So I was wondering I was the only one who felt the d6 system was a bit tedious? A lot of my players have told me (after playing both pathfinder and shadowrun) that they prefer the style and setting of the latter, but would rather play Pathfinder because the system involves less excessive and it is generally easier for them to wrap their heads around.
After reflecting on this, I am starting a personal project to take the setting of Shadowrun but putting together a d10 system to run it one, taking what I've thought to be the best elements of several other systems I've worked with. I was wondering if anyone would be interested in seeing the rules for such a system posted here? So far what I'm looking at is eliminating the fistful of d6s, the concepts of hits, and instead have a system in which most checks just have a threshold you need to meet. The rolls I'm looking at are similar to what you'd see in Savage Worlds or Arcanis (but the former I find too basic and generalized, and the former too tied to its own setting), with the player's attributes having a die rating between d4 and d12 instead of a numbered rating. They would roll a d10, plus the relevant attribute die, with the ranks in the relevant skill being a flat bonus to that roll, and then magic, cyberware, or perhaps racial traits offering a smaller flat bonus to rolls on your attribute die. Obviously there is a lot more I'll have to put together here, such as as how damage and armor works, and I'd have to rework the mechanics on most published items, but hey, I've been wanting a project. Once this gets underway, would anyone want it posted, and, if so, where would I post it?