Shah (Help needed)

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« on: <08-23-17/0409:48> »
Yeah this guy may need some help. I won't spoil why, buuut I think the concept will be very clear.

Feel free to imagine me facedesking after reading, because yah, I'm ashamed I went here too.




    Yoshio Yazdani is a young Hobgoblin with a passion. It's a passion that has consumed him since his early childhood and will likely continue on to his grave. That passion is the AR card game known as War Beasts. Even in his youngest years Yoshio was fixated on the game. Making dozens of decks and showing up every night at local shops to talking with all of the cool, older kids about the best tactics. It was and always been a veritable obsession that consumed him, a fixation which he just knew would define his future more than anything else he could hope for. He was going to be the greatest player the game had ever seen.

    His parents felt differently. Yoshio's family had a strong magic tradition and it wasn't a shock that he, too, was awakened. When he did they tried to curb him from playing. Taking his game gauntlet and many of his decks, then shipping him off to apprentice under his uncle. He displayed an acceptable level of talent and skill. It would have probably been far greater if he hadn't gotten his friend to send him a new Commlink with the game already on it. He put in a passable effort studying the long, drawn out, boring traditions of a proper Halal Talismonger. But in his heart he knew what he really wanted. The first year with his uncle Yoshio spent every night he could sneaking off to the local tournaments or challenging other kids in the street after school. He built a fearsome deck and ripped though the ranks in Calfree. Eventually everyone was dubbing him the "Shah of Traditional gaming"

    This success came in part due to his mentor. As he had awakened, Yoshio came into contact with the spirit of an unknown Chinese prince. This prince, whom Yoshio and his friends have taken to simply calling 'Wangzi', claims to have used powerful magics involving the same cards now used in War Beasts. He recognizes the potential the Hobgoblin has to become a far more powerful sorcerer than anyone in his family, and to prove his honor by being the greatest player of the game since the ancient times.

    Yoshio was given guidance into something known on the streets as 'Tarot Magic'. Something Wangzi assures him is just one name for a very old tradition. The young caster hasn't gotten the details down well just yet but he has started using a modified printer and his uncles alchemy lab to help him refine cards of his most familiar alchemical preparations. He is working to expand on the idea he is taught of typical Tarot magic while at the same time climbing to the top ranks of the small War Beasts ladder.

    There is one problem, however. A new mechanic introduced in the last set has rendered many of the cards and strategies in Yoshios old deck unusable. Indeed his once venerable main deck is now flat out antiquated and he doesn't have the money to fix it. Wangzi has assured Yoshio that they can get him the money, and experience he needs if he takes up some of the less-than-honest jobs offered around his community. The already anti-authoritarian hobgoblin gladly agreed to this and has started to hire out his budding services to whomever may seek them.


    The Shah of traditional gaming is a bit hot tempered. He loves a good game and especially loves to play the noble hero. He might do so more convincingly if he wasn't so petty. He is loud, bombastic, confident to a fault and arguably far more self righteous than a man who ranked well in a single national tournament has any right to be. He often talks about the importance of his cards and his deck yet tends to get angry at them the second things don't go his way.

    As a spellcaster Yousio is lazy to a fault. While many alchemists seek ways to use their talents along side simple mundane items Yoshio is content to print off a deck of linchpin proxies using ink recipes reserved for bidding seals and other magical writings he dug up in a shinto book. The amount of materials and his own attempts to edit the cards ensures some level of worksmanship to the final product. It's simply not what it could be if he would listen to his uncle.

    The obsession with War Beasts is painfully unhealthy. To the point where it could be argued that Wangzi may wish him harm by encouraging it. For as often as Shah may talk up concepts of honor or friendship he isn't really above blaming and victimizing others if it means he comes out on top. That may be why he cycles though friends so often and why he has been known to peek at his deck on occasion


    Whatever else one might say, Shah is striking. All the girls and boys swoon when he steps up to the podium for a battle. He has a svelt athletic build that hasn't cost him a day of working out in his life and carefully whitened fangs. He wears his thick black hair spiked back and a set of asymmetrical rings in his ears along with one in his left brow. His contacts allow him to have more 'normal' eyes with a strong royal red fake iris. They also contain a camera to help capture his wins. He likes to say he has a 'delicate' face. Really he just has an exceptionally weak chin

    Yoshio is a bit tall for a Hobgoblin and keeps himself with a confident bordering on cocky bearing. his movements are always confident and deliberate even if they almost always amount to taking a slip of printed paper and setting it down on a small protrusion from his gauntlet. He doesn't have any real distinguishing marks beyond a rather nasty patch of skin on his left arm. He had attempted to give himself a simple tattoo upon making his pact with Wangzi. His father, outraged, used some of that tattoo removal cream on it, and then when the doctor assured him that the patch of skin wasn't damaged he refused to get it cosmetically fixed until Yoshio apologized. He still hasn't. A large part of the reason for the tattoo removal was indeed religious, however the bigger point was that it really was an aweful looking bit of ink.

