First of all, here is a link to his backstory in the fan fiction section:
Attributes: A
Skills: B
Magic: C
Metatype: D (Elf)
Money: E
Body 5
Agility 7
Reaction 5 (7 with improved reflexes)
Strength 5
Willpower 3
Logic 1
Intuition 5
Charisma 4
Edge 1
Magic 4
Skills Archery 6 (bow specialization)
Blades 6 (axes specialization)
Throwing 3 (paid for with Karma)
Automatics 4 (assault rife specialization)
Unarmed 1 (paid for with Karma)
Gymnastics 5
Outdoors 5
Sneaking 6
Free-Fall 1 (paid for with Karma)
Animal Handling 1 (paid for with Karma)
Intimidation 3
Leadership 1 (paid for with Karma)
Perception 5
Palming 1 (paid for with Karma)
Mohawk N
English 5
Algoinkian-Maitou Army 5
Aztechnology 2
Mentor Spirit (Wolf)
Distinctive Style
Simsense Vertigo
National Sin
Bad Reputation
John Silver (weapon smith) 3/3
Akash (bartender) 5/1
Armor Jacket (1000 NY)
Bow (rank 5) (500 NY)
AK 97 with a rank 2 gas vent system (950+400NY)
2 spare clips (10 NY)
Laser sight (125 NY)
20 arrows (rank 5) (200 NY)
80 regular AK rounds (160 NY)
40 APDS rounds (480 NY)
Cloths (20 NY)
MetaLink Com (100 NY)
Combat Knife (300 NY)
Tactical Tomahawk (500 NY) (Homebrew weapon, damage STR+3, Reach 1, Accuracy 5, Armor Piercing -2, can be thrown with the same range as a shuriken/throwing knife.)
Magic Powers
Attribute Boost Rank 2 (From Wolf Mentor)
Traceless Walk
Critical Strike (Blades)
Improved Reflexes Rank 2