[SR5] House Rules

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« Reply #360 on: <11-30-15/1507:05> »
Quality- Aged

Right now, Aged is a same fit for everyone which is not sensible since different metatypes have different life expediencies. So I believe it should be something like this:

             -1             -2           -3
Ork/Troll   40-47   48-54   55+
Humans   50-59   60-69   70+
Dwarf   60-79   80-99   100+
Elves   100-199   200-299   300+

I really need to learn how to format in these forums

The age groups in red should not normally be allowed as these metatypes haven't been around long enough to be this old yet. However, the exception would be a person born human who later changed metatype during the surge.
« Last Edit: <11-30-15/1509:15> by gradivus »
"Speech" Thought >>Matrix<< Astral


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« Reply #361 on: <12-04-15/1119:29> »
I was thinking about creating 4 new "archetype" Positive Qualities:
- Street Samurai
- Decker
- Rigger
- Face

I still don't know what they could/should do...
Any ideas?
« Last Edit: <12-04-15/1211:14> by LukeZ »


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« Reply #362 on: <12-15-15/0240:22> »
Cross posting from GM's Toolbox as it contains house rules, vehicle gear, etc. (prefer comments/questions there to avoid stepping on existing conversations here):

What started as a compilation of vehicle mods/additions soon snowballed into this. With Rigger 5.0 coming soon, I figure it's mostly moot but maybe not. Anyway, if you need to string together some vehicle changes this may be the bailing wire and duct tape you need until the professional Rigger 5.0 :)


(Note: I am aware it needs editing, there's only so many times one can read their own work out loud until the bleeding clogs up one's hearing. But I'm always appreciative of specific examples, etc. More important is how well the new rules integrate into the core rules, issues arising from there, etc.)
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« Reply #363 on: <01-27-16/2226:59> »
I'm not sure if this is the right forum for this, but it seemed to fit.  In any case, I wanted to find a way to give a little something back to the community here, and this is all I can come up with.  These are the "fixes" that I've come up with to the problems that have been most common in my own games, and a lot of these are aimed towards addressing a power disparity in PCs when a couple have a significantly higher degree of system mastery.  Figured a few people might want to use these, or maybe a few vets can spot problems in these changes that I have missed.  In any case, here are the changes I've made to RAW in my games since the inception of SR5, along with explanations as to why I felt the need to make the changes.

Changing Nuyen to Karma
   Everyone needs karma, but some need more than others, and most of the time those guys don't need that much nuyen.  Between runs, you can pay out nuyen to get a special type of karma (We're just calling it Special Karma) that cannot be spent to increase skills or standard attributes (this is good for increase Magic or Resonance, learning new spells and binding foci, submersion or initiation, picking up new qualities, etc...).  You gain 2 points of special karma for every 2500 nuyen spent, and cannot spend more than 10,000 nuyen in this way between runs.  This expenditure is represented in-game as donations to charity, spent on special training, or invested into special reagents that may accelerate meditation.

Running Programs on Commlinks
   A commlink can run standard (non-hacking) programs.  It can run a number of programs equal to 1/3 its rating.

Changes to Slaved Devices
   An active commlink or deck CAN slave devices.

Changes to Technomancer
   Right now, technomancers are gimped to the point of having exactly one playable build, and that build is still usually not as good as a decker.  The following changes to their creations rules should open up some options for them.  Generally speaking, a technomancer under these rules will be less versatile than a decker, but more consistently potent in the areas in which they chose to focus on.  A decker will likely also have a higher upper limit in a single Matrix Attribute at a time, while Technomancers will usually have a few Attributes that are always almost as high, while being more vulnerable in the Attributes they neglect.
   A technomancer's matrix attributes are not derived from their mental attributes.  Instead, a newly created technomancer gets a number of points to distribute among these attributes equal to their Resonance x3 +3.  No attribute can ever be higher than their mental limit.  This limit is ignored by the attribute-enhancing submersion abilities.  Whenever their Resonance attribute increases, they gain 3 more points to distribute.
   A technomancer is capable of learning special complex forms that essentially duplicate the effects of programs, but they cannot utilize as many as a decker.  They can learn a maximum number of these programs equal to half their Resonance (rounded up), and cannot learn any of the attribute-enhancing programs or the configurator program.  These programs require no check to run, and do not need to be sustained, but he can only learn a total number of programs equal to half his/her Resonance.  Note that these programs are generally not as powerful as actual complex forms, so learning them is a less efficient use of resources for the technomancer, but sometimes a specific program may be crucial to a build or playstyle, and this allows a player to acquire that program without having to go through submersion.
   Finally, a technomancer's abilities stand up slightly better to essence loss than a mage's, and they do not take penalties to their Resonance score until AFTER they have lost one full point of essence.  It is very common for technomancer to get an implanted datajack to allow them to make direct connections.

