Please Review House Rules for Upcoming 5E Game

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« Reply #45 on: <08-21-13/1516:49> »
Oh man, the fact that one of you thanks A4BG for insulting you and the other sees him as a teacher is just... ...well, something.

My arguments were honest critiques to what I perceive as unnecessary changes to the mechanics. Crunch did I troll you?

Troll's not actually a word I use unless it's immediately followed be mage, samurai, decker or physical adept.

I personally wouldn't go into someone's house rules thread and tell them they weren't "doing a GM's job" because they wanted to spell out known issues in advance, but I'm a big boy and if I walked off in a huff everytime someone was a little rude I'd not have stuck around here as long as I have.


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« Reply #46 on: <08-21-13/1521:05> »
I personally wouldn't go into someone's house rules thread and tell them they weren't "doing a GM's job" because they wanted to spell out known issues in advance, but I'm a big boy and if I walked off in a huff everytime someone was a little rude I'd not have stuck around here as long as I have.
I know I wasn't a model of politeness in my response (I apologize for that, it doesn't justify my rudeness but your "My mind is made up" bit triggered it as you were asking for input on the front end but saying something else on the back), but I didn't troll post with the sole purpose of antagonizing you or baiting you into an argument for the sake of argument did I?
« Last Edit: <08-21-13/1527:59> by emsquared »


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« Reply #47 on: <08-21-13/1530:21> »
I personally wouldn't go into someone's house rules thread and tell them they weren't "doing a GM's job" because they wanted to spell out known issues in advance, but I'm a big boy and if I walked off in a huff everytime someone was a little rude I'd not have stuck around here as long as I have.
I know I wasn't a model of politeness in my response (I apologize for that, it doesn't justify my rudeness but your "My mind is made up" bit triggered it as you were asking for input on the front end but saying something else on the back), but I didn't troll you did I?

Like I said Troll is not a word I use. There was definitely a more aggressive response to this thread than I expected and it put me on my back feet for awhile.

I am looking for input, notably I've changed my specific solution for cyberarms a few times in response to suggestions. Thanks for making them.


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« Reply #48 on: <08-21-13/1541:09> »
There was definitely a more aggressive response to this thread than I expected and it put me on my back feet for awhile.
Again, I am sorry for that. You and I disagree over some things (sometimes vehemently so *cough*Augmented Adepts*cough*), but you are not unreasonable and I can't think of a time when I've ever seen you openly antagonistic or even butt-hurt, which is admirable and a lot more than I can say for some people here who I've seen in both of those states time and time again. They of course are not going to be mentioned by name, but as has been said, that's okay because they know who they are.
I am looking for input...
I noted that, and I would hope you noted that upon receiving your reasoning for your rules and seeing the clarification of the most contentious, I backed down and indeed said they were reasonable.


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« Reply #49 on: <08-23-13/2303:33> »
Whether they do is conditional, and up to the GM. Spirit's are more likely to use Edge in cases of oversummoning or if they are summoned to an area that would trigger an allergy (summoning a fire spirit into an area that's being doused by fire sprinklers).

This is exactly how I've been handling it. If the spirit's force is over the magician's magic rating it will automatically use edge unless two conditions are met:
1. The summoner has not abused spirits, has generally treated them well.
2. The situation is dire enough to warrant asking for help from the big dogs. If the spirit feels it is being summoned for something beneath it's level, it will edge and will hold a grudge if summoned successfully in spite of it.

