Shadowrun General > General Discussion

Tell me about what is going on in the adventures you are in

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I just got the idea of making an area where we all talk about the adventures we are in.
So I'll start:
My character that I just created needed a job baaaad so the team and I accepted a job where we were told that we were transporting drugs into azlan.
Long story short I became the transport.
Then I got shot and it set off what we thought was a drug.
It turns out it was some kind of bug thing. I found it in the matrix inside of my persona (I'm a technomancer) It is trying to connect to my brain and when I attacked it, it hurt me so two hours later after we stopped the game I figured out what it was.
It is a experimental piece of tech made to make people into technomancers(my GM is one of those "creative" types)
I don't know if I should try and befriend this thing or get it out of my head.
It may make make me stronger. It may kill me I don't know.
Now before you go "Whaaaat?" you have to realize I left alot of what happened out.
I just thought it was interesting.

Sooooo your turn give me a good story or recap of what you just played!

Usda Beph:
Our group was given a job to execute some scientist who previously was in trouble for experimenting on Metas. We go to teh location and find it moderately guarded by some pretty professional security. They have jurisdiction to use deadly force. We have made our way into the building thanks to our new Sentient AI and have eliminated the internal security & locked out the external for now. However we have not found the target.

I'm getting short haired cause I'm thinking this might be a double cross or set up.

Chaotic Insane:
MODERATELY GUARDED!? There were what, 8 on the roof alone!? I hate roof guards in every system forever and for always.

Nathan has learned that he needs a better crossbow is what he's learned. Injection bolts are fun, but getting through armor is not. Code's popped in and out of existence as I have lost and then found the top page of his character sheet a couple times. Dad should totally print me out another blank 10 page sheet tomorrow since he loves me so much.

There's a lot of "wtf new guy?" going on right now since we all have two characters on this run. Code's getting pissy that he has competition for being the most morally destitute member of the party since even he was kinda iffy on the other elf capping some random running chick to try and scare the nerds into giving up the mark's location. A little too high to really care, but still. Dust now has company in the "relatively normal human somehow stuck with this pack of crazies" club with Nathan.

AND NO GIVING DOOM IDEAS. I already have a feeling our party's going to cap each other at some point. XD Either Nathan's going to make Piati take a nap or Code's going to get paranoid and/or jealous and revoke his finger privileges. As far as he's concerned there's only enough room in the party for one person's moral standing to be lying down.

EDIT: also, Doom and I were joking about how long it was going to take you to reply to this thread, dad. XD

The Doomed One:

--- Quote from: Chaotic Insane on ---AND NO GIVING DOOM IDEAS.

--- End quote ---
Ignore this^, give me more ideas; they are fun.


--- Quote from: The Doomed One on ---
--- Quote from: Chaotic Insane on ---AND NO GIVING DOOM IDEAS.

--- End quote ---
Ignore this^, give me more ideas; they are fun.

--- End quote ---
Offer the runner a job where they have to find and recover a scientist working on Collimater Axis Kinetic Elements* project for Aztechnology. Have them break into the super-secure research laboratory, only to find a Jaguar Squad waiting to capture the team and force them to raid an Yucatan Rebel's camp, planting evidence that the betrayal came from within. If they refuse, blood sacrifice.

*The C.A.K.E. is a lie.


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