Split to Sneaking (Urban) Specialization
   The sneaking specialization of (Urban) is just way too good considering that you're almost always in a city.  It is being split into (streets) and (indoors).  The former applies when you are moving through an outdoor urban area, the latter when you are attempting to sneak while inside a building.

Run-And-Gun Combat Styles
   These are cool, but I think they're just a little too expensive.  Each trick of a combat style costs 3 karma each, and it costs you 5 karma to pick up the first trick in a style.

Hard Cap on Die Rolls
   To keep things from ever getting crazy out-of-hand, and to encourage versatility over extreme specialization, you can NEVER roll more than 25 dice for a check, after modifiers.  Your base die pool can exceed 25 dice, but once that happens, you are essentially gaining free dice to spend on tricks that result in penalties, that might soak up some extra AP, or you might split your die pool so you can get them all.  In a nuthsell, one roll will NEVER be more than 25 dice, with a possible exception made for great dragons.

Free Skills
   Everyone automatically starts off with 1 rank each in Pistols, Perception, Sneak, Etiquette, and Computer.  These are skills no shadowrunner should ever default on, and cost you no points to obtain.  They can be improved normally, but you cannot pick up a specialization in them until your rank has already been improved to at least 2.

Free Fake SIN
   A fake SIN is an absolutely critical item to shadowrunning, but they are quite expensive, and represent an enormous tax on anyone who wants to choose Priority D or E for resources.  The same priority for nearly any other aspect is far less crippling, so to give the poor a little bit of love, everyone has a free Rating 4 Fake SIN.

SINer Negative Quality
   The Corporate and Corporate Limited SINs return far too many points for what they do.  You gain 5 Karma back for having a Corporate Limited SIN, and 10 Karma for a Corporate SIN.  Furthermore, if you have either of these qualities, it means that you are still in a corporate database and on at the least friendly terms with that corp, because if you had pissed them off they just would have burned your SIN.  This means such a quality is an important part of your character's backstory.  You may even still be on corporate payroll.  Finally, if you chose the basic SINer quality (a national SIN) you must chose which nation you are a citizen of.

Physical Adepts Starting Conditions
   If you chose a priority for being a physical adept that would grant you free ranks in an active skill, you may instead chose to learn a fighting style from Run & Gun.  You must chose a single style, and you know 1 technique from that style for each rank in an active skill you would have otherwise gained.
   Also, the Ways in Street Grimoire go a long way in making adepts playable, but still feel just a little bit costly.  It costs 15 karma to follow a Way rather than 20.
   Also, the Astral Perception adept power has what I think is a bit of a vaguery in it, and I want to clarify how I interpret it here.  It DOES allow you to engage astral beings in Astral Combat, but their astral form must be close enough to yours for you to reach them as you would in the physical world.  Since you cannot project, your astral form is tethered to your physical form, which means that it is relatively easy for astral entities to avoid you if they are capable of flight in the astral plane.  Of course, if there is any sort of astral cover, this works in your favor as well, since other creatures cannot attack you through it, normal.

Mystic Adepts and Power Points
   Right now, Mystic Adepts are just too good.  More importantly, they're too predictable, so I'm making a targeted strike at the very common build of a Mystic Adept who takes level 3 Improved Reflexes and Astral Perception to effectively become a magician with +3d6 initiative dice.  I don't mind seeing Mystic Adepts in the game, but I'm hoping that making the more powerful adept abilities more costly for them will lead to a greater variety of builds, while also letting Physical Adepts retain more of a niche by making those powers quasi-exclusive to them.
   Instead of the usual 5 karma per power point, a Mystic Adept buys power points on a gradient scale, paying a cumulative 3 karma per power point.  For example, their first power point costs 3 karma, their seconds costs 6 additional karma, their third costs an additional 9, etc...  This, combined with the change to Astral Perception, ensures that while they can still be potent, they are not as astrally versatile as a dedicated magician and that the most powerful Adept powers are now the domain of dedicated Physical Adepts.

