[IC] Cannon Fodder

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« Reply #45 on: <05-26-13/0744:50> »
As she broke into a run, a searing bolt of flame erupted out of the darkness and impacted against the drone, lighting up the room.
Flea could hear Alex pleading with the powers that imprisoned them here, but having just cheated death at the hands of the drone's minigun, didnt want to take the chance of letting it live another second. Halting her run,
Flea willed the folding stock into place, its tiny servos whining as it hurried into position, and opened fire on the drone.

Free action: changed linked device mode (deploy powered folding stock via trodes and skinlink)
Simple action: Fire weapon (Narrow burst +2DV) narrow burst attack (9d6.hits(5)=3)
Simple action: Fire weapon (Narrow burst +2DV) 2nd narrow burst attack (9d6.hits(5)=5)[/spoiler]

Edited: grammar
« Last Edit: <05-26-13/0750:35> by Csjarrat »


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« Reply #46 on: <05-27-13/2053:03> »
The room is filled with the flashing lights of gun fire and ricochet sparks.  Confined within the room, the noise is near deafening.  Flea stares down the barrel of her gun as she lets loose a second burst at the drone.  Her chest was heaving from her heavy breathing while she lowers the gun and looks over the smoking wreckage that once threatened her life but was now nothing more than spare parts.  The various smoke and fumes coming up from the wreckage burn everyone's lungs slightly but not enough to cause any difficulty breathing.  The stink of burnt oil might take awhile to get over though.

You can hear a crackle echoing for a moment in the chamber coming from seemingly nowhere.  Soon it is followed by a male voice.

Expensive? Yes.  Pointless? No.  You have all performed adequately.  The room will open in five minutes, from there we will discuss the terms of your continued employment.

Without awaiting response you hear a second crackle and the voice is gone.


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« Reply #47 on: <05-27-13/2209:19> »
Cuco looked around the room to the others.

"Did I get it?"

Mentor Spirit


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« Reply #48 on: <05-28-13/0615:51> »
"Haha, no, I think you just pissed it off. Nice pitch by the way"

Flea holsters her pistol and bows to each of the others in the room, picking out their faces in the gloom with her helmet light.
The smoldering remains of the drone give off a warm glow and Flea moves over to inspect the wreckage of the disabled drone; looking for any salvage that might come in handy.

[spoiler]perception test on drone remains for salvageint 3, percep 3, +1 visor enhance, +3 active search (10d6.hits(5)=7)
hardware test if needed to identify/retrieve items hardware 1, log 3 (4d6.hits(5)=2)[/spoiler]

As she perused through the wreckage, the realisation of just how screwed she was began to set in.
After kidnapping me, sealing me into a room and then setting an armed drone on me, these people now want me to work for them? Chikuso.......
I highly doubt I'll have any option but to work for them. What kind of fucked up job have they got in mind that requires this as an entrance exam????
« Last Edit: <05-28-13/0724:34> by Csjarrat »


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« Reply #49 on: <05-28-13/1509:10> »
Still sitting, with his arms covering his head - a simple reaction to the wildly flying bullets - Puppeteer sent an apologetic thought the spirits way. ”Please forgive me, O Mighty One, as it seems my companions took care of the immediate danger. Please remain at my side for a short time, as it is quite possible that we may yet encounter danger.” While Flea checked the remains of the drone, he rewove the spell he had to let go, to check what became different on the outside, and took a little bit more comfortable position, leaning against one wall.
[spoiler=spellcasting]Casting Clairvoyance at Force 5, back to the place where it last was, at the lab guy.
Spellcasting: MAG(5) + Spellcasting(4) + Power Focus(2) (11d6.hits(5)=5)
Drain vs. 1S: CHA(7) + WIL(5) (12d6.hits(5)=5)[/spoiler]
"Speech", Matrix, >>Text<<, Thoughts, Astral


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« Reply #50 on: <05-28-13/2219:02> »
Alex takes out the dice from her pocket and studies them for a moment trying to figure out what it is that she got. Then takes a pause and looks at everyone in the room pausing a moment on each one to study them. after this she begans to straighten herself up.Mr. Johnson, i must disagree it was only expensive and pointless for you. You had to know our capabilities before you put us in here. However, it wasn't pointless for me as you have given me a wealth of information about my companions. We got combat experience and magic that my dear Mr. Johnson will cost you. Which i guess only makes it more expensive for you.She then rolls the dice and doesn't look at the results. You lose, Mr. Johnson. alright ladies and gentleman this is where i excell at, So put on your game faces and keep them on. Then just lay back and enjoy the ride. Because, theres no way in hell this guy is better than me.She reaches down to pick up the dice and for the first time looks at what she rolled and smiles. Pulls out the deck of cards, shuffles them three times , cuts the deck and puts them in her pocket.
that should freak everyone out


