• 16 Replies


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« Reply #15 on: <08-22-13/1501:58> »
Wouldn't any NPC decker who sees 301 nodes go either "we've got a decker who thinks he's smart in the building - send in the dogs" or "WE'VE GOT OVER 300 INVADERS SEND IN THE CANNONS"?

If he was clever, he would seed them through the building to scatter security, not keep them on him to concentrate it when they notice him.  Just my opinion.

@ZeConster, probably they would be like "We have some unusual activity over here, send some guards to go check it out."
@Silence Security doesn't rely on matrix perception to find someone anyway.
You’re a shadowrunner. You run in the shadows. You don’t run in plain sight.  That’s why we don’t call you a plain-fucking-sight-runner.


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« Reply #16 on: <08-22-13/2206:39> »
If you know at least one feature of an icon running silent,
you can spot the icon (Running Silent, below).

So if you know one feature, ie that you are looking for a persona not a device, you do not have to wade through the 300 RFID chips. Now you might still have to randomly determine which persona you detected if the Decker, the Rigger and the TM are standing near each other, but the RFID spam trick won't work. Which frankly PC Deckers should be glad of once they think about how many devices are in the average corporate office.

Well how much info can you really get from being on the outside. I mean nothing says you see the info on the icons until you look at them individually. Now seeing a bunch of icons all of a sudden, will raise eyebrows.
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