Summoning Smackdown
   Summoning spirits is currently one of the most overpowered things in the game.  A single skill gives you access to a diverse variety of spirits who are all extremely potent in a variety of areas, allowing a specialized conjurer to do basically anything, especially when you factor in the fact that they continue casting spells at their enemies once the spirit is summoned.  There are a couple of measure that I am taking to try to reign in the potency of players using spirits.
   First, when you summon a spirit, you must invest a portion of your own magic to keep it grounded in the material world.  When it manifests (or possesses someone, in the case of possession-based traditions), you temporarily lose one point of Magic that is returned to you when the spirit is returned to its home plane for any reason.  If you bind a spirit, you bypass this limitation, as the karma you spend in the binding process is enough to sustain your spirit.  This should help to make binding a more viable option.
   Secondly, I want to focus on reigning in the “do everything” ability of summoning rather than a spirit's power to perform in its intended role.  To that end, a mage must learn to summon each individual spirit type, just as they would a spell.  They can do this by learning the spirit formula and spending karma, or by using their spell slots at character creation.
   I am making it riskier to summon spirits with very high forces.  This risk kicks in whenever you attempt to summon a spirit with a force greater than your post-summoning magic score (so a magician with Magic 6 would risk this mishap when summoning any spirit with a Force of 6 or greater).  If you try to summon such a spirit and fail to obtain any services, the spirit is summoned as an uncontrolled free spirit.  In addition to having very unpredictable immediate consequences, this will negatively impact your reputation in the local magical community in a large way.
   Finally, please keep in mind that summoned or even bound spirits are not under your direct control.  You use a service to tell them what to do, and they fulfill that service to the best of their ability.  If you have a poor reputation in the spirit world, spirits will do what they can to twist the wording of your commands.

Buff to Aspected Magicians
   Currently these dudes sucks major ass.  We're gonna work on changing that.  Based on which priority you choose, you receive a set numbers of ranks in a relevant skill group, and bit of free stuff based on which skill group you take.  Spellcasting skill group grants free spells and rituals, Enchanting skill group grants free alchemical formulas and artifacing recipes, and Conjuring skill groups grants spirit formulas and a number of free bound spirits.  These spirits have a Force equal to your Magic -1, and owe you a number of services equal to your starting ranks in the Conjuring skill group.  Here is what you get:

Priority B:  6 Ranks, Spellcasting (8 spells + 4 rituals), Conjuring (5 spirit formulas + 3 bound spirits), Enchanting, (8 alchemical formulas + 4 recipes)

Priority C:  4 Ranks, Spellcasting (6 spells + 2 rituals), Conjuring (3 spirit formulas + 2 bound spirit), Enchanting (6 alchemical formulas + 2 recipes)

Priority D:  2 Ranks, Spellcasting (3 spells + 1 ritual), Conjuring (2 spirit formulas + 1 bound spirit), Enchanting (3 alchemical formulas + 1 recipe)

This skill group does NOT count against the standard limit on skill groups, and note that Priority B even allows you to bypass the usual rank cap on skill groups for new characters.  Also, aspected magicians can astrally project, just like a dedicated magician.

SMG and Recoil
   Mechanically, there is very little reason to use an SMG – they are barely more concealable than an assault rifle, and they do significantly less damage while lacking the armor penetration.  This give them a bit of oomph, all SMGs have 1 extra point of natural recoil compensation to account for the fact that their larger frames can more easily handle the pistol-caliber bullets they typically fire.

