Lullabye & Goodnight (IC)

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« on: <11-25-14/1929:05> »
     It was almost light outside. Most of the dealers and deals done as junkies were holed up sleeping off their hit. Pro's had quit for the night a few hours before. It was just to dangerous right now to be out if you couldn't be sure of a John. The relative quiet of early morning in this neighborhood was broken only by trash, bottles rolling across the street and the occasional motor of the guys who had honest jobs hurrying to work. Even the usual sound of puking in alleyways was gone. Guys to tough to let anyone tell them what to do were to scared to carry on business as usual in the alleys.
      There were no sirens yet.  Hopefully that was a good sign. Hopefully whatever it was that had killed a dozen people by stringing them up with that awful smile on their face was done, or had moved on, or had finally met a gang meaner and tougher and had been killed. Murders happened all the time. But generally they happened for a reason. A ganger killing for his initiation, or revenge, or money. A dealer killed for their stash. A bad reaction to a new drug combo. Or caught cheating in a game. You know, a reason, any reason. But everyone had been hit, and no one was claiming the body count, and worse, there was JUST NO FRAGGIN REASON!

ok, you’re in the Redmond barrens, but bordering Renton. Black hills but north west of the highway 90 sign, so you’re north of Issaquah, just not in North Issaquah.

(And there's your opening line gentlemen to start your day. in game drek hits the air circulation device 07:58 on thurs. morning. That’s to give you guys a full in game day to post in case you want to have your chara more active at night. I will make my first plot post tomorrow (Wed)  sometime in the early afternoon my time. That should hopefully give the guys that want to post a little time to play off each others posts without holding up the game for those that don’t want to post. Thanksgiving day I will excuse everyone to only post once if you can’t make the 2 posts/day minimum.)
« Last Edit: <12-30-16/2248:11> by ismilealot »
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« Reply #1 on: <11-25-14/2234:39> »
"C'maaaaaan T! I know you got SUMTHIN you can throw a trog, right?" Duck had been playing comm tag with his former manager for about a week now and had finally gotten through. Every so often, he liked to check back in with the funny little dwarf to see about bodyguard work or something like that, but so far, that well had been dry. He's determined that this conversation will go differently, but the happy little voice on the other end had other intentions. "Sorry there Slim, but I jus can't give ya work I dont have, right? After Chupa slotted us proper the way they did, you weren't the only one left with your dick in the wind, boy." Duck is frowning as he sits alone at a bar booth, rolling up a fat spliff of zen. The dwarf continues. "I've got this trio of elf singers I'm trying something with right now. They sing like angels and all three of em are frakkin gorgeous, but they can't dance for drek. Maybe in a couple months, they'll be tour-worthy and I'll have something I can throw your way, but right now, I've just got no use for you and your new partner." He takes a slight pause before adding with a shit eating grin, "Thought I remembered ya sayin ya weren't gonna work with no breeders ever again, didn't I?"

"Yeah, blow me, squish. Holler at ya later." Duck ends the call and licks his spliff down the end, being careful not to tear the paper with his tusks as he does. He reaches into his pocket for a lighter and blazes the little bomber up before taking a huge hit and holding it. He leans back in his seat, throws his head back and blows out a huge cloud of smoke that instantly merges with the ever present haze in this tiny little shit hole of a bar.

Awwwwwww man. Where the hell is 'Rack? I'm gettin bored as fuck.

The skinny ork with the long ratty hair passes the time waiting on his friend by burning his little spliff down to ashes while browsing through articles on the matrix about a recent student protest against food pricing in the CAS earlier this week. He can feel the weight of his new Ingram pushing against his chest as he reads. He doesn't like walking around with hardware on him, but he'll be damned if he's gonna leave a weapon this fine in the shitty drainpipe where he sleeps. He'd already lost a really nice crusader that way.
« Last Edit: <12-13-14/1308:44> by Poindexter »
"speaking out loud"
<<matrix actions/communication>>


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« Reply #2 on: <11-25-14/2236:05> »
Red reclined on a mattress in her apartment, a pretty humble affair but on the upper end of what you might find in a neighborhood like this. At least it had indoor plumbing and a gate. She was leafing through an ARO detailing the day's weather, stock prices, headlines... All neatly bundled up into a translucent red display made to resemble a traditional newspaper.  An article about the recent macabre events in the neighborhood caught her eye, though it seemed the journalist on the case had left out the grisly details. With a flick of the wrist, she dismissed the ARO. The whole thing was sick. Probably some sort of fucking mage gone crazy or doing some sort of voodoo ritual or god knows what. If something seems too weird to be true there's got to be magic involved somewhere, right?

