[SR4A, RECRUITMENT CLOSED] There will be flood

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« on: <09-08-13/0746:18> »
My GM skills are rusty because of disuse and were probably already pretty much crap before that.
I may accidentally railroad, make up houserules, invoke rule 0 when I think the rules make no sense and bring in divine intervention and do other crap because it helps the story. I've no real problems with killing players or even TPK's if I think it's what would happen in the game world. My rule is law. My decisions and rule calls can be questioned (politely) and I may change a call if I feel I made a mistake and you've argumented your case well. In understand I'm not flawless. But in the end, my games are not a democracy and the rulebooks function as tools to make things easier, not as shackles to force or restrict. And please, use spelling correction when possible.
I will select/refuse players because I like/dislike what I've read of them before and don't feel compelled to explain myself. A good character concept helps, but too much 'special snowflake' stuff will do the opposite.

Respect your GM and your fellow players. We're all putting in an effort to make this game fun for everyone involved. For every day you wait, 5 other people also wasted a day.
I expect posts daily, preferably more than once if possible.
But I realize there is a thing called RL and can understand if sometimes that's not possible and skipping a day on occasions can happen, though preferably not too often.
Warn ahead of time when RL intervenes because of work, holiday, family, sickness or whatever.
If taking one minute to post "I'm sick/on vacation/swamped with work and won't be able to post next XXX." on OOC is too much of an effort to ask for, then don't expect me to make an effort running a game for you. It's disrespectful to the rest of the group.

If there's been no message:
Player inactivity for longer than 2 days will mean your character either doesn't do a thing or is controlled by me, as I see fit in the situation. I won't like it very much when this happens and I'll like it even less if when you come back, you complain about what your character did or didn't do. (If you're reading and just waiting for someone else to do something, say something entertaining in OOC to let us know you're alive.)
Inactivity longer beyond that will lead to warnings and being booted.

If despite all earlier threats and warnings, you've still got the courage to join, post here with a basic character concept (Name, role and maybe a couple of lines to catch my interest. No sheets, to 10 page backgrounds, I've got Saints Row 4 to play.) I'll take 5 players.

Chargen guidelines and houserules will follow in the next post.

HydroRaven   Rat   Ork Melee & B&E, Wheelman
BestTeaMaker   SyraElf Technomancer   
ChronaThree StarStreetsam/Face
Yogi   Boomer   Dwarf Demolition/B&E Cybered Streetsam   
SilenceSpooky   Drake Detective/Support   
« Last Edit: <10-27-13/1100:18> by Xzylvador »


