[IC] Drowning in Shadows

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« Reply #30 on: <02-11-12/0400:10> »
"I always have those details with me," Sammy said, sending a package over to his commlink.  It contained the information she had so far.
"And I must say the security on your van looks excellent, even a ward.  Just a small tip maybe, it's a bit too much I think.  The Errants have people who can see wards just as I can, and a van with a ward is rather exceptional.  They will check it out for sure.  I think the best security is looking like everybody else."
"Magic can turn a frog into a prince. Science can turn a frog into a Ph.D. and you still have the frog you started with." Terry Pratchett
"I will not yield to evil, unless she's cute"


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« Reply #31 on: <02-11-12/1355:30> »

At first, they look at him strangely - making small talk just after an attack from a dangerous criminal - but then their manners kick in. "I'm Dr. Frider and this is Dr. Sanches here. ....Ooo, nice to meet you."

From the direction of the nearest window, you hear some faint sound, like sirens.


Watchmaker just laughs, and it sounds like a bear growling. "Don't worry about me, I'm not some runner who's still wet behind the ear! I have a dozen other cars, I just need this one tonight. That's why I dodged the scanners and monitor KE radio chat constantly. As for the ward...I can quote the 4th Amendment and pray like a preacher if I must." - he roars again - "Now, about the search. I see the trail ends in Seattle. There is not much to go on..." - he talks mainly to himself and looks like he's already searching in his head. Maybe he has a 'link in there too. - "I cannot guarantee anything but that I will try my hardest. The price is twenty K, ten in advance. Other ten is when I find her, regardless of her "condition", but if she's not in the UCAS or the NAN, my chances are very slim. Still I get five if I find a solid lead to go on."


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« Reply #32 on: <02-11-12/1407:01> »
"My pleasure." Seeing that the tension situation has ended, Mike deactivate his Move-by-Wire system with a mental command. While doing that, he keeps his hands casually hidden behind his body, as sometimes the deactivation make them twitch strangely a little.
So far, his fake SIN has stand firm all examinations, but he does not know exactly what is going on in this scene, and he thinks that a more complete verification of papers (virtual ones, that is) is in order - shooting ensuing on a hospital, not a good thing. Also, he does not want to be there to know if Knight Errand is really that tough as they say.

"Doctors, as any metahuman being, I like to be praised, but I really don't see the need; I accidently was put on an emergency situation, and I acted as I saw fit, nothing more. So I should really go back to my own bussiness, which in the current moment, is taking some antibiotics and heading home for lunch."

He mention going back to the elevator, and on the way, hands the taser he took from the nurse to the doctors: "Do you really think it's important for me to wait here for KE to be here and testify for something I have yet to understand?"

All the while, he maintains a sincere smile on his face, as a person who, despite it's hurry, wants to be polite.


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« Reply #33 on: <02-11-12/1549:51> »

The question is clear on their faces (Why is he asking us this?), but this is an unusual situation and they are still confused.

"I don't know. Maybe. I mean you don't have to, we aren't going to insist, if you don't want to, but I think the officers will want to question you....about this. Maybe if you leave your contact information, they can get in touch with you, if you have some urgent business." - he points to the scene where Ravier sits with the nurse and they are giving them some serious stink-eye.

Meanwhile, heads are appearing, somebody gasps, people start running around and it's getting crowdy - seems the news about the fight in this floor is spreading.

[spoiler]From the sounds outside, you guess you have about sixty seconds before KE is in the building, so you cannot chat any more, you have to decide if you are staying or leaving.[/spoiler]


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« Reply #34 on: <02-11-12/1743:20> »
It does not seem they will let him go without a little chat, as it seems. Well, just exiting the scene now that the police is coming up would not do Mike any good; it would only make his presence and actuation there more suspicious, if he cannot leave without giving them information on him. And, after all, he has already provided his name, and the hospital schedule systems would report that someone bearing this SIN really had an appointment here and would give his information. As it goes, the best course of action is to answer the questions the police will want.

"Hm... okay. Well, I guess I will wait for them, so. I don't have a real urgent bussiness; the only thing is that I'd rather be home taking care of my own health. But I think I can spare half an hour here. This way I will at least understand what was this all about."


