Shadowrun 5 Errata

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« Reply #30 on: <07-11-13/0937:07> »
On page 165, under Fire Semi-Auto, it incorrectly says "see Multiple Attacks, p. 96"; it ought to say 196.


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« Reply #31 on: <07-11-13/1021:46> »
Is it just me, or does "Sarariman" smack of racial.... something? I don't know, like making fun of the way someone talks based on where they came from? Salaryman seems more couth. Unless, of course, your 'runner is an uncouth douchebag, lol.
I usually write "salaryman" when I put it into my work, but it's Shadowrun. That means it's got almost 25 years of inertia behind it, including 80s cyberpunk terms like "sarariman," so it often gets edited.

As to whether it's racism ... I'm up in the air about that. While it seems like it's mocking the accent on the surface, if you take the English term, put it into katakana and then back into Romanized ("romanji") Japanese, it comes out "sarariman." YMMV, but I lean toward legit.

Elizara Dane

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« Reply #32 on: <07-11-13/1641:53> »
Alright, lemme know if this is wrong or has been addressed already

Missing Exotic Melee Weapon entry under "skills"

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« Reply #33 on: <07-11-13/1948:54> »
I cannot find anywhere what Skill Groups max rating at character gen and during play are. Though it says this is 6/12 for single skills (Without aptitude), it used to be different so I assumed it still was. If not then
Page 88: In character generation, the highest characters can raise a skill is 6 (7 if they purchase the Aptitude quality).After character generation, the highest rating a skill can hit is 12 (13 with the Aptitude quality).
Should probably be changed to clarify this.


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« Reply #34 on: <07-11-13/2104:55> »
p114 PDF Version
The Occult Investigator lists "Magician" as a quality. There is no magician quality in this edition.

p 116 PDF version.

The Combat Mage lists "Magician" as a quality. There is no magician quality in this edition.
The Combat Mage does not have an astral initiative listed.

More general notes.

None of the magician archetypes seem to indicate what type of magician the archetype is supposed to be (Sorcery Adept etc). If the "magician" quality listed for the Occult Investigator and the Combat Mage is supposed to be this indication then it is missing from the Street Shaman.


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« Reply #35 on: <07-11-13/2118:26> »
p 130

This may not be an errata but it is unclear.
"The Automatics skill covers a specific subset of firearms
larger than handheld pistols but smaller than rifles. This
category includes submachine guns and other fully automatic

It then lists Assault Rifles as a specialty.


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« Reply #36 on: <07-11-13/2136:19> »
p 130

This may not be an errata but it is unclear.
"The Automatics skill covers a specific subset of firearms
larger than handheld pistols but smaller than rifles. This
category includes submachine guns and other fully automatic

It then lists Assault Rifles as a specialty.

I believe they mean Rifles that would be covered by Longarms, like sports rifles and sniper rifles, not assault rifles, which i believe they were covering by saying carbines.


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« Reply #37 on: <07-11-13/2142:41> »
p 130

This may not be an errata but it is unclear.
"The Automatics skill covers a specific subset of firearms
larger than handheld pistols but smaller than rifles. This
category includes submachine guns and other fully automatic

It then lists Assault Rifles as a specialty.

I believe they mean Rifles that would be covered by Longarms, like sports rifles and sniper rifles, not assault rifles, which i believe they were covering by saying carbines.

That's why I said it might not be errata. It would be a lot clearer, especially to non gun experts, if they either said "includes submachine guns, assault rifles and other  fully automatic carbines" or said "smaller than longarms."


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« Reply #38 on: <07-11-13/2153:26> »
That's why I said it might not be errata. It would be a lot clearer, especially to non gun experts, if they either said "includes submachine guns, assault rifles and other  fully automatic carbines" or said "smaller than longarms."

 I can agree with keeping a nomenclature to help non experts.


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« Reply #39 on: <07-11-13/2233:56> »
Probably related to the TOC problem, but the Bookmarks for the PDF version list "Gunnery" and "Sensor Attacks" as subheadings under "Bows."


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« Reply #40 on: <07-11-13/2240:18> »
Problem with Charging.

p162 under Running Modifiers
"Characters charging into melee combat gain
a +4 dice pool modifier (making a net bonus of +2
when combined with the general penalty) when running
into melee combat."

p 186 under Attacker Making a Charge Attack
"Along with receiving
this bonus, attackers can ignore the customary –2
penalty to skill checks made when running."


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« Reply #41 on: <07-12-13/0100:49> »

1) Pg. 116.  Combat Mage is listed as Metatype: Human, but that picture is anything but.

2) Pg. 123.  Gunslinger Adept has the Adept Quality.

Michael Chandra

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« Reply #42 on: <07-12-13/0643:48> »
p432: Internal Smartgun cost listed as (Weapon cost) x2.
p433: "Retrofitting a firearm with an internal smartgun system doubles the weapon’s price"

Either the internal smartgun should cost "Weapon cost", or the second line should be "costs double the weapon's price", to make more clear the doubling is what you get as additional costs.
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« Reply #43 on: <07-12-13/1131:16> »
Just got my shiny new copy of the Shadowrun 5e PDF and while looking through the character creation section I noticed that the Metatype Attribute Table on page 66 does not list dwarfs having Thermographic Vision. It does list trolls as having therm vision, so I know it is still in the game as a racial ability. Dwarfs in the previous edition did have therm vision so, unless they all suddenly lost it, I think there is an error in the book. Any thoughts?

Patrick Goodman

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« Reply #44 on: <07-12-13/1148:43> »
It's a known issue that was one of the first things on the errata list. Dwarfs still have thermo.
Former Shadowrun Errata Coordinator

