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Segregation in Sport Leagues

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No, its not about which are and which are not. That one can look up in sourcebooks or just make up.

Its just, that one thought had hit me concerning that: Now, some leagues do not allow metahumans to take part, others do. Indeed, it seems Metas are the first allowance to be made, even before augmentations and adepts are allowed. However, think about: A towering Troll in the same league as a human? Ah, ouch. But okay. However, what occured to me is: Doesnt this make gender-segregated leagues patently absurd? Surely the differences between a troll and a human are way larger than the differences between a male human and a female human, after all...

Nomad Zophiel:
There's a good case to be made that gender separation is absurd now and that women lag behind men in part because this separation means their leagues are less well funded. Making sense really doesn't enter into it, so why should it in the future?


--- Quote from: nomadzophiel on ---There's a good case to be made that gender separation is absurd now and that women lag behind men in part because this separation means their leagues are less well funded. Making sense really doesn't enter into it, so why should it in the future?

--- End quote ---

Theres also the fact that the "big" leagues and sport events, especially of course the international events, are meant to show the "best of the best", which is kinda undermined by gender segregation. But thats irrelevant - it doesnt matter how senseless it is, it exists right now as it is. (And Im not sure how much leeway we have here for such RL social debatte anyway ;) ). But allowing trolls and humans in the same league makes it just so obvious...I I mean, the SR3 Sprawl Survival Guide says that leagues in North America were desegregated after a court case in 2056. Well youd think that people in the 60s (at the very, very latest...) would then think about the logical conclusions of that!

Nomad Zophiel:
Actually, upon reflection, here's the answer. Its not a yes or no answer but its a good way to come up with one. Everything comes down to SR's corporocracy. Every team, every league is owned by a big company that exists to make the maximum profit. If allowing orks and trolls in sells more tickets and merch, they're allowed in. If not they have to wait until that pesky Big Government does its evil interfering with private interests. Same thing for woman. If there's a woman who qualifies for the team who's got the ability to boost sales, she's in.

Makes sense, though its a bit weird that in that case teh courts would have so much influence. Of course, the logical conclusion of that is that theyre probably still all-female leagues, and most likely also all-mundane-human leagues...


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