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« Reply #51 on: <05-28-13/2304:41> »
Cuco looks to the elf who is leaning against the wall and almost oblivious to the murderous drone, the woman who just flipped through a hail of bullets, and the crazy bitch going psycho casino.

Cuco let's out an unstable laugh.

"You guys are even more fucked up than I am!"
Mentor Spirit


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« Reply #52 on: <05-29-13/0346:38> »
His eyes still looking at the outside, Puppeteer snorted uncharacteristically at Cuco's remark. "You wish, omae."
"Speech", Matrix, >>Text<<, Thoughts, Astral


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« Reply #53 on: <05-29-13/2020:32> »
-- Csjarrat --

You carefully sort through the wreckage, looking for anything that may be of use in any way.  It soon becomes apparent to your keen eye that many of the systems were designed to burn out or self destruct upon the drone becoming disabled.  However one part is surprisingly intact.  You are unable to determine its function but the face plate clearly displays the Renraku corporate logo.  Your in depth investigation into the wreckage turns up signs that this may have been intentionally built to survive.  While picking through the pieces of the destroyed gatling gun, you find the ammunition bay and discover that it has been loaded with rubber bullets.

-- Ren --

You concentrate and extend your sight once again.  You feel the familiar pressure of the barrier trying to hold back your senses but once again you push through it.  As your vision returns to focus you can see the area is the same as you had left it except the man in the lab coat is gone.  You look all around yourself but are unable to spot the clipboard, he must have taken it with him.

-- All --

The whole room is suddenly filled with an intense metallic screaming sound and sparks begin to shoot out of one side of the chamber.  The noise is so loud that you are forced to cover your ears and back as far away from the origin as possible.

-- Ren --

You turn your sight around to see if you can see what is making that horrible sound.  A rather large drone on tracks has moved itself up against the side of the enclosure and has begun using a series of torches and saws to cut in to it.  The lines that it cuts are perfectly straight and intersect each other at 90 degree angles.  It appears as though it is cutting out a doorway.

-- All --

After almost exactly 5 minutes, a large rectangular hole appears as the previously attached section of wall falls to the ground with a loud crash.  Through the hole you can see a rather menacing looking drone on tracks backing away.  After it has moved out of view a woman's voice appears in the air.

Please exit the chamber and enter the room on the far side of the hangar with the blue door.  I am waiting for you there.  If you require a moment to stretch or would like to get a soy kaf please do so now before we begin our negotiations.  I do not like to be kept waiting so please do not take long.


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« Reply #54 on: <05-29-13/2123:32> »
Don't like to be kept waiting?

"Hey kiss my ass sweetheart!"

Cuco, already annoyed from the metal's screeching and tearing into the room as if it were his own head, stumbled out of the room and into the hangar.  He looked around the hangar, eyes adjusting to the light.

Focus... You have your objective...

Cuco searched his surroundings. He knew what he was looking for.

He found it. Eyes locked onto his objective, he began to walk over to it.


Cuco served himself a cup of soykaf, hoping to combat the drain his spell had on him with it.

He looked around at nothing in particular and threw up a middle finger to the disembodied voice.  He took a sip of the soykaf and was taken aback.

"Oh, hell, this is actually really good!"

The others, exiting the pseudo prison, could see Cuco whispering to his cup while holding a middle finger up in the air.
Mentor Spirit


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« Reply #55 on: <05-29-13/2226:51> »
-- Gustovness --

A happy young and melodic woman's voice emanates from the soykaf machine:
Five nuyen has been deducted from your account.  Thank you for choosing...

a gruff male voice replaces the woman's:

the woman's voice returns:
...brand soykaf.  Have a nice day.