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« Reply #1 on: <09-08-13/0746:28> »
- Setting/timeline: I'm running SR4, so we're around 2070-2074. I'm not a Shadowrun-Canon-Encyclopedia and stuff I come up with may or may not make sense in the world. The Amazon war probably won't come up, but it's still ongoing. Nanotechnology and genetech are working as written in SR4; not broken, infectious and dangerous like SR5.
- Gamestyle: Black Trenchcoat and Mirrorshades. Pink Mohawk stuff, timed right, can throw enemies off balance though. It's a grim world, runners aren't heroes and their actions, ultimately, will probably not make the world a bright and shiny place with unicorns shitting rainbows all over the place.  Driving tanks, walking around with near-WMD-like weapons or looking like a mobile weapons platform or something that jumped out of a Sci-Fi trid are might not be the best idea when working as a Shadowrunner.
- Karmagen with 730 karma. Any American/English books are allowed except the stuff mentioned below.
- Use Chummer.
- Attributes costs 5 x New Rating, Metatypes cost karma equal to their BP value.
- Magic lowered by Essence Loss gets noted as Magic 5(4) (In this example, 1 point of Magic was lost due to 1 point of essence loss.) Like with other modified attributes, the costs to increase it later gets calculated using the ‘Base’ attribute, not the modified value. (In this example, raising Magic 5(4) to 6(5) would cost 30 karma: 5 x 6 NOT 5 x 5.)
- Contacts: The maximum combined rating of contacts (at chargen) is 9. --L6C3, L3C6, L5C4, etc-- Exceptions to this may be allowed if backed up by background and other character options (qualities). For Group Contacts, this is the maximum before applying the Advanced Contact Modifiers.
- Contacts: Free Contact points equal to (Charisma + Highest Unmodified Attribute) x 1.5, round up.  (Only using Charisma or Social Skills just ignores the fact that ugly but talented wrestlers or impolite but brilliant scientists can still be well connected in their own circles. Buying some contacts that actually have anything to do with your role/specialty would be appreciated.)
- Knowledge Skills: Don't buy knowledge skills just yet, you'll receive free knowledge points when I've figured out just how much to give you. One thing to keep in mind: Your characters don't know everything you know. Sounds simple but it often seems to be forgotten and I -will- check character knowledge levels if/when it comes up in-game.
- Advanced Contacts & Lifestyle from Runners Companion are allowed (within reason).
- Martial Arts qualities do not count towards the maximum of 35BP's for Positive Qualities.
- Stick 'n Shock rounds can only be used in Shotguns.
- Called Shots made with a Sniper Rifle in SS or SA only give half the dice pool penalty they normally would (round down).
- Take Aim actions made with a Sniper Rifle fired in SS or SA are limited to your weapon skill instead of only half your weapon skill.
- Take Aim actions made with a Sports Rifle give +2 dice instead of +1. The maximum modifier gained this way can not be higher than your weapon skill.
- Emotisoft/toys are banned with extreme prejudice! Characters attempting to get them at chargen will receive 160BP's worth of negative qualities. Attempts to get or make them in-game get you served as a side-dish to a Great Dragon.
- Softweave armor mod is banned. --It's not generally that bad, but can easily get too cheesy and there's no real reason to have it in game.--
- War!: 'Slow' spell is banned. (It's actually already been errata’d out in the German books.)
- War!: MRSI, works with mortars and artillery, probably also with a well coordinated missile attack. It does NOT work with grenade launchers or bows!
- Software Degradation for Hacked Programs: Instead of the normal Programming(<degradation rating>,1 week), characters can instead choose either Programming(5x<degradation rating>, 1 day) or Programming(10x<degradation rating>, 1 day). The first involves quick (and sometimes sloppy) work which allows bugs or worse to get into the programming on glitches, the slower way involves a lot more checking and doesn't cause such errors on normal glitches (critical glitches may still cause bugs, but their overall effect will be lessened too).
- Mystic Adepts follow the rules as written in SR4A, NOT the stuff mentioned in the SR4 FAQ. (I don't consider this a houserule but I'll mention it regardless.)
- Combat: It is possible to aim for non-lethal attacks with lethal weapons, just try not to glitch ;). Examples are shooting people in their limbs to slow/cripple/incapacitate them or to bust someones nose to intimidate them, with far decreased chances of accidentally ending up killing them. This will usually involve splitting damage between Stun and Physical and/or using Called Shots to lower damage instead of increasing it and not adding net hits to damage. The base damage + net hits etc. still count for the purpose of piercing armor/barriers.
Things like this will be dealt with case by case, please request & describe what you want to accomplish first. Just know that if it's reasonable, it's an option. (Reasonable meaning this like: No, this shouldn’t be tried with Assault Canons, Grenade or Missile Launchers.)
- Combat: Characters doing Unarmed Physical damage (Bone lacing, Hardliner, etc.) can do Stun damage instead by holding their punches, doing -2 Stun damage.
- Extended Tests receive a cumulative –1 dice modifier to each test after the first, unless mentioned otherwise by the GM.
- (Mystic) Adepts can get PP instead of a Metamagic feat when they initiate.
- Advanced Combat Rules in Arsenal (p161) are included too. I’ll admit to sometimes forget/overlook them and am not prepared to lose lots of time looking it up for every attack, just know that shooting at microdrones tends to be tougher than shooting at trucks and that strong people can handle more recoil. Stuff that makes sense, you know.
- Other Optional rules: I'll allow quite a few, ask me for specifics if they come up, I’ll try telling you when they come up too. Springing to mind at the moment:
- Direct Combat Spells get +2 drain.
- Elemental Spells get -1 drain.
- Rules about Notoriety, Public Awareness, etc. have been cut out of the book and thrown out of the window. The concepts still exist but when and how they come into play will be up to the GM.

More can be added or removed later.
These are open for argument, at least until the game starts. If some of 'em don't make much sense, you've got a better way or whatever, let me know.
« Last Edit: <09-09-13/1350:51> by Xzylvador »


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« Reply #2 on: <09-08-13/0821:30> »
I am definitely interested in playing a game. I reckon I could do a couple or more posts a day if I have something to reply to (though timezones may or may not be an issue - I am GMT)

As for my character.

Name: James "Swish" Regan
Role: Unarmed Combat/Infiltration Adept
Notes: Unsure if he will follow the Warrior's Way or the Unseen Way just yet, but he will be travelling along both until he 'settles' on his true path.
“Fearlessness is better than a faint heart for any man who sticks his nose out-of-doors. The length of my life and the day of my death were fated long ago.”

Speech | Thought | Matrix | Astral


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« Reply #3 on: <09-08-13/0836:09> »
Name: Maxwell "Fang" Kojote
Role: Matrix Support (Technomancer) [Hacking, Information Gathering, Security, others as appropriate]
Info: Significantly SURGEd Technomancer. Migrated from Germany. Shy and not that good at socialising. Follows the Info Savant stream. His frequent time spent on VR has given him a couple of odd mannerisms in meatspace.
Notes: If timezones become relevant, I'm GMT+10.
Queries: Will you be using the Optional TM rules from Unwired?
Will you be allowing Initiation/Submersion at chargen?
« Last Edit: <09-08-13/2214:04> by MaxKojote »

Fang (Auburn Logrolling)


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« Reply #4 on: <09-08-13/0905:02> »
I have to admit my Matrix knowledge is a bit lacking (I did enjoy playing a hacker, but he died pretty quickly :( ) and my TM knowledge is even worse.
What optional rules are you referring to and, more importantly, what do you think of them/why do you want them?

