So, I decided to engage in a little experiment to see if there is actually anything to all this BP Math business. I’d never really done the math of a before and after situation, so that’s what I decided to do here. And since the goal is ostensibly to use this information to come out with the same PC that might otherwise be inefficient I applied some rules:
What I’ve done is taken the Weapon Specialist template from the SR4A core book and calculated her net post-chargen Karma efficiency, then applied the karma-efficiency "rules" and did the calculations again. For consistency/comparison sake, I had the goal of keeping every Skill the template had (though adding more is fine) and maintaining the flavor of the character through Qualities (though they may be changed if it still maintains the flavor). Everything else was up for change.
Weapon Specialist Before
Karma Efficiency -243 = Elf, 0 + Attributes, -135 + Skills, -88 + Qualities, -20 (more PQ BP spent than NQ BP gained)
Skill Pools:
Archery 5
Armorer 8
Close Combat Group 6
Demolitions 6
Dodge 5
Firearms Group 7
Heavy Weapons 5
Negotiation 6
Throwing Weapons 5
Really it’s hard to believe that was a 400 BP character.
Weapon Specialist After
Karma Efficiency -90 = Elf, 0 + Attributes, -50 + Skills, -60 + Qualities, +20
Skill Pools:
Archery 11
Armorer 10
Close Combat Group 11
Demolitions 8
Dodge 10
Firearms Group 14
Heavy Weapons 11
Negotiation 7
Perception 6
Throwing Weapons 11
What did I do to the build? See the attached file for details. But in short, I took more Neg Qualities, "better" and fewer Posi Qs, devoted more points to and re-arranged the Attribute point distribution to align with the Skill-set, re-arranged Skill point distribution (and added a Perception Skill), devoted more BP to cred and used that cred to buy 'ware to bolster de-emphasized Attributes, and re-arranged Contact point distribution (eliminating a redundant Contact).
To sum it up though, not only did this PC “gain” roughly 150 Karma that the player would have had to gain through play otherwise if she had started in her karma-inefficient state, but also added 46 dice in her main Skill pools, which was almost double what she had to begin with. That 150 Karma is probably longer than most campaigns last, on average, no? Or, what, 6 mos. or more of weekly play, at least a year of monthly?
Anyway, maybe it's hard to see here because of the stark difference in mechanics, but the point is not to reach a net-positive Karma start, not only is that nearly impossible, but if you did it, it would be a really wonky looking PC with some massive weaknesses. The point is that you can build the PC you want - RP and story wise, but still get the most out of their mechanics.