Tangled Currents - Grunt

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« Reply #255 on: <11-14-16/0118:50> »
*Good, I can study it, when I have a little time.Makes planning a lot easier.*

"You would think, that she is, but no. She is a quite normal teen. I guess I'm lucky. Regarding her at least."
« Last Edit: <11-14-16/0124:16> by PRabel »

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #256 on: <11-14-16/0306:44> »
Julie laughs softly.  "I would like to meet her when she is feeling a bit better."  She gives you a funny sort of look.  "You know, when I was with Lone Star, my beat was in Redmond.  I guess I pissed someone off or something.  Anyway, like I said, my beat was Redmond, out on the fringe of the Barrens.  You know the kind of area........just enough not yet the Barrens that they could send us out in two-person teams.  I saw the kind of shit that no one should have to see and remain sane.  I am not really sure what the actual difference was between my beat and the Barrens other than what it was called.  As I said, I must have pissed someone off really bad to get that assignment.  My partner was a pig and clearly on the take from just about everyone.  And the ones that were not paying him were on some gang's drek list, you know?  It was a challenge just to survive there and avoid becoming like him.  I can still remember thinking I was lucky to just make it home every night.  At least until the night I was in a firefight and was wounded enough to get me sent home early.  I walked in on Charlie, my ex, banging away at Gloria Francisi, my friend in scheduling.  That is when so many things became clear all at once.  I was assigned a beat with a known crooked cop at just about the farthest point in the city away from home just so they could have an affair while I was at work.  Almost killed them both, but neither was worth the bullet.  He promised it would end and he would never do it again and she promised to get me assigned to a better beat.  I told them both to fuck off......"

She shakes her head.  "No real idea why I was telling you my personal misery story.  Sorry about that.  I was just trying to say that you are lucky to be alive.  And Your friends are lucky, too."
"Speech"  *Thought*  <Matrix>


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« Reply #257 on: <11-14-16/0910:19> »
"Damn, that's some fucked up shit that happened to you. I would say sorry for what happened to you marriage, but I think you are better off with that drek-head.

Don't worry about telling me this. I don't know why either, but people recently-especially woman-are more open towards me. I must be making a pretty good first impression.

And I know I'm lucky. A minute more and Iwould have been in that building too."

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #258 on: <11-14-16/1008:27> »
The pair of you take over for two of the KE vests on duty, one of whom stays behind to offer an apology for the earlier incident.  Julie takes a couple of minutes to get a good debrief then looks around in Cin's room, making sure that the windows are sealed and locked and looking carefully at the badge worn by the nurse that are in the room, who is doing whatever it is that nurses do.  She looks at Larry sleeping in the chair next to the bed and raises an eyebrow in a question before doing the same in Nova's room.  The teen idol is finally asleep and you leave her that way for now.

Back in the hall, between the rooms, Julie takes up a watchful position and looks at you.  "Little trick I learned a long time ago.  I just added a remote drone to each room and two more in the hall here.  Not sure why the vests do not have any here, and that bothers me a bit.  These are my own and not part of the standard hospital security kit.  I can route the feeds to you if you like and if you give me a com code to use."  While waiting for you to decide, she continues.  "If I had been smarter about these babies, I could have used one to keep tabs on my ex before he was my ex.  Found out later that he was working his way through the female admin staff at the Lone Star HQ and had got about half way.  My God, the man was a habitual cheater and I had never caught on.  Talk about feeling stupid.  Even stupider was staying in the marriage any longer, but, well, it seemed like the thing to do at the time.  Anyway, I was glad when he went to Los Angeles.  I head later that he had been caught in the bed of another man's wife and that the man had not been as forgiving as I had been.  Needless to say, I did not attend the funeral but I did make an anonymous donation to the husband's legal defense fund.  Hmmmm, nice.  These new drones are smaller than the last generation and can see more.  First time I really had a need to roll them out and I am impressed at the clarity of the feed."
"Speech"  *Thought*  <Matrix>


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« Reply #259 on: <11-14-16/1625:41> »
"Don't worry about him, he is my partner. He is just takes his turn at resting." He says as Julie raises her eyebrow.
"Yeah, I thought these toys are not standard equipment. Besides, why would you keep tabs on him, if you don't no about his dealings. At least he got what he deserved. Some people just doesn't learn."