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« Reply #35 on: <02-12-12/1317:09> »
"In principle I can agree," Sammy said to the man, "There is however one problem.  I don't have 10K, let alone 20."
She made a mental note to have a look at this Watchmaker, see if she could find something about him.  She could do this while she tried to get the money.
"Magic can turn a frog into a prince. Science can turn a frog into a Ph.D. and you still have the frog you started with." Terry Pratchett
"I will not yield to evil, unless she's cute"


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« Reply #36 on: <02-12-12/1553:33> »

"Hmm. I see. Well, that's a problem, a big problem I would say." - but his face says otherwise. It looks like if he's in a poker game and he has just made his opening bet. - "There could be a solution, though. I must admit this isn't the first time I've heard about you, and I've already admitted I'm good at finding and watching people. I happen to know your real name Maria and I really admire your work. The way you slew the Ultimate Dragon King in "Dragons in the mist" really moved me. And I hear you are not lost outside the set either - I mean it's not easy to search for your sister alone while dodging KE, your fans and most importantly, finding me was a feat alone. Yes, I've helped a little, but I think a person with your skills could find some very gainful work in Seattle. Or the work can find you, as it happens, and from the profits, you could afford the search for your sister. It's a full circle. Are you getting interested?"


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« Reply #37 on: <02-13-12/1144:57> »

The sirens go silent as they arrive. It takes some time for them to arrive to the correct floor. The first responders are two KE officers, an ork and a troll. An odd pair. They approach carefully, covering each other.

"Drop your weapons! Face to the floor! All of you, now!" - after they comply, comes the pat down, securing of weapons (they take your taser as evidence) and arms. They make all of them sit comfortably, back to the wall and throughly question and verify them. The Gentleman's SIN holds (at least it looks like that). They take down the restraints and ask the three "witnesses" to come with them to the station to record their statements. They assure everybody that it wouldn't take more than half an hour.


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« Reply #38 on: <02-13-12/1220:59> »
The Gentleman complies with all the orders, and agree to go to their station to record his statement. During all the endeavor, he maintain a cool resolve, all the while wondering what really is happening. While giving his taser away as evidence, the Gentleman asks (or try to observe the SINs broadcast by the guards) the names of the officers who are taking care of the whole situation. He keeps calm and waits for this all to end.


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« Reply #39 on: <02-13-12/1433:31> »
Sammy thought about it.  She didn't know him and while she had worked for unknowns before, it always made her a bit uneasy.  But what choice did she have.  If she wanted to find her sister, she needed the money.  And she could always start and try to find more information about him.
"Yeah, sure," she said, "but not too flashy if possible.  I'd rather not start throwing fireballs in the needle, for instance."
"Magic can turn a frog into a prince. Science can turn a frog into a Ph.D. and you still have the frog you started with." Terry Pratchett
"I will not yield to evil, unless she's cute"


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« Reply #40 on: <02-13-12/1456:12> »
(from now on, I may alternate between "him" and "you" sometimes, both is used to talk about the character)

You get a nice waiting room, private, door unlocked, but with a guard outside. You suspect it's also used for interrogations because of the "mirror wall" in front of you. You wait for what seems like forever, certainly more than half an hour. In the meantime you can observe people coming and going outside, since the shutters are up and the room has windows looking to the corridor where you were brought in. Enough time elapses to make you concerned, but you cannot do anything since you are in the middle of a KE station.

Just seconds before you decide to step out and ask the guard or do something about your situation, Officer Franks comes in with two cups of coffee and a bagged sandwich in his hands. He's the dwarf who brought you in. He apologizes and gives you the beverage, but not the sandwich, he places that on the table, then activates the built-in holo projector and goes through your written statement, asking questions about minor details. It all seems like a routine procedure, yet you have a hard time concentrating, because you sense something is not all right. Something the way he talks, or the way he looks at you, you are not certain.

After you are finished, he asks for just one more moment of your time and steps outside. You can hear him opening the door next to this room, most likely behind the mirror, but you cannot see anything but your own reflection.

Meanwhile that sandwich is just sitting there while your stomach growls like a lion and your blood sugar is down in the basement (even the coffe lacked sugar, but it boosted your metabolism - now your nerves are in overdrive, hands shaking, move-by-wire is close to activation)

[spoiler]You can make a composure -1 check with a threshold 2 to hold it together or you can just loose it - RP as you desire[/spoiler]


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« Reply #41 on: <02-13-12/1507:10> »
Quote from: Composure check
4 (Charisma) + 4 (Willpower) - 1 (modifier) = 7 dice = 3 hits, no glitch
Threshold 2; Test passed

Mike was annoyed. Really annoyed. And now it was starting to show, since he wanted these guys to know they are annoying a law-abiding citizen (at least, that's the role he is playing right now, isn't it). He takes his pocket watch once or twice and check the time, and sighs looking at the mirror.

"I know you are there, looking at me with your staring eyes. But you can't crack me, tin men." The Gentleman thinks. If they want to play this game, well, they choose the wrong player. They are taking too much time, so this can only mean they suspect something but can't really put their finger in anything. So he is winning; they don't know who he is. Maybe it's just prejudice against orks, or his figure is really making some eyebrows raise... anyway, they don't know who he is, otherwise, this would not take so long.

He leaves the sandwich alone. His hunger can wait. But his gentleman manners will not. And a gentleman must know how to ennerve people even when being completely polite.


