Shadowrun Play > Homebrew PACKs
The Big Doink's Custom PACKs - Gear
Gear PACKs
THE BASICS (15,000¥) Backpack250¥53, ARBinoculars, Optical50¥332, SR4ABiomonitor300¥337, SR4A2x Certified Credstick, Ebony50¥331, SR4ACertified Credstick, Gold25¥331, SR4ACertified Credstick, Standard25¥331, SR4AC-Squared (Rating: 6)270¥82, AR3x Datachip3¥330, SR4A2x Disposable Commlink600¥196, UNFake License (Rating: 4)400¥332, SR4AFake License (Rating: 4)400¥332, SR4AFake License (Rating: 4)400¥332, SR4AFake SIN (Rating: 4)4,000¥332, SR4AFlashlight25¥336, SR4AGas Mask200¥336, SR4AGlue Sprayer150¥336, SR4A4x Grenade: Flash-Bang120¥324, SR4AGrenade: Flash-Pak200¥324, SR4A4x Grenade: Gas160¥324, SR4A CS/Tear Gas255, SR4A2x Grenade: Gas160¥324, SR4A Neuro-Stun255, SR4A5x Grenade: Thermal Smoke175¥325, SR4AHandheld Sensor: Directional Microphone50¥333, SR4A Laser Microphone (Rating: 6)300¥333, SR4A Skinlink50¥328, SR4AHandheld Sensor: Cyberware Scanner (Rating: 6)450¥333, SR4A Non-Linear Junction Detector (Rating: 6)600¥59, AR Radio Signal Scanner (Rating: 6)150¥333, SR4A Skinlink50¥328, SR4AKnife20¥315, SR4A3x Long Haul150¥258, SR4AMapsoft (Rating: 1)5¥330, SR4AMedkit (Rating: 6)600¥337, SR4A2x Medkit Supplies100¥337, SR4AMeta Link Commlink100¥328, SR4A Vector Xim Operating System200¥328, SR4A2x Micro Sensor: Camera (Rating: 1)200¥334, SR4A Low Light Vision200¥333, SR4A4x Micro Sensor: Motion Sensor200¥333, SR4AMiniwelder250¥335, SR4A3x Nitro150¥258, SR4APeriscope50¥332, SR4A20x Plastic Restraints2¥335, SR4A12x Rations60¥53, ARRespirator (Rating: 6)150¥336, SR4A2x RFID Sensor: Camera200¥334, SR4A Low Light Vision200¥333, SR4ARFID Sensor: Geiger Counter50¥334, SR4ARFID Sensor: Laser Range Finder100¥333, SR4A2x RFID Sensor: Microphone (Rating: 1)100¥334, SR4A3x Stimulant Patch (Rating: 6)450¥338, SR4ASurvival Kit100¥337, SR4ATag Eraser150¥330, SR4A2x Trauma Patch1,000¥338, SR4AWhite Noise Generator (Rating: 6)300¥330, SR4A
G.O.O.D.Y. BAG (2,500¥) Backpack250¥53, ARBiomonitor300¥337, SR4AC-Squared (Rating: 6)270¥82, ARFlashlight25¥336, SR4A2x Long Haul100¥258, SR4AMedkit (Rating: 6)600¥337, SR4A2x Medkit Supplies100¥337, SR4A12x Rations60¥53, ARSleeping Bag75¥53, AR2x Stimulant Patch (Rating: 6)300¥338, SR4ASurvival Kit100¥337, SR4ATrauma Patch500¥338, SR4A
EMERGENCY IDENTITY PACKAGE (2,500¥) Disposable Commlink300¥196, UNFake License (Rating: 2)200¥332, SR4AFake SIN (Rating: 2)2,000¥332, SR4A
ALTERNATE IDENTITY PACKAGE (5,000¥) Disposable Commlink300¥196, UNFake License (Rating: 4)400¥332, SR4AFake SIN (Rating: 4)4,000¥332, SR4AMeta Link Commlink100¥328, SR4A Vector Xim Operating System200¥328, SR4A
MEDICINE CABINET (2,500¥) 20x G3100¥74, AR4x Stimulant Patch (Rating: 6)600¥338, SR4A3x Trauma Patch1,500¥338, SR4A3x Zero300¥76, AR
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