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« Reply #56 on: <05-30-13/0624:14> »
The remnants of the drones innards were pretty sorched.
Flea was expecting a few bullet holes and moderate internal damage, maybe a few broken Opitcal boards, but this looked like it had self destructed, melting circuit boards and frying its own servoes.
All apart from one unidentifiable part; branded Renraku.
The hairs on her neck stood up as far as they possibly could. This couldn't be a coincidence...
This had to be something to do with dad....
Flea grabbed the ammunition belt, noticing the drone had been loaded with non-lethal rounds and breathed a sigh of relief. Having seen what these rubber rounds did to protesters in Korea, she was glad she took it down before it had chance to fire again. She didnt fancy having to do a "job" with a broken nose and welts the size of apples all over her.
Flea stuffed the ammunition belt into her jacket pocket and jogged over to others, who were making their way towards the soycaf machine. Cuco had beaten them all to it and the warm smell made Flea realise how thirsty she was.
Catching up to Puppeteer and Alex, she spoke in a low voice to both of them.

"I dont know if this helps us in the negotations, but that drone had Renraku markings inside. It was also loaded with non-lethal ammunition. In the interest of open-ness, my family has 'History' with Renraku. My father died in their service and I never received one scrap of information as to why."

As they stepped out into the light of the main hangar, Flea checked her commlink for matrix connection and initiated her helmet GPS to get some idea of where they were; hopefully now they were free of that faraday cage-like prison she could at least get a rough satellite fix.
The hangar was immense in size, you could easily get an intercontinental aircraft in here. Flea scanned around the walls, soaking up the details and sweeping her range finder onto the different surfaces to get an idea of the scale of the building.
However big the hangar was, it made the prison look tiny in comparison. It was almost comical to think of the fear that place had put into her just minutes before.
The soycaf smelt so good, but a nagging suspicion about her 'hosts' lay in her mind...
« Last Edit: <05-30-13/0633:42> by Csjarrat »


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« Reply #57 on: <05-30-13/0717:03> »
Puppeteer was disappointed with the disappearance of the lab guy. He was awfully fast in getting out. When the large drone appeared and started to work, he watched it for a short period, wishing he could send his ears far away from the screaming steel. Finally, when he had enough of the vibrations shaking his whole body, he let go of the spell, and returned his sight to his body.

He stood up and told the others what to expect outside. Then he waited that way for the drone to finish its job. When it was over, his ears rang for a few more minutes, a light headache on its way. Without alternatives, he exited their prison with the others. At the sight of Cuco’ body language he smiled a little. Then he was taken aback by what Flea revealed.

“So, the Raku” he murmured, “and you say you have a history? We’ll have to see what they want and if we are in the pot with you or because of you. But it doesn’t matter right now. First and foremost, we’ll have to see about getting out.”

While going through the hangar and into the room at the far end, Puppeteer stretched his awareness to the astral, checking what the place looked like, and if there was a presence besides his helper and himself.
[spoiler=assensing]INT(5) + Assensing(3) + Mentor(2) (10d6.hits(5)=4)[/spoiler]
"Speech", Matrix, >>Text<<, Thoughts, Astral


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« Reply #58 on: <05-30-13/1547:51> »
"I dont know for sure, but that drone looks like it self-destructed after I disabled it. There was far more internal damage than a machine pistol like mine could cause.
The only parts that weren't damaged were the ammunition, which was non-lethal, and a mystery box with the renraku brand on it. It could be a ruse or a deliberate message, i'm not sure which yet, but I thought you'd appreciate the heads-up.
Renraku are sneaky Chikuso's and i wanted to be open with you in case they use my family history as a How do you say it?curve-ball during these negotiations. Keep your eyes on Cuco after his soykaf. I dont fancy losing another twelve hours and meeting another one of those drones".


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« Reply #59 on: <05-30-13/1850:02> »
-- Csjarrat --

You find your connection to the matrix is working once more.  It takes only a moment to come up with your GPS co-ordinates indicating that you are inside a hangar on the south east end of the Seattle-Tac airport.  A cross check with other available information shows that the hangar belongs to Federated-Boeing but it has been sitting in disuse for the last five years.

-- Ren --

You now find it much easier to reach out with your magical senses.  Instantly, you get a hit.  An extremely powerful magician is nearby.  Although you can't determine their exact location, you can be certain that the magician is within one of the offices lining the far wall of the hangar.  Something is making the magician hazy and difficult to read but it is apparent that that person is behind the barrier that had enclosed you before.  You can also detect signatures of clairvoyance and clairaudiance spells.  Although they are no longer active you can tell that those are how the people have been keeping tabs on you while you were locked in the room.