A beeping microwave announcing that the elf's breakfast was ready broke her train of thought and pulled her out of bed, pushing the gruesome thoughts comfortably to the back of her mind.


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« Reply #3 on: <11-25-14/2316:10> »
The late night passed into the early morning, what passed for sunlight in these slums drifting through a window, peeking into what could only be identified through memory as Arc's room.  The place was a bit of a mess, clothes strewn about along with bits of food containers and beer cans.  Granted, the mess could have been a lot worse, but it was clear tidiness was not a high priority with this occupant.  Speaking of, Arc remained fast asleep, her body sprawled out on her little bed, one leg hanging off the edge as she snored.  The light seemed to stir the dust in the place, tickling her nose and causing her to wake up with a sneeze. 

"nnh...AAACHOO! She sat up with a start, momentarily disoriented and causing a moment of panick.  Hand darting under her pillow, her Predator came out in a flash, held in hand as she darted her aim about the room, shaking.  Realizing she was safe, she let out a sigh and relaxed, scratching the back of her head as she stood up.  Quickly dressing, she fitted the Predator at the small of her back under her jeans: the short human girl recalled the news reports of the killer, and so she took to carrying that pistol with her at all times.  Dressed, the girl didn't bother checking herself in a mirror, darting through her doorway, making a stop to the toilet, and darted to her kitchen and living space...which mirrored her bedroom in terms of tidiness.  Haphazardly throwing a breakfast of soypaste in the microwave, she set her soykaf pot to boil, rubbing her eyes as the whirred, recalibrating to begin the day.

While she waited, Arc pulled up her commlink's feed, flipping through the spam articles before checking out the news.  More deaths following the pattern, talk of gang involvement... "Oh hey, make men unable to resist you with all new Eau de Cyanide, the newest in perfume lines from Horizon Industries!  Pfft~"  Frustrated, she pulled up a trid of last night's combat biking as she ate and drank her breakfast blandly, scratching at itches and brushing stray hairs from her eyes.  In midbite, the blinked twice, as if just remembering something before rolling those same eyes and slamming her cup down."I still got that Growler with the camshaft that needed tuning by today...FRAAAAAAAG!" Slumping back in her seat dejectedly, she planted a palm to her forehead with an audible slap.  Sighing, she finished her meal and stepped through her side door to get to work.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~2 HOURS LATER~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

The sounds of a socket wrench clicking could be heard coming from Arc's garage slash shop, as she was hard at work on the same Growler she had mentioned needing work.  The place smelled of engines, and she loved it, shelves of tools, chemicals, and parts scattered about.  Sporting well-loved and stained coveralls, the human's hair was tied back, goggles covering her eyes, their imaging feed providing her with guides and measurements as she adjusted and tuned the bike.  A cigarette, lit and burning slowly, hang from the corner of her mouth as she worked, squatting down to get a close look with each turn.  She was smiling, humming idly as her morning pressed on with more work, the back of her mind idly wondering how to spend her evening, as she had no jobs lined up after the Growler...
« Last Edit: <11-25-14/2341:15> by SgtBoomCloud »


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« Reply #4 on: <11-26-14/0106:38> »
Khali's comm buzzed insistently and finally woke her up. "Whozat?" She muttered groggily before realizing it was the alarm she set to wake her at 10am. She flinched as the movement reminded her of the bruise on her left side. She rolled out of bed and checked her side in her hand mirror. There was a monstrous purple and yellow mass the size of a softball just above her floating ribs. Nails' job wasn't as easy as the elf had promised, but Khali's armor stopped the worst of the burst that caught her in the side. A predatory smile spread across her face, Amatuers were using hollow points, expecting us to be unarmored.

