[RECRUITING] Pandora's Pox (On another forum)

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« on: <02-25-13/1257:49> »
Shadowrun: Pandora’s Pox

The year is 2073 and the world seems to only be on a downward spiral. The new problem is a disease which is spreading quickly through the Middle East. The disease is spreading faster than any in history, and appears to be some sort of genetically modified virus. Whereas some believe it to be a terrorist attack initiated by anarchists, others believe it to be the wrath of god. The next year will prove to be a time of testing for everyone on Earth, from megacorps to runners are tested against fate itself.

Most of the world doesn’t know of the terror which looms on the horizon. As a shadowrunner you have only heard rumors of the trouble overseas and that changes little of your day to day life. You still have jobs to run and money to make. Recently you did get a new job which has piqued your interest though: highly lucrative and incredibly ambiguous.

Shadowrun: Pandora’s Pox is a Shadowrun game which will be run on a PbP basis using the website “”. Players will be expected to post frequently (at least once a day, more if needed) and inform the group if there are absences. Some specific runs may be run on another medium such as OpenRPG if it is deemed absolutely necessary; however logs must be posted to the board if karma (or other awards) is to be given for such sessions. Player/player sidescenes and other such shenanigans can always be done in a chatroom, OpenRPG, or some other medium, however again, the log must be posted to receive karma and other awards. All dice rolls must be handled using the site Invisible Castle.

Characters must be built on 400 BP and a sheet and should be created using Chummer. The html print out of the sheet has to be sent to me before any rolls are made (but not necessarily RP). Most character options are available from all books, however anything obviously munchkin/cheesy will get a veto. I do not want any dedicated hackers, and most hacking and cybercombat will happen off screen with NPCs. I do this for clarity as well as trying to make it more fun for all the players involved. I haven’t decided on a maximum number of players, however with PbP it might even be possible to have two teams running at times within our group.

Let the record show that this is my first attempt at running a PbP game, so it may be slow to get off the ground at first. I do however plan to have fun with this game and I hope all of my players do as well. I have GMed many games in the past and like to have big epic story arcs with lots of RP. If that sounds like your cup o’ tea, feel free to sign up at “”!

I won't be watching this thread diligently, so if you want my attention, you can find it at, where the game is being played.


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« Reply #1 on: <02-25-13/1337:11> »
I would like to sure my interest, buy the activation email is not arriving at my e mail.


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« Reply #2 on: <02-25-13/1344:06> »
Very strange. Check your spam/junk folder. I know that sometimes happens to me with forums.

Edit: I see you got it working. Good stuff. If anyone else has problems with it, just tell me.
« Last Edit: <02-25-13/1436:40> by Magnetbox »


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« Reply #3 on: <02-25-13/1818:34> »
Can I just ask: Why on another forum?


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« Reply #4 on: <02-25-13/1852:03> »
Very strange. Check your spam/junk folder. I know that sometimes happens to me with forums.

Edit: I see you got it working. Good stuff. If anyone else has problems with it, just tell me.

That I did. You were right, it got sent to my spam, which is weird cuz it's the first time any forum has had that happen. I'll be working on my sharacter tonight, hopefully have it up tonight or early tomorrow.


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« Reply #5 on: <02-25-13/2140:34> »
Xzylvador: Great question. Although I really do enjoy this forum, I prefer the organization and ultilization an entire forum with categories and subgroups offers if wholly devoted to a game. So really its simply a preference thing. I think it looks nicer, helps me keep things straight in my head, etc.

Nothing against the forum here, I think its a great tool, just not what I have grown to prefer.
« Last Edit: <02-25-13/2247:17> by Magnetbox »