Machine Gun Damage Boost
   It's really weird to me that a lot of the machine guns in the game are actually worse than their lighter assault rifle cousins, so they're going to be getting a sizable buff.  For starters, all LMGs have -3 AP, MMGs all have -4 AP, and HMGs have a whopping -5 AP, unless any specific gun already has a higher AP rating (as is the case with the vidicator minigun).  They pack a punch, but they aren't subtle and usually require heavy investment in recoil compensation to use effectively.  There are going to be weapons that can shoot bullets faster, weapons that do more damage, or weapons that pierce armor better, but I want to make this class of weapons king when it comes to marrying the three.  They are the loud, unwieldy workhorses of killin' folk  As for damage, that is being updated on a case by case basis as follows.
   Ingram Valiant – 11P
   SA Nemesis – 10P
   Stoner Ares M202 – 12P
   FN Mag-5 – 11P
   Utlamax MMG – 12P
   RPK HMG – 14P
   Ruhrmetall SF-20 – 13P
   Ultamax HMG-2 – 12P
Minor Flechette Ammo Buff
   Flechette ammo is cool as hell, but as written, it gives you what is BARELY a statistical buff to damage because of the bonus an armored target gets to resist.  I'm scaling this bonus back just a notch to make the advantage of this more expensive ammunition type more consistently noticeable.  Flechette ammo gives a target +4 AP instead of the RAW +5.

Increased Availability on OP Weapons.
   There are a few items (generally weapons) that, while technically being available to new characters, are objectively the best items in their class, outperforming even some of their more difficult to obtain “upgrades.”  I am increasing the availability of the following weapons, which also puts them beyond the reach of new characters.
   Ares Alpha Assault Rifle – 16F
   Enfield AS-7 Shotgun – 15F
   Mossberg AM-CMDT Shotgun – 14F
   Ares Thunderstruck Gauss Rifle – 24F
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Marcus Gideon

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« Reply #364 on: <01-27-16/2235:28> »
Nuyen to Karma - That's already a thing, though mainly for Missions games. It's called "Working for the Man" or "Working for the People" and it's 2,000¥ to 1 Karma, up to 10,000¥ or 5 Karma per downtime. So your Street Sam can turn up to 5 Karma into extra money for that shiny new chrome. Or your Mage can turn up to 10,000¥ into extra Karma for learning spells and binding Foci.

Commlink programs - Also a thing in Data Trails, sorta. They can't run Cyber-programs, but there is a listing of programs that a Commlink could run.

Slaving Devices - Also a thing... if you just look past that single solitary sentence and realize how huge the ramifications would be for trying to include such a stupid and asinine interpretation (not you personally, this is just my pet peeve). If you can't Slave devices to something that's active, how do Riggers maintain a PAN for their drones?

- At first glance, I kinda like the idea of distributing Resonance stuffs out to your ASDF. Something to consider would be re-distributing like Deckers can.
- Duplicating programs is pretty cool, and it's lame that they have to waste an Echo to learn a single program. Maybe keep it as an Echo, but they only need to take it once in order to unlock the ability to learn 1/2 Resonance worth?
- Essence loss is supposed to be scary, both for Mages and for TMs. I don't think this suggestion needs to happen. The way I worked around TM Direct Connection, is to have them plug in a Commlink directly, and use that as a WiFi Hotspot. They aren't hacking "with" the Commlink, just using it as a means to talk to the target device.

Specializations - By that measure, most of them are "too good". Take Pistols (Semi-auto) and suddenly +2 to anything that counts as a Pistol anyway. Riggers who don't take Pilot Craft (Remote Control) for a constant +2 are touched in the head.

Hard Cap - Nah... the basic mechanics are clearly working towards fat handfuls of dice.

Free Skills - Again, not a fan. Not everybody learns how to shoot (Cyril Figgis), or how to stick to the shadows (Kronk), or talk their way into the fancy restaurant (Ferris Bueller), or even check email (Grandma). You're deflating people's uniqueness. The only skill everybody should have is Perception, but I still wouldn't give it out for free. I did however, make character sheets with Perception printed on them to remind people.

Free SINs - Once again, deflating uniqueness. Runners are notorious for being SINless. If you have one, even a fake, you're no longer SINless. These things are there for a few reasons; to unburden Runners of some moneys now and then, and so they can decide just how much effort to put into cover identities (if any).