She threw on an old robe and opened the door to her room. The door was a luxury in this place, and she was always reminded of that fact when she passed the bunks and open doorways of the other residents. She muttered greetings sleepily to her neighbors on the way to the communal bathroom at the end of the hall. After making use of the facilities, she returned to her room, pulled her wet hair back, and relaxed into her morning Carromeleg kata. After spending some time trying to work the soreness from her side, she strapped on her armor jacket, her weapons, and put on her coat. Khaki locked her room, then headed toward the ground floor. On her way, she tossed some of the soycandies she kept her in her coat pockets to the building's kids.

At least they seem to be coming around, she thought, appreciating the children's acceptance of an honest bribe. Her neighbors were still... adjusting to Khali's self-appointed title of guardian angel. The folks with honest jobs seemed to be the least bothered. While they didn't exactly trust her, they seemed to appreciate the idea of a guard dog hanging around the building while they couldn't be home with their families. Khali stepped out onto the street, and looked around. Noting that nothing seemed out of place, she headed down to the Stuffer Shack at the end of the block. She grabbed soykaf and something resembling a muffin and ate while sifting through her commlink's newsfeeds. One of the first articles she found was on the local serial killer. No new bodies at least. And no one in my pack.

Khali stopped herself from snarling, thinking about the killer coming into her territory. She turned her attention to her messages and found it empty. Drek, no jobs. She wasn't hurting for cash, but she also couldn't stand being idle. She fired off a quick message to Red:

"Bored. Let me know if you have a line on any work."

She walked back up the block and checked one of Rabbit's dead drops, a loose bolt on a lamppost. She found a scrawled note that read, "Noon. Big Sky." That kid must have trashed her comm again. But at least she's got something for me. She killed an hour checking out the surrounding streets and watching for unfamiliar faces before her impatience got the better of her. She walked west a couple of blocks and found the abandoned building she was looking for. She climbed the fire escape to get to the third floor and waited there in a courtyard. She didn't know how Rabbit chose her spots, but she had a talent for naming them. She pulled her coat a little tighter around her as she waited for the elven girl to show up.
"normal speech"  thought  "Matrix"   "Subvocal"  "Foreign Language"


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« Reply #5 on: <11-26-14/0820:26> »
There were perks to adopting modern technology as opposed to staying with the old ways from before magic, from before even computers. Before even what came before the matrix, in fact. Maybe it was true that they could just no longer live without such...requirements. But, this wasn't technology used to replace the old ways that were so proven, and so effective. This was technology covering it's shortfalls with the old ways so proven. Old style leather harnesses replaced with kevlar laced fabrics. High tensile belt rigs with extended pouches for equipment. And body armour that could resist both blade, bow and bullet all as one without offering a weighted payload so much as to remove all mobility altogether. The modern ability to disrupt his physical pattern from spying eyes with the use of flaps and disruptive camouflage patterns that to the unaware eye were little more than fashion statements written in black on grey, a perfectly matched shade of colour to not be darker than the enviroment around it in the middle of the night.

He was rigged and ready to go, and the room was dark. His eyes were closed, waiting. The sound of cold, dead metal being lightly dragged across fabric and Arachnid's eyes snapped wide open to take in the source, a figure in the dark. Armed with a blade much to the similar length of his own. Low slung and silently moving. Right hand dropped to the left of his hip, gripping around the engraved hilt of the first of his two personal blades and drawing it in a long arcing sweep, an act that brought about recoil in Arachnid's wrist when it was swiftly deflected downwards, towards his own person. Spinning with the force for another attempt, only to strike nothing but air, sweep ducked by the hostile. And only the barest of light glinting off the lethal edge to warn him of the counter-strike coming his way. Stepping to glance the blow off the blade in front of him and reach out with a brutal left handed hookshot across the offender's face, only a soft grunt of pain the surprised reaction of attacker now victim.

Punch was followed by the continued rotation of his body to deliver a sidelong kick to the middle of the swordwelding arm and followed through to the dark figure's torso and satfisying impact of flesh to flesh aside, the heavy thump of a body striking the floor was the end to the engagement. Muscle memory nearly had his sword clearing the downed opponent, but he held back with a conscious effort, and instead swung the blade up in a half spin for the correct orientation before sheathing it without a further sound. And then the lights came on. Bright, almost blinding him. The attacker, nos subdued and laying on the ground trying to make the stars stop was young, almost the same age as when he'd started all this... and the same age when he'd first had his behind handed to him in much the same manner. Turning on a heel casually, rather than defensively, bowing to those spectating the educational, if not entertaining training fights. Lethal weapons aside, of course. The dark specifically requested to teach a lesson as everyone needed to be taught at some point or another in their careers. 'Someone will always kick you in the face, no matter how much face kicking you can do'. Of course, the saying actually said something more profound, and soul searching. But, his way was better. Much better in the old ways. But only that one thing.

