Shadowrun General > General Discussion

A ThunderStroke of luck

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Usda Beph:
So as i mentioned in another thread we are doing a snuff job. I'm not to happy with it But I'm working with it. Anyway we found out that the Armory has a Thunderstroke Gauss Rifle! We haven't entered teh armory cause we have a mission to perform, but I have announced that on our way out we should totally grab some guns ammo and that beautiful overcompensator for Usda.

I was informed it's probably a registered weapon by my team. I figure at the very least it is a nice trophy. However, Most things that can be registered can be... erased/disguised. So other than RFID tags, serial numbers and the barrel's finger print how could this piece of sexiness be "erased"?

Hmm... you'd definitely need a hacker to give it a good once-over. It could be personalized on top of everything else so it won't work for anyone but the owner. In other words, if you grab it, you may have to drop enough cred on it to make it "clean"--If I were GM there, I'd probably get you to pay at least half the cost of the gun to "clean" it.

I'd also check to see it it's giving off any radiation or emissions of any sort.

Getting tracked with a radioactive tag would be bad.


Usda Beph:
Nice ideas. Fast... thats is just a horrible idea! Paying for something I just stole! I do like how you think!

Thanks keep 'em coming so Doomed can have some fun ideas on how to trip me up. He is nice and devious but you have experience over us in that department! ;D

Chaotic Insane:
grinding off serial numbers still doesn't work, just letting you know. It's ridiculously easy to recover them. Just drop some acid on it and the higher-compressed metal where the numbers were doesn't melt away as fast as the looser, unstamped metal.


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