    Shah wears a modified ace of wands jacket he got as an awakening gift,  bright yellow and purple color with bits of brown. He wears thick, fashionable thigh boots with tons of buckles and an intentionally too-tight tank top. His most striking bit of clothing, however, is his game gauntlet. A simple brown fake-leather fingerless glove is used to help hold on a large and unwieldy bracer with brushed nickle body and purple accents.  The deployable playing surface folds up against the tool on one end and a bezel-shaped pruple emitter sits at the top. A component often seen on old holo bracelets. The card dock is usually open since he keeps hid deck on a case at his hip, and small readouts on the side ensure he can track basic progress even without AR.


A: Attributes
B: Metatype (hobgolbin)
C: Mage
D: Skills
E: Resources


Body: 5
Agility: 3 `
Reaction: 4
Strength: 5
Willpower: 4
Logic: 4
Intuition: 4
Charisma: 5

Magic: 4
Edge: 4

remaining Nuyen: 30


Analytical mind
Chosen follower
Mentor Spirit (Seducer)

Distinctive Style
Poor self control (Braggart)
Poor self control (Compulsive, Dueling)
SINner (national, Calfree)


Alchemy: 5 (9)
Summoning: 5 (9)
Spellcasting: 5 (9)
Artificing: 4 (8 )
Artisan: 3 (7)
Bindign: 3 (7)
Unarmed Combat: 1 (4)
Throwing Weapons: 1 (4)
Con: 1 (8 )

Knowledge Skills:

English: N
Arabic: 6 (10)
Gaming (Interest): 6 (10)
Area Knowledge L.A. (Street): 4 (8 )


Path: Tarot





Chaotic World
Physical Barrier


Galerazor Knight:

a 250 Strength monster. Must be summoned and attacked if he is drawn at any time other than the draw mode. Noble knight-champion of the Galerazor forces.

Rank 4 Spirit of Air
Energy Aura: Cold
Favors 1

Pagebinder Apprentice Nina:

A 180 Strength monster. When she enters play look at the top three cards of your deck. put one in your hand, one in your graveyard and one at the bottom of your deck. A clumbsy but lovable apprentice scholar with amazing potential.

Rank 4 Spirit of Earth
Favors: 1

Pearlscale Undine:

230 Strength, Backrow only. At the beginning of each turn you may place a scale counter on Pearlscale Undine, Heal 10 damage per turn for each counter she posesses. Quiet healer and protector of teh weary mer warriors.

Rank 4 Spirit of Water
Guard (4 Characters)
Favors: 1

Brash Incubi:

120 Strength. Cannot be destroyed in combat. Gain control of any Monster that attacks Brash Incubi. A bumbling pair of playful brothers from the netherworld

Rank 4 Spirit of Man
Spell: Control Thoughts
Favors: 1

Blazecannon Queen:

280 Strength. Deminish. Attacks all enemy Monsters when attacking. Biker queen of the Blaze with a powerful twin barreled flame cannon

Rank 4 Spirit of FIre
Noxious Breath
Favors: 1


9X Bladed Cards (Shuriken)


Vasion Island Ace of Wands coat


Game Gauntlet 3.9:

An older model, but it works. This nickle and purple item includes a Commlink slot, deck slot, easy to deploy play area, holo projector and everything else you need to play without AR or play in style.

Holo bracelet
Levianthan Technial LT-2100


Theme Music
AR Game (War Beasts)


30 Drams Reagent
Vault of Ages Rank 1
AR Gloves
Competitive War Beasts Deck (Reagent card rares spliced within)
Contacts W/Image link, Photochormic lenses, Micro camera


Yoshio Yazdani

National SIN Calfree
Low Lifestyle 1 month

Uncle Yusef:
Teacher 3/4

Ed McGee:
Card Dealer 2/1
« Last Edit: <08-23-17/0412:37> by Mathan »