He tried not to think of the four missing faces from the crowd, victims of the bastard ripping up the people just trying to survive, just trying to make their lives better. There were no borders for this man. None of his clan, White Serenity, be they in the blacks of an owl hunting prey for money to survive or the 'formal' whites he wore now, even if the black tactical belt and drop leg holsters and swordsheathes interferred with the colour. Innocents, gang members, his own extended street family as it were. No one seemed to be safe. Where White Serenity actually a ninja clan, or where they just blowhards? Not knowing was part of the magic to the outside world. With a nod from one of the older, familar faces, he smiled, leave to depart granted. Lowering a hand to help up his fallen 'foe' and yanking him back onto his feet, Arachnid dropped into a low bow and then strode from the room, knowing that, for another day, his instincts would remain safe from dulling. Used to be he even felt safe in this neighborhood enough sometimes to ditch all but his taser tucked in his beltline hidden beneath his shirt. Now, he had to show that he wasn't afraid to defend himself. Taser, dual blades and the military style dropleg holding the handgun (With suppressor tucked away in pouch, just in case.) He was of White Serenity, and his clan would not fear.

Lifting a small device to his ear and slipping into his right one, adjusting the tiny dial with a finger, while reaching into another pocket to dial up the commlink, by memory hitting Duck's speeddial. Listening to the crackly musical tones of a commlink just barely in range of the grid, like everything else in this place he was proud to call home. Just in reach of everything they needed through hard work (And some minor tampering with government property, of course). A silent moment for Duck to answer, though he had little doubts he would.

"Give me three guesses as to where you are?" With that said in the simple, almost playful manner of his standard greeting, he picked a bar name out of hand and threw it out there.


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« Reply #6 on: <11-26-14/1034:39> »
About halfway done with his spliff, Duck leans forward in his seat again, putting his bony elbows on the table and folding his long fingers in front of his face. He holds the halfer between two fingers, standing straight up in the air, and he watches the smoke dance its way up to the ceiling. As he does, he mentally brings up a readout of how much he's got on his credstick.

<< DeviceStatus: Credstick
  >> Status: 87 nuyen

Well... I got that fill in gig Deen hooked up in three days, and that should pay one or two hundred, dependin on the bar... I guess 'Rack is still deep in some kinda advanced training or whatever, so it probably aint no work comin from his side... Gonna need to replace that tarp again next time it rains. Probably only got one more good shower left in it... Fuuuuuuck. Am i gonna have to hit up Zip and see if there's some go gang shit that needs doin?

He takes another long hit off his smoke and holds it in as long as he can while he thinks, Maaaaaaaan, I hate doin gang shit, then exhales forcefully toward the ceiling again, watching the force of his lungs propel it up into the stained and grimey rafters of this beloved shit hole of a bar Duck likes to come to. "Fuggit though!" He exclaims, not near loud enough to be heard over the pounding goblin punk playing over the juke box. "Trog gotta eat, right?" he says to himself as he brings up the command ARO for his commlink again. When he does, he notices that he's got a call waiting on him.

"Give me three guesses as to where you are?" With that said in the simple, almost playful manner of his standard greeting, he picked a bar name out of hand and threw it out there.

Duck loads up his persona on his Sensei, a nasty looking little green goblin dressed in a "90's thug tupac" style, and responds with it instead of his meat voice, as he doesn't want to scream over the music.

"Shiiiiiiit, Fam! Mawfucker only need one guess, but the greedy ass breeder gon come askin for three. He smiles wide, showing off his rows of tiny razor sharp teeth and long purple tongue. "You all done wit trainin and shit? Need to come through and meet with a mug, wiz? I'll be here all night, Omae."
"speaking out loud"
<<matrix actions/communication>>


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« Reply #7 on: <11-26-14/1119:05> »
Red was halfway through a bowl of microwaved soy noodles, the blandness spiced up a little by a simmed flavor packet proudly advertised on the side of the styrofoam container, when her commlink began to buzz. She scrolls through her planner, reaffirming what she already knew before shooting a message back to Khali.

