I think that the thing that confuses me the most is that the SR4A states that you can attempt to shake off the effects of The Influence (p286) Critter power using the the test as describe under Mental Manipulation p.210 which reads as follows: Mental Manipulations: For Mental Manipulation spells, the caster makes an Opposed Spellcasting + Magic Test against the target’s Willpower (+ Counterspelling, if available). If the caster scores more hits, she controls the target as noted in the spell description. Every (Force) Combat Turns, the victim may spend a Complex Action to shake off the mental control. The victim rolls a Willpower (+ Counterspelling) Test; each hit reduces the net hits on the caster’s original Spellcasting Test. If the spellcaster’s net hits are reduced to 0, the spell no longer affects the target.
SR4A p. 210