[SR5] Rules Clarifications and FAQ

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« Reply #15 on: <07-11-13/1659:11> »
Is the Improved Ability power restricted by the skill limit (both at chargen and afterwards)? Or could an adept with Aptitude in, say, Blades, eventually raise the skill itself to 13, and get Improved Ability 7 (Blades) for an effective skill Rating of 20?


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« Reply #16 on: <07-11-13/1702:38> »
1) On pg 233, under PANs and WANs it says that a failed Sleaze action results in a device getting a mark on you, but not devices it is slaved too. Then on pg 236 it says that a failed Sleaze action results in a mark on you by the device and its owner. So if I am a decker and an enemy decker fails to Sleaze a device of mine that is slaved to my deck, do I the decker get a mark on them? Or do I only have a mark if I launch a matrix action through the device they attack?
You would get a mark on the enemy decker.

Side note: a slaved device's master and its owner don't have to be one and the same.

2) On pg 293 the spell Control Thoughts and Mob Mind it says the caster must use a Standard Action to give commands. And on pg 238 the matrix action Control Device mentions that Standard and Complex actions require 3 marks. The question is are Standard actions the same as Complex actions?

Short answer: yes.

Long answer: Standard Actions used to be a thing in earlier versions of the game. When they were removed from the game, not all references to them were erased. I'll make sure both references are included in the errata. Thanks!


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« Reply #17 on: <07-11-13/1708:06> »
Is the Improved Ability power restricted by the skill limit (both at chargen and afterwards)? Or could an adept with Aptitude in, say, Blades, eventually raise the skill itself to 13, and get Improved Ability 7 (Blades) for an effective skill Rating of 20?



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« Reply #18 on: <07-11-13/1731:48> »
Its really simple "You can only take one attack action in an action phase"

Just stick to that, and you got the rule right.

Sorry, but unless I'm missing something, that's not clear at all.
Is "Attack Action" a defined game term? Because I'm guessing not.
So casting levitate isn't an attack? But what If I use levitate to move a car over someone's head and then stop the sustain?
Building a magic wall isn't an attack... but maybe building it right in front of a fast moving vehicle or around a person in a Bad PlaceTM is pretty darned hostile.
There's plenty of non-attack utility spells that can be pretty harmful; leaving it up to the GM to figure out why you can float a car in the air and shoot a gun at the same time, but can't do that if you happen to be moving the floating the car into someone else isn't really good rule making, imo.

There's opposite examples too, by the way. Is an 'attack spell' used as a utility (say an ignite spell to light a candle, a destroy spell to open someone's cuffs or whatever) still an 'Attack Action'? But what if the candle was standing in a puddle of fuel? Heck, is firing a gun -always- an Attack Action? What if I just shoot in the air as a warning? Or like to light my BBQ with a flamer? Or rescue a bus full of orphans from suffocation by shooting the windows of their bus so the toxic vapors can escape the bus and they can breathe again?! Think of the children!! Etc etc etc.
« Last Edit: <07-11-13/1735:14> by Xzylvador »


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« Reply #19 on: <07-11-13/1742:09> »
Is the Improved Ability power restricted by the skill limit (both at chargen and afterwards)? Or could an adept with Aptitude in, say, Blades, eventually raise the skill itself to 13, and get Improved Ability 7 (Blades) for an effective skill Rating of 20?
Uh... is that a "Yep" to the first part of the question (your effective skill rating after the adept power's bonus cannot go beyond the skill limit)?

Different question: since the Mounts glossary says "Projectile weapons can only take accessories designed for them specifically", does that mean projectile weapons can't use external smartgun systems (which use a Top or Under mount), only internal?
« Last Edit: <07-11-13/2111:19> by ZeConster »


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« Reply #20 on: <07-11-13/2100:09> »
Not sure if this is the place for this, but:

1) Pg. 116.  Combat Mage is listed as Metatype: Human, but that picture is anything but.

2) Pg. 123.  Gunslinger Adept has the Adept Quality.

Mad Hamish

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« Reply #21 on: <07-11-13/2357:50> »


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« Reply #22 on: <07-12-13/0022:19> »
Uh... is that a "Yep" to the first part of the question (your effective skill rating after the adept power's bonus cannot go beyond the skill limit)?

The level of Improved Attribute cannot be greater either your current skill level x 0.5 or your Magic rating. If you have a skill rating of 13 and a Magic rating of 7 or higher, you can have Improved Ability 7.

