The Shadow Sessions [OOC]

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« Reply #45 on: <09-25-13/0921:11> »
Finally was able to post this! ITS FINISHED ITS FINISHED!

[spoiler=FlashGiTz Background (Warning: it could hurt sensible persons)]Tir Tairngire is the ultimate place of beauty and peace, natural comunance and understanding, a Paradise… That’s what they tell in the trids, that’s what you see on the tourist rides, but even the best metal has impurities, even the most advanced cities has its slums, its barrens, and if you are unlucky enough to be born in such kind of place then you better beg that one of the many stray bullets that gangers, “law enforcement” and other elements kill you. I wasn’t that lucky, i have been always weak, even for elven standards, flash lightning reaction but no endurance whatsoever, my first years mi parents did their best to protect me and i should thank them, but i won’t… They died, when i was six they had accepted a deal in which i would pay for their debts with my body, the ganger was pleased with me specially because i cried and i begged for my parents to help me, he throw me to the ground naked and lifeless or should i say suicidal? I don’t quite remember, just the sound of a click and a loud boom and then again a click and another loud boom. He left me there with the corpses of my fathers, they might as well might have been the corpses of rats, i felt no love for them and i had a deep hatred for myself, i guess i still do… No hero came to my rescue, no force from the beyond, nor a good Samaritan, i don’t remember how much time i was there but the first motivator to move me was hunger, my legs where too weak for me to stand up, but my anger gave me strength i was pathetic i was used, but i was hungry.

Never ever underestimate the power of hunger, I ate the only protein source available for me, strangely enough it was my first time eating meat, I’ve got to say i won’t turn back to “Green” food again, although most of my meals are still soy based i enjoy the real meat from time to time. But that first taste was more a revelation an epiphany it revealed to me what i was, i was a maggot, a worm, and i would be that for the rest of my life, so i eated content with the role i had taken, my first real decision.

My few next years, i had my 8 birthday and a group of gangs decided to gift me with an all-out war, not that i truly remembered my birthday i was after all a worm and worms did not have birthdays. Thing is i was hiding as usual and as usual not a good hiding place when this huge chromed elf enters the place i was hiding, he drew a sword and i wet myself, i instantly started to beg, to cry that i would do whatever he wished, and something clicked inside of me, i look at him and i gave him the look that ive watched on the face of a few Joygirls and boys, my body responded to me with instinct alone… That is the lowest i have ever fell, i don’t think i touched rock solid bottom but i do think it was pretty low i was a slut, thing is the Samurai loved it, he took his pants off and i silently cried till he was finished with me, after that he was out and about to kill some people and told me not to move, i should have… But i did not.

So i survived, and i had sixteen, i was still the toy for the Samurai, i was hit hard when he was over me, when he saw me walk, when he felt me breath, i had many scars over all of my body, he was very sadistic that way, but i was a maggot, it was normal, maggots did what they had to in order to avoid death, also in those eight years something good had happened, Toshiki (The fake name that the samurai used) was a member of the Go Gang the Ancients, and although i was still his property and he made that very clear, because only his “friends” and followers could “use” me, this was not always that bad, some were gentle enough and some were even female which was a bit hard to understand the mechanics, never did i enjoy it, not even to this date, i wonder what’s so good about it? But the point is i was put to help the mechanics and boy o boy it was haven, the roar of an engine was a cry for help to me, but when it purred like a kitty it was a bliss, i wanted to know everything about them so i listened, i watched and i did whatever in my power to learn.

Learning has a cost… In this case it cost me four ribs and two broken arms, he was furious, i was his property i had no right to choose who used me, it was bad, pretty bad, i almost died that day but they had a Street doc and for some reason Toshiki wished me alive, probably because i was already trained. I keep learning whatever i could from cars, motorcycles, trucks, and everything that could move and had an engine, Toshiki got killed in a raid from a rival gang and so i now was the property of Sihadriel an elf woman that now was the head of the Ancients on Tir. A few things changed, she was gentle and she was the only one to use me, most importantly she was teaching me how to drive.

One more year and i was racing top speed in a impressively modified vehicle with Sihadriel on the copilot seat laughing, lately we were always together, she said i was a natural born driver, and that she loved me… To this day i don’t understand that Word, love, it simply has no meaning for me, but she was the best that had happened me since… Well ever, i raced for her and she made lots of nuyen, some she used them on me, scar elimination therapy quite painful but she told me to man up and so i tried. It was starting to become something, i was more or less free, i was finally starting to change into something, and it all fell apart, turns out that Toshiki survived the ambush and well after some serious Chroming he returned to take what was rightfully his, when i entered the garage she was broken, like a doll and he was playing with her carcass, i cried… I did not and do not understand why i cried, but i did, he explained to me that i was his toy for the rest of eternity, and so i was.