I'm not certain yet on Initiation and Submersion... I'm leaning towards one level being acceptable, though.


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« Reply #5 on: <09-08-13/0927:06> »
The rules I'm referring to can be found on Pages 137-138 of Unwired, in the infobox The Resonance Difference. For the most part they're pretty awesome. They're also a fair bit overpowered, hence why I figured I'd ask. Flavour-wise they do actually help highlight the differences between Resonance stuff and normal Matrix stuff (being that what works on a normal target will not work so well on a Resonance target, unless one is also using the Resonance). However they provide benefits without downsides, so it might stack the deck in favour of TMs.

To clarify: I'm not actually requesting you to ahead with it, I'm asking if you were thinking of doing it. :P
« Last Edit: <09-08-13/1002:58> by MaxKojote »

Fang (Auburn Logrolling)


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« Reply #6 on: <09-08-13/1133:11> »
I'd like to throw my hat in.   

Name: Charley "Boomer" Johnson
Role: Demolitions/B&E & Street Sam
Info: Dwarf, former UCAS Military enlisted, retired.   Well travelled and connected.  Decent cyber and well skilled.

Notes: Eastern time zone GMT -5 I think.   Never made a karmagen character before so this would be new to me and I do have Chummer. 

Question:. What books are allowed? 
« Last Edit: <09-08-13/1822:46> by Yogi »


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« Reply #7 on: <09-08-13/1228:27> »
All books are allowed, even though I'm not too fond of most of the stuff in War! and wouldn't really recommend too obvious SURGE stuff, Free spirits, toxic/blood/bug magic and probably some more stuff I can't come up with right now.


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« Reply #8 on: <09-08-13/1338:02> »
What's your ruling on drakes?
"When the pin is pulled, Mr. Grenade is no longer your friend" - every instructor out there

"Maybe in your case, but he's a great buddy I'm leaving behind." - Siouxsie


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« Reply #9 on: <09-08-13/1400:07> »
Not disallowing it, but just like heavily-SURGEd or Free Spirit characters, it'd have to be pretty good (concept/background) not to quickly fall into the 'special snowflake' category.


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« Reply #10 on: <09-08-13/1408:56> »
Okay, working on a Drake detective.
"When the pin is pulled, Mr. Grenade is no longer your friend" - every instructor out there

"Maybe in your case, but he's a great buddy I'm leaving behind." - Siouxsie


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« Reply #11 on: <09-08-13/1410:56> »
The rules I'm referring to can be found on Pages 137-138 of Unwired, in the infobox The Resonance Difference. For the most part they're pretty awesome. They're also a fair bit overpowered, hence why I figured I'd ask. Flavour-wise they do actually help highlight the differences between Resonance stuff and normal Matrix stuff (being that what works on a normal target will not work so well on a Resonance target, unless one is also using the Resonance). However they provide benefits without downsides, so it might stack the deck in favour of TMs.

To clarify: I'm not actually requesting you to ahead with it, I'm asking if you were thinking of doing it. :P

They do seem pretty powerful... but I'll allow them, using the suggestion to handle them as Echoes.
And keep in mind that this means the enemy may have access to the same techniques.


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« Reply #12 on: <09-08-13/1742:07> »
Name:  Jeff "Spooky" Thomas.
Role:  Detective/limited spell casting/occasional heavy fire support
Info:  Former KE detective who got on the wrong side of the bosses, and now can only find a legit job at Stuffer Shack.  Has been doing some quiet shadow work on the side, but now needs to come up with a large score, or a good friend to fake his death since his last case went weird on him.  Like huge, fire-breathing and scaly weird.  But he swears he doesn't know any dragons.

And on a side note to the rules Max is referencing:  That also means that some of your stuff doesn't work quite right on regular systems.  Nuke would be fine, since it's pretty much a specific attack that wouldn't bother a Living Persona.  But some of the other stuff works differently between the two.
"When the pin is pulled, Mr. Grenade is no longer your friend" - every instructor out there

"Maybe in your case, but he's a great buddy I'm leaving behind." - Siouxsie


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« Reply #13 on: <09-08-13/1752:25> »
I'm definately interested, but I'll look tomorrow (when I have access again to my books and character sheets and stuff) exactly what I'm going to play.
"Magic can turn a frog into a prince. Science can turn a frog into a Ph.D. and you still have the frog you started with." Terry Pratchett
"I will not yield to evil, unless she's cute"


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« Reply #14 on: <09-08-13/1831:54> »
And on a side note to the rules Max is referencing:  That also means that some of your stuff doesn't work quite right on regular systems.    But some of the other stuff works differently between the two.
Not sure where you get that... Am I missing something that's not in the box on UW 137-138?
With the echoes, a TM becomes tougher/impossible to defeat with certain programs, but none of the echoes seem to have a negative effect on the TM's abilities to interact with programs/computers.