SINner - If you have an actual Corp related SIN, it's only a matter of time before you're dead. The reason they're expensive is b/c they are a hazard to your health. The first time you leave evidence at a crime scene, you will be implicating your Corp in the crime. They run the blood or fingerprints, and a screen comes up that says "Warning: Records sealed. Ares Personnel Only" and now they know that you have ties to Ares. At the same time, the hit on your record alerts Ares directly, and they send a HTR to stop you from getting fingers pointed at them.
- Also, if you chose to be an ordinary SINner, of course you have to choose the nationality. You can't just walk around today saying "Sure I'm a citizen. I've got a passport and everything! ... A citizen of where? Well, uhh... countries."

Astral Adept - Yes, you've described Astral Perception correctly. You become Dual Natured, and gain an Astral Form which overlaps your physical. You cannot engage Spirits that are flying off into the distance (since you lack ranged Mana spells) but you can go hand-to-hand with them. Anyone who thought otherwise should re-read Perception vs Projection. Oh, except for the Astral cover thing, that's wrong. Nothing physical exists in the Astral, so if you're hiding around a corner, a Spirit could come through the wall behind you, or just claw you through the wall.

Summoning - I kinda like this stuff. Spirits are an annoying iWin button.

Aspected - Nope, nope, nope. Aspected are not Specialist Mages. They don't get to be more awesome for having dedicated their lives to a single school of magic. They are handicapped runts, riding the short broom, wearing pointed hats with chin straps. They don't need more, they need to go away. They should have stayed an NPC archetype.

Availability - Umm... the Ares Alpha, and both of those shotguns, were kinda meant to be "the go to" choices on purpose. That's why they're as awesome as they are.
- The Gauss rifle is a typo which got corrected in the errata already. It's supposed to be 24F.
« Last Edit: <01-27-16/2311:41> by Marcus Gideon »
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« Reply #365 on: <01-27-16/2255:02> »
I admit, I was rather proud of the technomancer and summoning changes.  The big thing I'm aiming for with these changes is diversity in games.  It felt to me before like there was pretty much one technomancer build you could play and be viable, summoning was, as you described, and "i win" button, mystic adepts were always basically mages with +3d6 initiative dice, and everyone was toting around the same weapons (hence the availability increase.  It's a personal preference, but I prefer there not be a single best option for new characters).  This is also my purpose between my hard die pool cap - I want to encourage versatility over extreme specialization, and I've had a history of PCs who use the system to shatter the laws of physics and really turn newer players off to our group.

I'm hoping that these changes to technomancers are going to make them better at Matrix combat, being able to have consistently high attributes in several important stats, while deckers are likely to be better at legwork and digging, since you are usually only using one matrix stat at a time in that circumstance and it's easy for them to shuffle around their programs to make sure that that stat is always as high as it can be for any given test.
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« Reply #366 on: <01-28-16/1145:27> »
One thing that I noted - using karma for binding is not in the rules. You can do it at character creation, but during play, it just costs money. I think a karma cost for bound spirits is definitely a decent house rule.

Marcus Gideon

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« Reply #367 on: <01-28-16/1220:26> »
One thing that I noted - using karma for binding is not in the rules. You can do it at character creation, but during play, it just costs money. I think a karma cost for bound spirits is definitely a decent house rule.
I missed that part on the first read through, but you're right. Summoning and Binding doesn't require Karma, it requires Reagents. Which I think is fair, given that even though Spirits are powerful they are also disposable. If you're constantly sacrificing Karma just to make them, you're never going to grow as a character. That would be like making someone pay Karma every time they used a Focus, instead of just the first time they Bind it.
The Matrix is everywhere. It is all around us. Even now, in this very room. You can see it when you look out your window or when you turn on your television. You can feel it when you go to work…when you go to church…when you pay your taxes.


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« Reply #368 on: <01-28-16/1257:15> »
Honestly, I can see something where bound spirits is something that you actually progress. You can have one spirit bound as a Mage/Mystic Adept. To be able to bind another spirit costs 10 karma. You can have a maximum number of bound spirits equal to your Charisma.


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« Reply #369 on: <01-28-16/1303:14> »
Honestly, I can see something where bound spirits is something that you actually progress. You can have one spirit bound as a Mage/Mystic Adept. To be able to bind another spirit costs 10 karma. You can have a maximum number of bound spirits equal to your Charisma.

That's a lot of Karma for one bound spirit.  As useful as bound spirits can be that seems too much like a karma pit for my tastes.


