wrote this as my evaluation project for my Jquery class this semester to prove I knew a bit of Javascript.
At its most basic this is a dice roller for shadowrun. You enter into the text field for Dice Pool the relevant Dice Pool, likewise for the relevant Limit and then click Roll.
It will show the amount of hits you made as well as the amount of glitches. If your glitches outnumber your hits, it'll even tell you "Bummer, you glitched." Otherwise it will say "Your luck is holding"
I use it most often on my phone as a quick way to make repetitive rolls for bad guys without having to shake a salad bowl full of dice and count up hits and glitches. This (for me) speeds up npc rolls. Also, I can make five rolls, and leave them in the text area, it doesn't reset past rolls until you refresh the screen, so if you need to go back and check a diceroll, you can.
Anyways, I'm going to port this over to Android and iPhone later this semester, most likely with some kind of diceroll sound effect. Also, I'll be changing and playing with the colors fairly often.
Just quick fyi about the site, there is NO advertising associated with it nor even any meta-data, so it's relatively unsearchable. This means I didn't do this to drum up clicks or likes, primarily I did it to finish my homework in Jquery. So just enjoy and use if you like.