"Wish I could say I did. Business has been pretty slow as of late. If I pick up any leads I'll be sure to give you the heads up, though."

On that note, though, her interest is a little piqued. She sends another quick message to the enigmatic Nicole, the fixer who keeps to the solid business practice of not letting her clients know a damn thing about her.

"Red here. Hear anything good lately?"


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« Reply #8 on: <11-26-14/1250:02> »
Hearing her commlink chime, Khali checks her message:

"Wish I could say I did. Business has been pretty slow as of late. If I pick up any leads I'll be sure to give you the heads up, though."

Of course. New day, same drek.

She sends a quick reply, "Null sweat. Later."

About that time she hears someone scurrying up the fire escape, but when she leans out to check there is no one to be seen. Turning around, she almost bumps into Rabbit. Khali tries to hide her surprise as Rabbit starts talking in her ridiculous street slang, "Wuzgood,wuzgood, wuzgood, Swrdgrl?"

Frag me, I wish I knew how the runt pulls that little trick

Khali had been able to rid herself of her Tir accent, but her precise diction made her stand out when she tried to imitate Rabbit's speech. "It's a slow day. What happened to your comm?"

Rabbit smiled and backed up a few steps, perching on a decaying bench, "No cred, chummer. Burned out all the freebie 'ware. Smashed it last week to see all the shinies inside."

Khali sighed and tossed her a fresh Meta Link, "Just see if you can make that one last a little longer. Your drops take too long to relay."

"WUZ REALLY GOOD, OMAE?" Rabbit yelled as she snatched the comm out of the air. "Just for that, I got some good humint for ya. New pushers, ya?"

Khali frowned, "Who? Ancients?"

Rabbit shook her head, "Think Rabbit can't tell keebs apart? Pushers are new, keebs AND breeders, and no bikes."

"I don't like the sound of that, and the Ancients won't either. What are they selling?"

"Rabbit's momma didn't have no brave bunnies, just sneaky bunnies."

"Fine, fine. Where are they?"

Rabbit pointed northeast, "Two blocks east, one block north. Got got a greasy lookin' breeder pushin, with a keeb and a trog trying to be sneaky lookouts."

"Thanks, I'll check it out. Steer clear of them. If I don't get to them, the Ancients will and you don't want to get in their way."

Rabbit imitated Khali's precise speech as she scampered down the fire escape, "Go teach your honorable mother to eat dandelions, Swrdgrl."
"normal speech"  thought  "Matrix"   "Subvocal"  "Foreign Language"


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« Reply #9 on: <11-26-14/1754:58> »
Some of the smog starts to settle in the late afternoon. Making the Barrens smell even worse than usual. The Pro's gotta work a little harder to been seen in this, and they don't dare go in or their pimps will make sure they can't stand up. But it's not like that'll mean a day off, just means he'll be even madder the next day because he had to work harder sending business into them.
      Nuts is lazily strolling down the street. Trying to look casual. He'd heard from one of his usual clients that there was a new gang out dealing. Time to scope out the competition, casual like." He thought But there's nothing casual about his eyes, hard and mean. No one gets in the way of his business. He spots Lupo with his arms around one of the pro's on the street, holding up cash to her face while he whispers in her ear and gropes her looking like he's buying. She takes the money and walks off with him, but past the dealer and she puts Lupo's hand on her as the pass him. Nuts can spot him easily enough. "Like they say, it takes one to know one." he smiled to himself. But Lupo'll need confirmation for the Howlers. This gang won't make it past tonight. Nuts smiles, and keeps moving thinking to himself. "Well that problem's solved easily enough." He knows where not to be, at least for tonight.

@ Duckdown - You get a call from Zipline. Her voice is angry. "Duck, Melinda is missing. Godra swears she wasn't high when she was taking care of them, like I can't see her eyes!" You hear her spit. "Pharos says that Melli started talking about music and Uncle Duck playing pretty music." "Is she with you?" "For once I'd be glad if you said yes." "Not that I won't knock your sorry ass hide back to your momma's womb for taking her!" you can hear how scared she is.

@ Red- You hear Sqrli screaming something unintelligble down the hall. And running feet go past your doorway. Probably one of the kids stole her beer. You're comm rings. It's not a number you recognize.

