Shadowrun General > Fan fiction

Serious Buisiness

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Chaotic Insane:
And it's no coincidence I was always dead last with the tiger IN FRONT OF MY SQUISHY ASS.

And fox, good call. Try living with the lunatic.

Usda Beph:

--- Quote from: Chaotic Insane on ---And it's no coincidence I was always dead last with the tiger IN FRONT OF MY SQUISHY ASS.

And fox, good call. Try living with the lunatic.

--- End quote ---
How dare you speak to me that way! Me the one who molded your squishy brain in my image! Why I should...

GoldFish!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;D

SPOON!!! Don't make me fetch Timmy the little wooden boy!

Like I said sounds like good times.

hazmat the monstar:
Ahhhh... Fond memories of hellhounds and 3rd degree burns on the face.

The way things are going, Vernonia might just be a ghost town soon.


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