Fake Licenses

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« on: <08-11-13/2233:02> »
I'm curious how other GM's choose to use fake licenses. If I'm reading the book correctly, every item with an availability of R has to have a separate fake license.

At the moment I've told my players that they would need to acquire the following licenses (assuming they need/want them)

Restricted Firearms
Concealed Carry
Restricted Augmentations
Restricted Gear (that doesn't fall under the previous categories)

I think this provides a decent balance between realism and bookkeeping, but I wanted to know what other GMs do

The Madadh

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« Reply #1 on: <08-11-13/2244:38> »
I do exactly the same thing. And I sort of lean on them to work it into their cover ID as to why they are licensed as well. I, too, like this level of detail and realism.


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« Reply #2 on: <08-11-13/2257:10> »
Don't forget a drivers license.  Though I suppose most wageslave cars drive themselves, if they have a motorcycle or something with a prominent manual control, it'd be necessary. 
I'm Madpath Moth on reddit (and other sites).  Feel free to PM me errata questions!
Jeeze.  It would almost sound stupid until you realize we're talking about an immortal elf clown sword fighting a dragon ghost in a mall.


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« Reply #3 on: <08-11-13/2308:45> »
Technically the fake license item in the book doesn't cover driver's licenses. My theory has always been that between autopilot and grid guide they're no longer required.

Michael Chandra

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« Reply #4 on: <08-12-13/0610:00> »
Might be required for those doing manual controls.

I'd add Private Security, Private Matrix Security and perhaps Bounty Hunter.

In SR4 I also use licenses for every weapon, so they split their pseudo-legal and their illegal toysets. I also use Smartlink Arms for all smartlinks+smartguns combined and Stun Arms for all restricted melee stun weapons combined, and Non-Lethal Takedown Measures for all the crowd-control gas grenades.
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« Reply #5 on: <08-12-13/0739:29> »
I probably should have been specific in stating that when a PC buys that particular license, he or she gets it for all items that fall under that category.  She doesn't need a fake license for an Ingram Smartgun X and then an additional fake license for an Ares Predator V, for instance.

Michael Chandra

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« Reply #6 on: <08-12-13/0743:05> »
For simplicity's sake it's a nice rule, but I always assumed the real licenses include ballistics, which fake licenses fake. So because of that, firearms have to be licensed individually in my game.
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« Reply #7 on: <08-12-13/2222:41> »
Technically the fake license item in the book doesn't cover driver's licenses. My theory has always been that between autopilot and grid guide they're no longer required.

I have to disagree with that, what Shadowrunner uses an automated system?  That's like strapping a GPS to yourself.  You would get a vehicle that's off the grid.  Would you travel in a vehicle going to a major AAA corp in an automated system?  A SIN is like a SS it doesn't grant you extra privileges.  Granted every GM has their own rules and each state, and city has their own laws, which the GM determines, there are very few countries out there with no vehicle laws.

One thing a Shadowrunner should never do is enter into a situation with no way out or no recourse.  Never walk into an elevator, never travel in anything automated, never travel by plane if you can help.

Then again maybe that's just my paranoid character.


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« Reply #8 on: <08-12-13/2225:23> »
I'm not saying runners use those systems, just that they're so ubiquitous that Driver's Licenses are no longer a big deal because the assumption is that cars are automated.


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« Reply #9 on: <08-13-13/0810:13> »
The book just lists license "examples", so you're free to add more, I guess.
Of course, the archetypes and character creation examples don't really match the license examples: they apparently only need a single license for all their restricted firearms, and the same goes with augmentations. And of course, they don't have licenses for their individual combat spells, but that could just be a matter of preference: if you do have to use the spell, you won't want to stick around for the cops to show up, and if people notice you have a license for Fireball, they'll get antsy.
Anyway, in addition to the occupational licenses from the examples list, the archetypes also include a hunting license (which gives you a believable excuse to have that bow or Restricted 'sniper' rifle in your trunk)


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« Reply #10 on: <08-13-13/2043:49> »

I believe it's more like this:
A license to practice magic
A license for each and every individual restricted(ie, combat) spell

So a license for manabolt, a license for lightning bolt, a license for slay ork(that might be tricky)

I believe SINner, legit magicians do have to register every single restricted spell they know. I could be wrong, though...


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« Reply #11 on: <08-13-13/2052:49> »
I'm curious how other GM's choose to use fake licenses. If I'm reading the book correctly, every item with an availability of R has to have a separate fake license.

At the moment I've told my players that they would need to acquire the following licenses (assuming they need/want them)

Restricted Firearms
Concealed Carry
Restricted Augmentations
Restricted Gear (that doesn't fall under the previous categories)

I think this provides a decent balance between realism and bookkeeping, but I wanted to know what other GMs do

I think you hit on a good system, especially if your players are good with it. It is simple and easy to remember.

I generally default to a license per category, i.e. light pistols, heavy pistols, magic, spells, dancing bears, etc. Balance between having a license per restricted item, and just remembering which gear categories require one. Depends more upon how heavily you make it an issue in the game. I find that the Fake SIN is the larger problem or liability, rather than the license. Burn the SIN, burn all the licenses.

If a character has a SINner Quality, then some of their gear could be attributed to that SIN as well (and licensed legally and automatically).

I think there is no right way, just part of the agreement between GM and players.

Michael Chandra

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« Reply #12 on: <08-14-13/0544:42> »
So would you rule that all their gear is contained in the license, or that all their gear is covered by the license? For example, if I got a real weapon license as SINner, would the ballistics of each weapon be recorded and my license state I have 2 Ares Predator V guns, or would it simply be "this person has a permit to own Heavy Pistols" and the cops being unable to link the ballistics to me personally?
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« Reply #13 on: <08-14-13/2249:14> »
So would you rule that all their gear is contained in the license, or that all their gear is covered by the license? For example, if I got a real weapon license as SINner, would the ballistics of each weapon be recorded and my license state I have 2 Ares Predator V guns, or would it simply be "this person has a permit to own Heavy Pistols" and the cops being unable to link the ballistics to me personally?

Had a double take on that one, heh. Contained (in some reasonable form), not blanket cover.

The data trail for the weapon (for example) is as fake as the SIN it is registered to, likely faked and uploaded into the system the same way. The ballistics probably do not even match up to the weapon you are carrying (definitely a plus for a runner), though it does carry a unique ballistic signature (unregistered). The cops are not going to have you fire off a round to test against the ballistics on the license (probably just make sure the serial numbers and RFID tags match), but if they catch you with the weapon and it matches your previous criminal activity, no fake license is going to save you anyway. For example: Cops stop you and find a gun on you. They scan it for a license (test vs. fake license). Fake license wins, no ballistic red flags (since the ballistics are faked anyway), you walk away. Fake licenses loses, they detain or arrest you, pending a more thorough examination.

For a real gun and real license, ballistics match. Commit a crime and leave evidence, it gets traced back.


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« Reply #14 on: <08-14-13/2317:25> »
something for the players and character to think about too is a good "job" for those licences.... After all, why does Jane Paper-pusher need a resistricted weapons licence? wouldn't a fire arms certificate and a light hold out pistol be enough for self-protection?? (at least it would be, in the officer's mind).

Also, what does a "body guard" need with professional glass-cutters? now a Glasser, sure. A repair man? hmmm ok....

a little research, and you can find all sorts of little laws attached to jobs very mundane that allow then to use and carry the oddest (and useful) of items.... :D
Where am I going? And why am I in a hand basket ???

Remember: You can't fix Stupid. But you can beat on it with a 2x4 until it smartens up! Or dies.