Shinobi Killfist

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« Reply #23 on: <07-12-13/0051:17> »
Not sure if this is the place for this, but:

1) Pg. 116.  Combat Mage is listed as Metatype: Human, but that picture is anything but.

2) Pg. 123.  Gunslinger Adept has the Adept Quality.

1.  Well he does have distinctive style.  :)  Those horns are glued on, and the tusks are fake to. 


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« Reply #24 on: <07-12-13/0058:39> »
tangmcgame, I think you want the Errata thread;boardseen#new

Thanks.  I'll repost it there where it belongs.

Michael Chandra

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« Reply #25 on: <07-12-13/0650:20> »
Vehicles mention that if the modified DV does not exceed the Armor, the attack is a bust. Should that include the AP value for the armor value comparison? i.e. is this a rulechange in comparison to 4e, or an errata-required?
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« Reply #26 on: <07-12-13/0722:13> »
Spirit summoning, p. 300. The test to summon a spirit is limited by the spirit Force.

It means that a skilled magician (Magic 5 & Summoning 5) can only get 1 hit when trying to summon a Force 1 spirit.
So there is 33% chances that the spirit also get a hit and the summoning is failed and there is 66% chances that the spirit gets no hit and the magician get only 1 service from a force 1 spirit.

Even worse, if the same magicien then decides to bind this Force 1 spirit, he can still only get 1 hit to his binding test, but the spirit has 44% of chances only to succed! (16/36 possibilities) and 56% to fail binding a force 1 spirit.

It seems very unlogical to me, it should be easier to summon a weaker spirit, not the other way around.
Did I miss something? is it an error? or is it the way it is intended to work and in that case I am curious about the explanation (be it in-game or game play reason, I can understand both)
« Last Edit: <07-12-13/0738:08> by Carmody »
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« Reply #27 on: <07-12-13/0737:50> »
Firing modes p178:
SS vs SA: Why firing one bullet per action phase in SA mode generates some recoil while firing one bullet per action phase in CC mode does not? My feeling is that SS weapons are slower to chamber the next round, making them unable to perform semi-automatic burst, but why does it prevent recoil?

Long Burst: which weapons can perform Long Burst? I feel that this mode is available to BF weapons but I cannot find a where it is stated (or even if it is correct)

Bursts & Multiple attacks: It is stated for Semi-automatic burst, Burst Fire, Long Burst and Full-auto that one can take advantage of the Multiple Attacks Free Action to fire at multiple targets with the same burst. Can you please detail how it shall be done. Here is my understanding (and questions):
   - the dice pool is splitted
   - only 1 burst is fired (i.e. ammo consumption unchanged)
   - what is the defense modifier applied to the targets? (full modifier or the modifier is also splitted)
   - it is stated p. 196 that the total number of attacks you can make in a single Action Phase is limited to one-half the attacker's Combat skill. I assume in that case it is also limited by the number of bullets (obvious but not stated)
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Michael Chandra

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« Reply #28 on: <07-12-13/0740:34> »
Immunity refers to Hardened Armor for its working, then recaps it with a few shortened differences. I assume it works exactly like Hardened Armor but just to be sure:
1: Does Armor Piercing still apply against Immunity for determining whether a resistance test is required?
2: Does Armor Piercing still apply against Immunity for the automatic hits bonus on the resistance test?
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« Reply #29 on: <07-12-13/0756:04> »
If a surprise test is failed, the character lose 10 initiative points and is considered surprised until his next action phase (p192).
If Bob (initiative 9) manages to suprise Bill (initiative 22), then Bill's initiative drops to 12 and Bill is considered surprised until his action phase at 12. Therefore, even if Bill is surprised, he can act before Bob.

Is it how surprise is intended to work, or shall the surprised character lose his next action phase (i.e. do nothing during his action phase and lose 10 initiative)?

In order to clarify my question, here is my understanding of how the rules work:
   - Beginning of fight: Bob (init 9) surprises Bill (init 22), Bill initiative is reduced to 12.
   - Action phase 1: Bill acts at 12, then Bob acts at 9
   - Action phase 2: Bill acts at 2, no more actions for poor Bob

Here is how I would have expected it to work:
   - Beginning of fight: Bob (init 9) surprises Bill (init 22)
   - Action phase 1: Bill does notihing at 22 because he is surprised, then Bob acts at 9
   - Action phase 2: Bill acts at 12, no more actions for poor Bob
   - Action phase 3: Bill acts at 2
--> Bill and Bob still get the same number of action phases, but Bob is able to take advantage of having surprised Bill
My profile picture is a crop of Alfredo Lopez Jr  Mickey/Wolverine.