He recognized my skills on the wheels so when i wasn’t being used by him or his “friends” i was racing, the only moment i felt unchained, the only moment when i did not wish to cry. The only moment i did not hated myself. There is a saying that goes like “One man can only hold a small amount of shit before crumbling or beating the crap of his oppressor” thing is you see i was and am a maggot only working for survival, he had been hitting me pretty badly, he had a new toy, i knew i would not last long until he would kill me, and in a drag race i just did not stop on the finish line, nor when i crossed Tir borders, when i finally stopped was because i was out of juice, no fuel no speed.

He did not stop chasing me and why would he? He was almost completely chromed, i just remember the black of his eyes and the cold stare, just like when i first saw him i wet myself, i remember every punch, stab, gunshot and i don’t like it, even to this day I’m terrified of weapons, i don’t like them near me, which in the sprawl is a very idiotic fear to have, when i came to my senses i was alive and that was a surprise… Not a good one, i could not see but i could feel the pain, i could se her broken body, she still haunts me, i screamed i begged for someone to kill me for someone to end it… The pain was gone and i was in the cold embrace of darkness, if death would have a face she would laugh at me.

I was 18 and i had spent six month recovering from a punishment that should have killed me, a Priest from some old church to a entity called “God” had healed me… He did not ask for Nuyen just for compensation, he did not use me in the normal manner, he made me clean and he made me help him with menial tasks, one day he asked me to accompany him to buy groceries for the other kids he had on the old church building, his car was crap but it was the first set of Wheels i had saw in six month they were horrible and glorious, he saw me and asked me if i wished to drive, he saw my potential and also wet himself, that was my first time being consciously on Seattle.

So the Father Santiago helps me get my Legal SIN because he insists that I should have it, so I did, and what’s the first job he finds me? Smuggling illegally persecuted people out of the border, while not completely illegal well you know is in that fine margin, for the father I give him a discount any other pays full price up front if you wish to get out, if you wish a ride then things change, ive been making good money and spending it quite smartly I began to live like if I was something more than a maggot… Sure Toshiki still haunts me in my nightmares, especially when thunderstorms are about and Sihadriel broken body visits me at least once a week but I’ve been doing good, have three wonderful girls on the garage Samantha for those beautiful nights of full moonlight, Lola for high speed driving an beating regularly drivers pretenders… Taking their money is also sweet, and Erika she is my workhorse, she is in every mission I’m in that requires more than two seats, she’s a Military Patrol Vehicle legally bought, of course it does not has the pintle mounted turret, but the extra armor sure comes in handy and her design is superb. Been working with my head low, and to a select clientele, reference only, maybe that would change someday, maybe it wouldn’t.[/spoiler]

[spoiler=FlashGiTz Character Sheet]== Info ==
Street Name: FlashGiTz
Name: Aeohion Weretheil
Movement: 10/25, Swim: 6
Karma: 0
Street Cred: 0
Notoriety: 0
Public Awareness: 0
Elf Male Age 24 (-30 BP)
Height 1.85 Weight 70 kg
Composure: 10
Judge Intentions: 13
Lift/Carry: 2 (15 kg/10 kg)
Memory: 7
Starting Nuyen: 3000 (1d6 * 500, Roll 6 * 500 = 3000) (Source: 1d6=6)

== Attributes ==
BODY 1 + 0 = 1
AGI      2 + 0 = 2
REAC 1 + 4 = 5
STR    1 + 0 = 1
CHA    3 + 4 = 7
INT      1 + 3 = 4
LOG    1 + 3 = 4
WILL   1 + 2 = 3
EDG    1 + 3 = 4
MAGIC 1 + 1 = 2

== Derived Attributes ==
Essence:                   6
Initiative:                9 + 1d6
IP:                            1
Astral Initiative:         8
Astral IP:                 3
Matrix Initiative:         8
Matrix IP:                 2
Physical Damage Track:     9
Stun Damage Track:         10

== Active Skills ==
Mental: 5
Physical: 3
Social: 8

== Active Skills ==
Automotive Mechanic        :7              Pool: 13 (Rating 7 + Logic 4 + Juryriger 2)
Computer                            : 3             Pool: 7 (Rating 3 + Logic 4)
Con                                       : 7         Pool: 19 (Rating 7 + Charisma 7 + Improved Ability Con 1 + Kinesic 4)
Etiquette                               : 7              Pool: 18 (Rating 7 + Charisma 7 + Kinesic 4)
Leadership                          : 7              Pool: 18 (Rating 7 + Charisma 7 + Kinesic 4)
Navigation                            : 3              Pool: 7 [13] (Rating 3 + Intuition 4 + Mapsoft Tir Tairngire or Seattle 6)
Negotiation                           : 7             Pool: 18 (Rating 7 + Charisma 7 + Kinesic 4)
Pilot Ground Craft                :10           Pool: 16 (Rating 10 + Reaction 5 + Improved Ability Pilot Groundcraft 1)
Tracking                                 :7              Pool: 11 (Rating 7 + Intuition 4)