@ Arc- One of the Howlers comes in. "Hoi, I need to drop whatever job you're doing for some breeder and fix this. Lupo's got a job for us tonight and if this ain't working we don't get paid. " He lays out a duffel bag on the table with a very solid thunk, and unzips the bag to reveal a  fraggin grenade launcher.

@ Khali - You're close enough to see the gang that Rabbit told you about when your comm rings. It's Sam's number.
« Last Edit: <11-26-14/1759:44> by ismilealot »
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« Reply #10 on: <11-26-14/1819:53> »
After getting Zenned to bejeezus, then drinking and catching up with 'Rack the night before, Duck wakes up with a SERIOUS hangover the following afternoon in his drainpipe. That three legged dog that stops by every morning for a snack had apparently already come and, seeing Duck was still sleeping, left already in search of greener pastures. Slowly, he came to realize that he hadn't just woken up on his own. No, he was still far too tired for that, it only being one something in the afternoon. Duck had been woken up by the flashing and buzzing in his head that only an -URGENT- message would trigger. He didn't give frivolous people the code to do that, so he knew it must be serious. Heavily clearing the phlegm from his throat before answering, he sees the call is from Zip and fears the worst.

"Duck, Melinda is missing. Godra swears she wasn't high when she was taking care of them, like I can't see her eyes! Pharos says that Melli started talking about music and Uncle Duck playing pretty music. Is she with you? For once I'd be glad if you said yes. Not that I won't knock your sorry ass hide back to your momma's womb for taking her!"

"Chill chill chill, girl! Chill. Aight hold up. Breathe for a second, wiz? Aight, first off, no. Mel aint with me. You know I always set shit up in advance when I'm chillin with them girls." His scratchy tenor voice echoes off down the pipe as he speaks. "Second off, I aint gonna say told ya so about Godra. Instead, I'm just gonna say that you can call me anytime to watch them girls. I aint even bout to charge ya nun, neither, wiz? Now third, and I know this aint what ya wanna hear, but drek aint so bad. Member last time? BOTH them girls ran off? This time we still got one and we can use her to track Mel. Make it easier, right? Where yall at right now? Send me an ARO. I'm comin to meet ya. I can call a homeboy for a ride if you're far off."

While he talks, he's already strapping on his armor vest and making sure his Ingram is clean and loaded.
"speaking out loud"
<<matrix actions/communication>>


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« Reply #11 on: <11-26-14/1903:35> »

@ Red- You hear Sqrli screaming something unintelligble down the hall. And running feet go past your doorway. Probably one of the kids stole her beer. You're comm rings. It's not a number you recognize.

Red turns her attention to the noise outside her apartment, almost turning to peek out the door before she's distracted by her ringing comm. She hesitates a moment before answering the unrecognized number, but decides to pick it up anyway. "Hello?"


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« Reply #12 on: <11-26-14/2003:36> »
Eyes snapped open to take in the intact ceiling above him, leak free and warm from the elements. But he sure wished that he hadn't opened them because the pain right behind them was immense. Duckdown always knew the best place for grog and, well, maybe he'd enjoyed that man's company a slight too much the previous night! It sure felt like the seven fires of hell were burning inside of his head, so he'd clearly had a good time. How he had managed to return home in one state was a different question he'd ask later once he'd been at the cold water to clear his head and thoughts from the painful hangover fog. Equipment was on the rack where he always left it, so at least muscle memory was good for something after all.

SPLASH! Slapping water across his face and shaking violently like a wet dog. Gawds, that felt much better. Spinning upon his heal with the water wasting deed done, physically beginning the act of stripping down and flashing a little into the astral plane, assensing what was around him, before dialing up his 'link, and getting a hold of Duck via the same number, leaving one of those fancy voice to text messages incase he was still totally, completely out of it. 'Duck mate? You make it home alright? Didn't drink me under too much, eh?'

Leaving that message to simmer for a moment, thinking idly as he reached up to the rack to pull the tactical belt down, clip it to his pants and fasten it tightly, taking a swift moment to lock buckles at their various points, and a look in the cracked mirror, adjusting the 'formal' whites, and smiling back at his reflection. Pausing for a moment to pull out his commlink and examine the time and date, oh, fek. He'd completely forgotten about his bike in the spirit of attempting to outdrink possibly his closest ally in this middle of nowhere he called home. Swapping to the next number with one hand and drawing his sidearm with the other, dialing the number. Crackly musical tones, and answer or not, he was leaving a message. "Hey, Arc. Sorry for yesterday. I'll be over to collect the bike soon, thank you~."

