Purpose: Memory Hunter
A - Attributes (24)
B - Magic (4), two rating 4 magical skills, 7 spells
C - Elf (3)
D - Skills 22/0
E - Resources (6,000)
Metahuman: Elf
Mystic Adept
Body 3
Agi 5
Rea 4
Str 3
Will 5
Log 3
Int 4
Cha 8
Edge 2
Magic 6
Qualities: (Bonus Karma 25)
Scorched (doubling as amnesia)
Weak Immune System
Distinctive Style: Coded Tattoo on Neck and Purple Eyes
Spellcasting 4
Banishing 1
Blades 5
Assensing 4
Perception 3
Gymnastics 3
Pilot Ground Craft 1
Sneaking 4
Con 1
Counterspell 1
Swimming 2
Negotiation 1
Corporations 1
Seattle Knowledge 1
Magic Groups 1
Runner Hangouts 1
Sparethiel 4
Or'zet 1
English N
French 1
German 3
Spanish 1
Mind Probe
Control Thoughts
Mob Control
Improved Invisibility
Adept Powers: (Karma used - 25)
Astral Perception
Improved Reflexes (Rating 2)
Improved Ability - (insert combat skill) (Rating 2)
Combat Sense (Rating 1)
General Bio:
He was born into service of the SK corporation, was found to be magically and physically adept, and was put to use as a shadowrunner. Something went wrong, he got his memory wiped, and was kicked into the Americas, while his file and everything was erased from the SK database. Ever since, he's been reassembling his life and relearning everything he lost.
Assassinations and Neural Data Gathering
What I'm looking to you guys for:
I'm completely lost as what to buy what with the Karma->Nuyen Conversion, and where else to put my karma. I'd also like to make this character at least functional if not optimal, so pointing me in the right direction is something I'm looking for.
Thanks in advance.