== Knowledge Skills == (24 FP)
Area Knowledge: Seattle       : 4                  Pool: 8 (Rating 4 + Intuition 4)
Bars and Clubs                       :7                  Pool: 11 (Rating 7 + Intuition 4)
The Acients Go Gang             : 7                 Pool: 11 (Rating 7 + Intuition 4)
Smuglers Routes Seattle      :4               Pool: 8 (Rating 4 + Intuition 4)
Vehicles                                    : 10            Pool: 14 (Rating 10 + Logic 4)

== Languages ==
Sperethiel                 : N                                                      Pool: 0
English                      : 7             Pool: 11 (Rating 7 + Logic 4)

== Contacts ==
Customs Contact (1, 5) (A begginin relationship were everyone wins, he tells me when and where are things going south on customs and i gift him something nice like a real bottle of bourbon or hard cash, the man Jonas is a bit of a dick but he is worth his weight in gold... Sometimes the analogys don't work, because if so then that man can buy a Mega with gold alone! Jonas is a discusting Male Orc, not for racism or anything but the guy is almost 300 Kg, is always sweating and o good, DON'T WATCH HIM EAT! he was a bit low on cash one night at the bar an well we are begining our beautifull (O GOD HE STINKS!) Friendship.)

Fixer (3, 3) (After getting out of the Ancients i had nowhere to go but onwards, tell that to my car, ran out of fuel and got beaten to half death, then this guy appears at first he was speaking about God or something and well he sort of cared for me, of course that was to give me my first job, the man is a good person and he runs a church or something with some Spunked Kiddos Orphans or something, even tough he is a good negotiator. Ive smugled a few people and mostly legal stuff that can't afford the taxes so its mostly legal. Father Santiago is a good man with a greater heart than anyone in the sprawl helping anyone that asks even if the laws of "man" have to be pushed a bit.

Vehicle Dealer (1, 5) (Excelent and Charming Cars dealer, with her i bought my first real sports car, a real beauty... The car... She is not that bad, but come on! lock at those aerodinamical flaps and pristine chassis who could compete with "Lola". Angela Sterling beautifull human woman, an excelent legal Vehicle Dealer)

== Qualities Positive==
Adept (-5BP)
Gearhead (Natural Born Driver) (Karma Cost 11) (P. 74 SR5CR)
Juryriger (Mechanical +2) (Karma Cost 10) (P. 75 SR5CR)
Low-Light Vision (Natural)

== Qualities Negative==
Astral Beacon (+5BP)
Low Pain Tolerance (+10BP)
SINner (Standard) (+5BP)

== Powers ==
Improved Ability (Pilot Ground Craft) Rating: 1
Improved Ability (Con) Rating: 1
Kinesics Rating: 4

== Lifestyles ==
High  7 months

== Weapons ==
Unarmed Attack
   Pool: 1   DV: 1S   AP: -   RC: 0

== Commlink ==
Fairlight Caliban (R4, Sys4, F3, Sig5) (8000 Nuyen)

== Gear == (50 BP = 250.000 Nuyen)
Binoculars Rating 3 (150 Nuyen)
   +Vision Magnification
Biometric Reader (200 Nuyen)
DocWagon Contract: Platinum (50000 Nuyen)
Edit Rating 4 (400 Nuyen)
Glasses Rating 4 (100 Nuyen)
Image Link (25 Nuyen)
Novatech Navi (1500 Nuyen)
Mapsoft (Seattle) Rating 6 (30 Nuyen)
Mapsoft (Tir Tairngire) Rating 6 (30 Nuyen)
Nanopaste Trodes (100 Nuyen)
Satellite Link (500 Nuyen)
Sim Module (Cold) (100 Nuyen)
Subvocal Microphone (50 Nuyen)
Tool Shop (5000 Nuyen)

== Vehicles ==
Chrysler-Nissan Patrol-1 (Patrol Car) (22700 Nuyen) (Erika)
   +Vehicle Sensor
Eurocar Westwind 3K (Sports Car) (85000 Nuyen) (Lola)
   +Passenger Protection Rating 6
   +Turbocharger Rating 1
   +Vehicle Sensor
Suzuki Mirage (Racing Bike) (6500 Nuyen) (Samantha)
   +Vehicle Sensor