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« Reply #42 on: <02-13-12/1526:05> »
Sammy thought about it.  She didn't know him and while she had worked for unknowns before, it always made her a bit uneasy.  But what choice did she have.  If she wanted to find her sister, she needed the money.  And she could always start and try to find more information about him.
"Yeah, sure," she said, "but not too flashy if possible.  I'd rather not start throwing fireballs in the needle, for instance."

"Don't worry, it's nothing like that. In fact, it's just an opportunity, not even a real job. I'm just the middle man, looking for talent, and that you got, I can vouch for that. You may prove as useful to me as I will to you - you just have to be  here Wednesday morning eight am. sharp. Normally, I would charge an intermediary fee for this, but I'll let it go if you do me a little favor. I have an associate whom I would like to push a little - she's not so good with people and I think she could learn a thing or two from you. She's good with drones...among other things, and she's certainly not a burden, if you get what I mean, so I would appreciate if you could take her under your angel-like wings." - he smiles at you with 32 teeth, clearly wanting to flatter you.

(You can accept or object or comment here.)

If you do the favor:
"Awesome! Thank you! In the meantime, I'll devote some time to the search, but I'll hold onto it until you've paid me my ten K.. Now I'm afraid our time is up, I have to be somewhere else in ten. It was a pleasure meeting you, my dear, and don't forget to mention that I've sent you. Oh and the codeword is "CROWFEAST". You have my number if you need anything, I'll even throw in a "star" discount, just for you! Byebye!" - and with this, he gently pushes you from the van and takes off with haste.


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« Reply #43 on: <02-13-12/1551:25> »
Quote from: Composure check
4 (Charisma) + 4 (Willpower) - 1 (modifier) = 7 dice = 3 hits, no glitch
Threshold 2; Test passed

Mike was annoyed. Really annoyed. And now it was starting to show, since he wanted these guys to know they are annoying a law-abiding citizen (at least, that's the role he is playing right now, isn't it). He takes his pocket watch once or twice and check the time, and sighs looking at the mirror.

"I know you are there, looking at me with your staring eyes. But you can't crack me, tin men." The Gentleman thinks. If they want to play this game, well, they choose the wrong player. They are taking too much time, so this can only mean they suspect something but can't really put their finger in anything. So he is winning; they don't know who he is. Maybe it's just prejudice against orks, or his figure is really making some eyebrows raise... anyway, they don't know who he is, otherwise, this would not take so long.

He leaves the sandwich alone. His hunger can wait. But his gentleman manners will not. And a gentleman must know how to ennerve people even when being completely polite.

Franks comes back in less than a minute. It's fortunate that The Gentleman's nerves are made of steel, otherwise this could have been an ugly episode. But he was true to his nature and he thinks he can see a trickle of respect in the dwarf's eyes.
"I just turned off surveillance" - he starts in medias res - "so we have to be quick." - he opens the bag and pushes the sandwich to you. "Eat, I know you are hungry and this is not the time for questions." - as he extends his arm, you can see how muscular it is. You may be in trouble in a wrestling match against him. "Your fake SIN failed, although it took some time even for the top gear to crunch it.  I know you are not G, Thomas UCAS citizen." - he holds up his palm to stop you - "I said no questions, Mike. Or Jhon. I have some connections, above and under ground and some of them recognized your face. Don't worry, if I've wanted to bust you, you would already be in a cozy cell. I deleted the search and anything else in the database that can lead to you. But I have a copy, just in case, and since you are known on the street as a reasonable man, you must know that I don't intend to part with it without you doing something for me. When you get back your 'link, you'll find an address in there, along a commcode. The latter is mine, and be at the former at 8 o'clock, Wednesday. Tell them Ironfist sent you and the word is "EAGLESORE". Do this right, and I even sell you back your anonymity. Wrong me, and you find yourself with a useless fake SIN and a very dangerous criminal SIN attached to your biodata. Do we have an understanding, Gentleman?"


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« Reply #44 on: <02-13-12/1606:53> »
That was unexpected...

While savouring the sandwich, the Gentleman ponders on the dwarf's words. That's not the way he like his deals, but as it seems, there nothing he can do. Better to expect the little tought guy to be a man of words. For all that mattered, this could be an ambush... when you off as many people as the Gentleman had done, people tend to want your body to also be in the cold slab, and not just in prison.

But that's a problem for Wednesday, at 8 o' clock. Right now, he need to trust this Frank.

When Gentleman John finished his sandwich, Frank had finished his talking. The ork extended his hand for the dwarf to shake.

"You seem to be a reasonable man, Frank. I may not appreciate the situation I'm in, but I recognize you just made me a favour, and I'll be damned if I don't know how to pay it back. Yes, we have an agreement, Frank."

He's seeming is fierce and tense, but he talks with centainty and a voice tone full of resolve.