a level 3 skillwire (availability 12) costs 6k Nuyen which is 1.2 BP and 0.6 Essence
that gives you access to 6 slots of skillsoft, filling a slot is 2BP
You can thus get 6 rating 1 skills for 13.2BP at chargen
as opposed to 6*4 = 24BP
24/13.2 is a ratio of 1.8
not taking 6 skills at rating 1? yeah sure it scales down gracefully
you need 2 skills at rating 1 at chargen because... you just need to?
2k nuyen (0.4bp)
plus 4bp for 2 skillsofts means 4.4bp for 2 rating 1 skillsofts instead of 2*4=8BP
puts us at 8/4.4 which is the exactly same 1.8 ratio
for those rating 1 skills it is always an 1.8 ratio if you are buying them in an even amount
lets factor in ess-karma and everything...
you are paying 11.000Nuyen per rating 1 skill (upt o 6) which is 2.2 BP 2 0.5BP for essence per skill this means you actually pay 2.7BP / 5.4 karma per skill at rating 1
it is still strictly worse then buying with karma later, but way better then buying them with BP
I think you should factor this into your guide
also maybe factor in personalized skillsoft, which basically means:
a level 3 skillwire (availability 12) costs 6k Nuyen which is 2.4 karma and 0.6 Essence which is 12 karma
plus 62.000 nuyen for 2 activesofts rating 3(4) which is 24.8 karma which brings us to 39.2 karma for 2 rating 4 skills as opposed to: 48 post chargen karma
oh? all of a sudden skillwires net karma?
guess what... we can push that further...
for 2k nuyen we can add pluscode to all the programs...
that means for little extra cost we can put 6 skills in there !
a level 3 skillwire (availability 12) costs 6k Nuyen which is 2.4 karma and 0.6 Essence which is 12 karma
plus 33.000 nuyen per activesofts rating 3(4) with pluscode 2 which is 13.2 karma
for 6 skills that means 79.2 karma for software and 2.4 karma for the ware and 12 karma for the essence this sums up to
93.6 karma for 6 rating 4 skills opposed to 144 karma
we save over 50 karma.... /25BP
a mage with magic 5 would be better of getting this and hardcapping his magic
although, you are kinda maxing out on money expenses