Starting Nuyen 1d6*500 Nuyen = 3000Nuyen
"Welcome to the Shadows... We bake cookies on tuesdays and prepare for mass murder on saturdays, we do rest at sundays to start murdering on Monday... WHY?! my thats a stupid question, because mondays suck!" -Mad Gunner Brian


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« Reply #46 on: <09-25-13/1312:45> »
The Frenchman starting Nuyens:
Starting Nuyens (4d6*100=1700)
Rick Deckard - Circles of Fate
Kachina - Shaking the Shadows


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« Reply #47 on: <09-25-13/1331:20> »
If I am allowed some comments on the characters:
@WrongConcept: There seems to be a lot of mix between the 4th and 5th edition. If you need help with the creation let us know, we'll gladly help. The main points:
- Pick your priorities (SR5 p.65)
- Starting Rating is limited to 6 (7 with the proper Quality)
- Starting Nuyens is now as followed:
Street 1D6 x 20¥
Squatter 2D6 x 40¥
Low 3D6 x 60¥
Middle 4D6 x 100¥
High 5D6 x 500¥
Luxury 6D6 x 1,000¥
So a High Lifestyle will grand you quite a bit more of starting money.
-Con is no longer part of the Influence group, but the Acting Group.
- Knowledge Point are (Intuition + Logic)x2 so 16 in your character's case.
- Adept Power Kinesics has been tuned down. It now only gives boni to resist social test and reading your emotions (judge Intention, assensing)

Anyway, let us know if you need more help.

Rick Deckard - Circles of Fate
Kachina - Shaking the Shadows


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« Reply #48 on: <09-25-13/1343:48> »
Ditto, we'll be happy to help with your concept. A lot of the stuff on your sheet doesn't appear to exist in SR5 at this point in time or has been replaced with a different system (BPs, Commlinks with 4 Attributes, Nanopaste, etc). Seems like you're going for a fast-talking elven smuggler basically? Due to the Kinesics change, it may be better to do him as a rigger/bioware face (Control Rig and Tailored Pheromones) rather than an adept.
« Last Edit: <09-25-13/1414:44> by JackVII »
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« Reply #49 on: <09-25-13/1356:11> »
I though Magic was the theme...  :) jk.
Rick Deckard - Circles of Fate
Kachina - Shaking the Shadows


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« Reply #50 on: <09-25-13/1403:37> »
Well let me check again, i will try to post the new character sheet directly by 5e standar however i will neddle you both with questions, with the permision of BestTeaMaker i would like to start posting but if not no prob. I also am on my job and currently have a bit of an emergency so give me a few mins. And a big thanks to both of you im really excited about this game!
"Welcome to the Shadows... We bake cookies on tuesdays and prepare for mass murder on saturdays, we do rest at sundays to start murdering on Monday... WHY?! my thats a stupid question, because mondays suck!" -Mad Gunner Brian


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« Reply #51 on: <09-25-13/1412:11> »
I though Magic was the theme...  :) jk.
We have to balance this out to give the enemy deckers something to do. ;)
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« Reply #52 on: <09-25-13/1423:04> »
I've made some changes to the formatting rules. Check the OP for more details.

Also, those who still are missing things need to get them in as soon as possible, whether it's background information, starting nuyen, or something else.
Nemo157: -nothing-
JackVII: -nothing-
Silence: -nothing-
Red_Cap: -nothing-
Bewilderbeast: -nothing-
WrongConcept: I need your starting nuyen dice roll
reyjinn: -nothing-
obidancer: -nothing-

Get posting, gentlemen. :D
« Last Edit: <09-25-13/1436:06> by BestTeaMaker »
The Shadow Sessions


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« Reply #53 on: <09-25-13/1437:28> »
As I plan on making this relevant at the first available opportunity... how do you want charging to work? Do you want it to be a certain distance that is required to build up to running speed?
[Time&Date|Place|Area] "Dialogue" "Non-English" >>Matrix/"Commlink" "Astral" <<Text&email>> Internal&"subvocal"


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« Reply #54 on: <09-25-13/1439:17> »
Im still not sure, i wish to keep him adept for the time being, maybe choose from the new powers for adept, it should be able to make a good character, maybe not ultra efficient and dice pool breaker but should be good.