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« Reply #370 on: <01-28-16/1305:17> »
Five is probably more appropriate. Make it another Spirit Formula. 5 for the Summoning, 5 for the Binding.


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« Reply #371 on: <01-28-16/2341:23> »
I've been thinking about tweaking the addiction negative quality.  I feel like it's not particularly interesting right now, and with the way that addiction rules currently work, it seems like someone could take a mild addiction to a substance with a low addiction threshold and low frequency of rolls and pretty much never notice a negative effect from it.  Basically, what I am pondering is that instead of having a craving strike once a month or once a week or whatever, each addiction quality has a threshold attached to it for Will + Cha rolls characters will have to make to avoid indulging.  Maybe starting at Threshold 2 for a mild addiction and increasing by 1 for each bump up in severity.

Now there are two ways that addictions can come into play.  First for addictions that do not have stat-based penalties, such as gambling or BTLs.  When the character is confronted by the object of their addiction, they have to make a roll against their threshold to avoid indulging.

It works a bit differently for addictions that result in actual penalties, such as drugs.  Every so often based on the severity of their addiction (Maybe once per two or three sections at mild, once or twice per session at sever and burnout, to set a spectrum) the GM has the character roll against their threshold before something important happens, like meeting with Mr. Johnson or infiltrating a building.  On a failure, the character has been unable to resist their vice and shows up under the influence of their vice.

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« Reply #372 on: <01-29-16/1521:44> »
I've been thinking about tweaking the addiction negative quality.  I feel like it's not particularly interesting right now, and with the way that addiction rules currently work, it seems like someone could take a mild addiction to a substance with a low addiction threshold and low frequency of rolls and pretty much never notice a negative effect from it.  Basically, what I am pondering is that instead of having a craving strike once a month or once a week or whatever, each addiction quality has a threshold attached to it for Will + Cha rolls characters will have to make to avoid indulging.  Maybe starting at Threshold 2 for a mild addiction and increasing by 1 for each bump up in severity.

Now there are two ways that addictions can come into play.  First for addictions that do not have stat-based penalties, such as gambling or BTLs.  When the character is confronted by the object of their addiction, they have to make a roll against their threshold to avoid indulging.

It works a bit differently for addictions that result in actual penalties, such as drugs.  Every so often based on the severity of their addiction (Maybe once per two or three sections at mild, once or twice per session at sever and burnout, to set a spectrum) the GM has the character roll against their threshold before something important happens, like meeting with Mr. Johnson or infiltrating a building.  On a failure, the character has been unable to resist their vice and shows up under the influence of their vice.


Mild addiction is only a 5 point NQ so it's not supposed to be a constant drag on the character.  As long as he paying to support his habit I don't see a problem with it not causing other issues for the character.  What it sounds like you are proposing is bumping up the severity of each level of addiction without a corresponding bump in karma. 


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« Reply #373 on: <02-04-16/2125:17> »
So I'm thinking about implementing a new Matrix house rule (along with a lot of others my old GM pulled from a website - they're tested and true), but I figured I'd try to get an opinion or two here before actually going live with it in my game.

I love deckers, but in the past, when I've played them they don't seem to have time to do much because of how fast encounters play out.  Their need to Mark everything first seems to set them back a bit.  Now I don't want to just remove marks because the varying number required for different actions is a balancing factor.

So what I was going to do was make Matrix actions simple actions instead of complex actions provided you have a DNI, with a couple of stipulations.  First, you can only ever undertake a single marking action in a turn.  Second, if you take two actions, they have to be keyed to different Matrix attributes (attack, sleaze, data processing, firewall) because your deck or living persona is dedicated all of it's programs or whatever of that sort to that action.  Third, if you are in AR and undertake both a Matrix action and an action in the physical world, you are considered distracted for both actions and take a -2 die pool penalty to each of them.

Does this seem okay?
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« Reply #374 on: <02-05-16/0002:47> »
Suggest you open up a thread for it; this one is not meant for (well, meant a lot less for) discussion.
Pananagutan & End/Line

Old As McBean, Twice As Mean
"Oh, gee - it's Go-Frag-Yourself-O'Clock."
New Wyrm!! Now with Twice the Bastard!!

Laés is ... I forget. -PiXeL01
Play the game. Don't try to win it.

