay Thai into him (a sport I practice myself), some good social skills, decent pistol skill and basic tech/breaking and entering skills. Alternately a paranoid ex-merc turned bounty hunter wound also be awesome.
Greetings from the Netherlands, comrade!


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« Reply #6 on: <11-09-10/1624:11> »
I've been thinking about dusting off my GM hat.   
Which would the potential player prefer: a near street-level scrounging game in Chicago, or a factions game set in Portland right after the fall of the Emerald curtain?
Quite honestly, because this would be my first game of SR I find it hard to get a feel for what play-style would suit me. Also, I am not as deep immersed in the background as most people here, so could you enduldge some rookie mistakes with the fluff? I read alot but many subleties are beyond me at the moment.
Greetings from the Netherlands, comrade!


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« Reply #7 on: <11-09-10/1748:23> »
Kontact: I have to admit, I like street level games. It is frustrating to get low pay for a job, but for some reason it feels more realistic. I also like the idea of starting a new character from the ground up, not from the up and up to the more up and up. I am also a bit lacking in the lore department, probably like AJ. My strength is game mechanics, but lore... well, let's just say I don't know the difference between the environment in Seattle and the environment in Portland for shadowrunners, and I have no clue what the emerald curtain is until I google it after I am done typing this message.

If AJ wants a face, I would go either super geared soldier type, or spirit mage. If you guys want to start playing tomorrow, I'd have to go soldier, because I have a complex idea for my mage that I haven't quite pieced together yet.

[added on later] I googled it... still no clue. doh! You got an online reference for that stuff, Kontact?
« Last Edit: <11-09-10/1757:14> by joe15552 »


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« Reply #8 on: <11-09-10/1757:33> »

Indeed with a bit of Google Fu many questions can be answered. My character isn't on paper either but the rough idea is there. Since I've been experimenting with characters creation lately putting it on paper should be a breeze.
Greetings from the Netherlands, comrade!


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« Reply #9 on: <11-09-10/1920:23> »
Oh, no worries.  I'm not the type to punish players for not knowing things that their characters would.  Besides, I'd be providing background.

Since you're so fresh on the scene though, I'll try and fill you in on what I mean by each game.

Game 1:  Chicago, A little slice of hell on earth.  Chicago wasn't doing too hot even before it suffered the largest insect spirit infestation ever recorded and was subsequently quarantined and nuked with a sub-tactical atom bomb.  It was polluted, overpopulated, terrorized and corrupt to the core with Mafia influence to start with.  These days, (2072) it is full of sections which are still largely abandoned as the three years of quarantine killed it as a business center, and not too many people want to live in a city that has needed to be nuked.  The team in this case would be a bunch of scavengers, picking through the worst parts of downtown Chicago.  Like sifting through the abandoned high-rises of the Noose, looking for old jewelery and art to sell and avoiding the attention of the ghouls who've set up in the area.  Characters would be limited to 350bp (or a to-be-determined amount of karma) with gear restricted to availability 8, so this game would be a bit gritter and would need characters who would be interested in picking through the bones of a dead city.  Not your typical shadowrunners.  More background on Chicago here.

Game 2: Portland, the Amsterdam of the Pacific.  A bit like Hong Kong, Portland was a city walled off from the rest of its nation.  That nation being the "back to the land" elven nation of Tir Tairngire, the kingdom of the elves out west.  The Tir was a horribly boring place for a long, long time.  It was a feudal state run by a council of elven princes.  All so fey and lovely.  But it turns out that modern living doesn't really mesh with all of that fancy farmland business and so the national economy tanked and the Princes were cast out.  Portland meanwhile was the one place where people could do business with the Tir, so all of the money and all of the non-elves were chilling in Portland.  The city itself survived on selling fine art and food, talismans, magical drugs and sex-by-the-pound.  All of these trades were organized by agents of the princes, but with them in exile, there is a power vacuum to be filled.  Meanwhile the smuggling lines from Portland to Seattle have started to dry up as the internal conflicts of a now open and democratic Tir Tairngire are mucking things up.  That's where the players come in.  The group would be mercs hired to go down to Po-town and sort shit out so that the drugs and magics can start flowing up the pipeline into Seattle.  Normal 400bp avail 12 game, though I'd actually prefer the German RC's Karmagen if people are down for that.

EDIT to better highlight the 6th world Wiki.  Read up.
« Last Edit: <11-10-10/0534:22> by Kontact »


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« Reply #10 on: <11-10-10/0341:53> »
I would prefer game 2. When you mean the RC I presume you mean Runner's Companion, right? I see there is een alternative character creation sceme there. Personally, I would like to try thr original one because that's the one I've been mocking around with which is the only degree of experience I have with the system up till now. Thanks for the Wiki, I will read up as much as time allows me (should be good than ;D ).
Greetings from the Netherlands, comrade!


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« Reply #11 on: <11-10-10/0550:42> »
Yeah, the German version of Runner's Companion got all of the errata which the English version has still not received.
Karmagen there is 5x attribute to fit with current SR4a standard and race cost is equal to the cost in BP, rather than free (RC English,) or BP cost x2 (common house rule.)

I just like it because it doesn't encourage overspecialization like BP does and it limits the power of awakened, technomancer and luck-bunny characters a bit since it caps all attributes, including special attributes under the same "half your starting total spent on x" cap.


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« Reply #12 on: <11-10-10/0557:38> »
That and you as GM have a say in the matter. I usually don't specialize to much; makes for a limited character. If you are out of your element, you have to little to contribute.
Greetings from the Netherlands, comrade!


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« Reply #13 on: <11-10-10/1650:30> »
Dude, i want in.  I personally would be totally hot about option number 1....Chicago.  Sounds like 28 Days Later to me!!!  I also live about 2.5 hours from Chicago in a gig there next week so I know the actual city well.  I might actually be going to Seattle in January too!!!  Never been....i'll be such a dork running around pretending i'm in the Sixth World.....


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« Reply #14 on: <11-10-10/1734:19> »
I think I might do both if I can find the players.  I'd want at least 3 for each game.
The Chicago game is going to be dark and nasty, near-horror, shotguns in hotel hallways business.  Expect a high BC most everywhere, so, if you go with an Awakened character, don't count on Foci.

The Portland game is going to be a bit crazier.  Not quite pink mowhawk, but that may be how it turns out.  Not that you'd particularly want to draw attention to yourselves, what with the heavy presence of Knight Errant, Horizon, S-K, a populace with mandatory military service/training (standing army much?) and the big orange dragon who lives in the west hills, Hestaby.  There is a whole lot of nasty floating around that berg.