I don't get this priority point system how do i know how many points do i use for normal attributes?!
"Welcome to the Shadows... We bake cookies on tuesdays and prepare for mass murder on saturdays, we do rest at sundays to start murdering on Monday... WHY?! my thats a stupid question, because mondays suck!" -Mad Gunner Brian


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« Reply #55 on: <09-25-13/1448:27> »
I kinda dig the idea of a non-rigger wheelman.  Probably won't see too much of that.
This is a nice cheat sheet for character creation.  I don't remember there being any errors on it.
This is a really good character creation spreadsheet.

Also, don't hesitate to ask away.  These other guys could probably be of really good help :)
[Time&Date|Place|Area] "Dialogue" "Non-English" >>Matrix/"Commlink" "Astral" <<Text&email>> Internal&"subvocal"


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« Reply #56 on: <09-25-13/1449:01> »
Im still not sure, i wish to keep him adept for the time being, maybe choose from the new powers for adept, it should be able to make a good character, maybe not ultra efficient and dice pool breaker but should be good.

I don't get this priority point system how do i know how many points do i use for normal attributes?!
It's actually pretty simple. Your attributes all start at a certain level. Using Human as the most basic example, they start out with 1 Attribute Point in each of the 8 Regular Attributes. If you take Attributes Priority (A), you get 24 points to distribute amongst them. At chargen it is a 1 for 1 basis. So improving an Attribute from 1 to 6 costs 5 of your 24 points. The page after the priority chart contains the racial maximums of each race. You can't raise an attribute beyond that other than through Positive Qualities or Cyber/Bio/Magic augnmentation. Also note, you can only have one attribute at your racial max at chargen.

You can certainly still play an adept, it just depends on what you plan to do with him. Maybe create a list of the top 3 things you want your guy to do and we can make suggestions, if BestTeaMaker doesn't mind.
« Last Edit: <09-25-13/1458:26> by JackVII »
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« Reply #57 on: <09-25-13/1450:02> »
I kinda dig the idea of a non-rigger wheelman.  Probably won't see too much of that.
It's a cool idea, but the Control Rig is so unbelievably good that it is hard to pass it up.
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« Reply #58 on: <09-25-13/1503:43> »
As I plan on making this relevant at the first available opportunity... how do you want charging to work? Do you want it to be a certain distance that is required to build up to running speed?

Well, I'll keep charging simple and rule it at any distance that allows you to build up that momentum. I won't be ruling distance too strictly in this game, so I will apply modifiers if it seems appropriate. But don't expect your character to charge one mile in a span of a single second, or build up a momentum of a speeding truck in the distance of five feet. Unless you have a ridiculous amount of modifiers to boost your acceleration.

Im still not sure, i wish to keep him adept for the time being, maybe choose from the new powers for adept, it should be able to make a good character, maybe not ultra efficient and dice pool breaker but should be good.

I don't get this priority point system how do i know how many points do i use for normal attributes?!

Jack summarizes it nicely, but in short, the priority system tells you which aspect of chargen you want to shine in. Personally, I think face adepts are still viable as Increase attribute/skill is a nice thing to have. But (as of now) they do lose the amazing abilities they had in 4e+supplements (Speaker's Way and Kinesics, to name a few). I do expect future supplements to add more powers, but as of now, they are a bit limited in terms of social abilities. Combat adepts, on the other hand, have a crazy boost since they have access to lovely powers and foci.

I kinda dig the idea of a non-rigger wheelman.  Probably won't see too much of that.
It's a cool idea, but the Control Rig is so unbelievably good that it is hard to pass it up.

RCC is a nice thing to have as it finally differentiates riggers, but holy crap are their options limited when it comes to drones/vehicles/autosofts. I am disappointed that they didn't bring over the microtappers from Unwired. Those things were cool.
The Shadow Sessions


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« Reply #59 on: <09-25-13/1516:47> »
RCC is a nice thing to have as it finally differentiates riggers, but holy crap are their options limited when it comes to drones/vehicles/autosofts. I am disappointed that they didn't bring over the microtappers from Unwired. Those things were cool.
I'm pretty bummed with drone riggers at the moment. Drones are so weak in SR5 that it's almost never a good idea to jump in one if you have any chance of getting shot at (and this is SR, when exactly is that?), even without considering the fact that Autosoft pricing, Armor & Body Upgrades, and Pilot Upgrades are presently non-existent. They seem mostly useful as a small semi-autonomous dog-brain controled army, but they're susceptible to being hacked and are pretty expensive for what they offer. I may be missing it, but I' don't really see RCCs differentiating riggers since anyone can use them. Control Rigs on the other hand are AMAZING in vehicle combat with a sturdy vehicle like the Toyota Gopher or the GMC Bulldog. +Dice Pools, -Threholds, etc. Just my opinion though.
« Last Edit: <09-25-13/1520:29> by JackVII »
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