Shadowrun Play > Rules and such

Hacking rules

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Or if you haven't built it yourself, at least be able to parse through the code of that shiny new rating 7 Exploit program you bought and see what it really does.  "Hrm, writes a backdoor into every system that runs it, you say?"

While you technically "can" build a hacker that doesn't have the proper attributes for the job, you're handing a lot of potential to be messed with to your GM^^

"Wow, this new MCT Analyze program is top drek!"
  - last words of this newb decker I knew back in '62.


--- Quote from: Casazil on ---Ya know I just had a thought......(OW!)

As Aaron just said have a matrix person who more or less just hacks logic then becomes no big deal.


why not take this a step further no one in the group builds a hacker.

Instead have your players split up the different skills of Computer, Data Search, Hardware, Software, Hacking, Electronic Warfare, Cybercombat.

I would say one takes Hacking & Cybercombat.

One takes Computer& Data Search.

One takes Hardware, Software & Electronic Warfare.

If you have more people I guess you could break it down more but I think with this you can do what needs to be done. Upside is you don't need someone playing the full time hacker which might lead to that person being able to do more for the team at times.

--- End quote ---

Yes, I just broke into the system.  What I can't understand anything, this must be encrypted.  Bob bought that package, I get him to decrypt the node.  Oh wait, the contact said this system was loaded with ICE, so when Bob can understand everything he won't be able to defend himself and he will flatline.

This could happen if you try to spread out the software too much.  Its not a bad idea, but not one I see working out for the long run.  Replicating matrix skills across the team v. with one runner isn't the best idea IMNSHO.

yes splitting essential job defining skills up amongst the team members sounds like a great idea. hmmm covert ops: one to sneak quietly. one to climb the rope, and one to fire the gun ..........yup works perfectly. As a Gm I recommend this method to all my players. Muahahahahahaha

Hey it's a thought an nothing says you need to break it up the way I listed.

Have 2 players play twins who are so tight you'd swear they were attached together one could do the all matrix stuff one for the rest.

Hacking as it is written is just hacking skill and a program no call or need for software, hardware skills and maybe no need for computer or data search skills as well.

That means #1 gets Hacking, Cybercombet, & Electronic Warfare.

#2 gets the rest software, hardware, computer, & data search.


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