Looking over his tiny, cramped apartment on the way out while at the same time checking and charging his sidearm with the heavy chachink of a round being loaded into chamber was an art he'd had a lot of practice with, and by the time he'd holstered and secured again, he was already out the front door, heading for where Arc held his bike in good repair. Or as a hostage. Who knew.


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« Reply #13 on: <11-26-14/2021:13> »
@ Arc- One of the Howlers comes in. "Hoi, I need to drop whatever job you're doing for some breeder and fix this. Lupo's got a job for us tonight and if this ain't working we don't get paid. " He lays out a duffel bag on the table with a very solid thunk, and unzips the bag to reveal a  fraggin grenade launcher.

Arc let go of the wrench she was working on, standing up slowly and lifting up her goggles, taking a puff of her cigarette and widening her stance a bit.  She had kept half an eye on the door, and she could identify a Howler when she saw one, otherwise the drekhead would not have made it two steps in the door.  Brow furrowed in a surly expression, the girl adopted a stance she was accustomed to with these Howlers: aggressive, confident, intolerant of bull's drek.  "Hoi, you know mah bizness is mah bizness, Sraa'ksa, ain't nothin' you can do about it."  She glanced back over to the Growler...a few parts reassembly was needed, but the job was pretty much done.  Lucky her.  "Aight, you're in luck, whatchu got for me?"

Upon the removal of the item from the bag, Arc gave a long, low whistle, running her hands almost admiringly over the barrel of the launcher.  "Hooooo, my, where in the drek did a tusker like you get ahold of a fraggin' Ares Antioch-2?  Without another word, the goggles were on, AR displays examining the device as she put her hands over it, a quick multitool being whipped out of her pocket as she tested a few spots.  Howlers with grenade launchers, needing them tonight...dammit, Lupo, what are you up to...  Several moments later, she let out her breath, flipping the goggles up, and turning to the ganger.

"Aight, listen up, Flak.  I know the nights are lonely, but ya gotta stop using this thing as a slothole, you hear me?  Your barrel's grimed up, a few of the action circuits are fried, and there's some drek sticking to the trigger pin.  Grab a beer, or whatever Stuffer Shack's got nearby, I'll hook you up.  Usual fee, I don't do charity!"  Free from distraction, she grabbed her kit and went to work, the parts practically molding under her fingers as the Ares was field stripped, a cleaning brush coated with solvent passing through the barrel.  Various chemical and lubricants went over the thing, as well as a soldering iron over the internal circuitry.  She hummed as she worked, absorbed in the task at hand.

All in all, the job took about half an hour to forty minutes, a nearly pristine grenade launcher on the table in the shop.  The ganger Flak had long since returned, and she bagged up the weapon for him.  "Y'all ain't getting a bow; that drek is extra"  Grinning, she handed off the bag.  "Whatever drek Lupo's got going down, I don't wanna hear about it, got it?  Unless it's going down here, I wanna know if I need to close up~"  Waving and shooing him off, she watched him go, leaning against the garage door with hands in pockets.  A chirping sound interrupted her reverie, and she pulled up her battered little 'link.

"Hey, Arc. Sorry for yesterday. I'll be over to collect the bike soon, thank you~."

Heaving a sigh, she took a last puff from her cigarette, flicking the butt onto the street and punching in a reply.  "Null sweat, chummer, you know that.  Come on by, your lady's waiting, and let me tell you, she is Purring now!"  Allowing herself a grin, she sighed as she decided to wait for Arachnid to show, closing her eyes and letting the slight breeze pass over her, hands in pockets.


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  • Chummer
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  • Posts: 116
« Reply #14 on: <11-26-14/2139:30> »
@ Khali - You're close enough to see the gang that Rabbit told you about when your comm rings. It's Sam's number.

Khali turns a corner so that she's out of view of the new arrivals before answering her comm.

"Always good to hear from you, sweetheart, but I was about to be busy. What's up?"
"normal speech"  thought  "Matrix"   "Subvocal"  "Foreign Language"