He accepts the offer and sends Julie his comm-code to get linked to the network. *They should come in handy. Perhaps later I should get my hands on some.*

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #260 on: <11-15-16/0214:36> »
Julie nods and gives you a serious look.  "You are right, of course.  I did not suspect him so did not use them to spy on him.  I felt pretty dumb when it all came out.  Even dumber to realize that a number of people knew, even my dip-crap partner, and no one told me.  He was even sleeping with women I had thought to be my friends."  She shakes her head.  "Anyway, I have found these to be a godsend.  Even non-riggers can use them to good effect, just not as good as a rigger can.  I can link you to my source if you like.  If you use my name he should give you at least a one to two percent discount."  She laughs at her joke then settles into watching the hallway and the rooms.  She lets her drones do a lot of the heavy lifting, observation-wise, but still manages to keep active by walking her small beat.
"Speech"  *Thought*  <Matrix>


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« Reply #261 on: <11-15-16/0722:18> »
He smiles back and says:"Yeah, thanks, that's help a lot." As he shuffles through the feeds of the drones, he thinks *She acts really proffesional. And she is smart with a few tricks. Could be a useful ally.*

While he guard the doors, he starts to think of the things he might need to collect from his place before the drek hits the fan.

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #262 on: <11-15-16/1141:06> »
The shift goes smoothly.  Julie appears to be a more than competent observer and her comments at one time or another are to the point and professional.  It probably does not hurt that she is easy on the eyes, even though she is not in the same class as Cin in the looks department.  Her breasts might be a bit on the smallish side, but you cannot help but notice the shape of her ass as she bends over or walks away.  The feeds she gives you show that she has placed the drones in places that optimize the views of the rooms, hallway, and waiting area. 

After several hours, Larry comes out, wiping his eyes and telling you that he is going to use the toilet and eat something before relieving you.  He spares more than a glance at Julie as he goes past you to the elevator.  Julie looks over at you and comments.  "He does have his chrono set and he carries himself like a pro.  Ex military?  Anyway, I will get my own relief up here soon.  Fancy something to eat or just bed?"  She blushes very prettily.  "I know.  Sleeping................uh.........drek.  I seem all tongue tied tonight and don't know for sure what I am saying."
"Speech"  *Thought*  <Matrix>


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« Reply #263 on: <11-15-16/1505:52> »
He admires the nice view, that makes the shift more enjoyable.  As Larry walks out of the room, he notices his glare at Julie and sends him a quick message to his link: >>She is available, if you are interested.<<

"Yes, he is an ex-army guy too, just from the other side of the border. He is a real pro. You look pretty competent too. Do you want to try yourself in the private sector. I could put up a good word for you at our boss, if you like. Yeah, I think, I'd like to eat something before rest. Wait...why are you blushing? Was something else in your mind?"

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #264 on: <11-16-16/0344:58> »
>>Nah.  Thanks anyway but she is a bit too skinny for my type.  I like a bit more meat on my women.  Go for it, though, if you want."

Julie just stands there, still blushing but not looking away, waiting for you to put the thoughts together.
"Speech"  *Thought*  <Matrix>


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« Reply #265 on: <11-16-16/0702:01> »
"Sorry, I got your signs, I just couldn't believe, that I read them right. If you are really are interested in some fun, we can have some. But I have to take a shower first...I didn't have the chance for a few days now. After that, I'm all in though."

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #266 on: <11-19-16/1036:13> »
Julie smiles at you.  "I am glad that my signals did get through, and yes I am interested in spending time with you.  There is a shower in the security barracks that you can use.  I can get you in there and then take you to my room?"
"Speech"  *Thought*  <Matrix>


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« Reply #267 on: <11-19-16/1440:16> »
He smiles back at Julie. "Sounds good to me. We just have to wait for my partner to come back to relieve me, than we can have something to eat. After that we can go to the barracks. Can I ask something in the meantime? I'm kinda curious about what got your "attention" in me?"

*This is starting to get interesting. First Cin, now Julie...Maybe I should invest more time and effort working on my personal "charm".  It can also come in handy, if I want to command my own squad someday.*

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #268 on: <11-30-16/0939:50> »
Julie smiles back at you.  "Not sure, actually.  You seem like one of the good guys and..........."

She shrugs her shoulders and does not finish the sentence.  After a few minutes, Larry comes back up.  "You're relieved, buddy.  Food in the cafeteria is not great, but it is good enough.  Stay away from the creamed beef, though.  Any changes here I should know about?"

Julie holds out her hand and introduces herself.  "I am Julie.  Hospital security.  A guy named Joe Mcarthy is on his way up to take my place.  We will leave to get some food and rest as soon as he gets here.  Ah, speak of the devil."

A swarthy man in the uniform of the hospital security staff gets off the elevator and walks toward you.  He walks like a prize fighter and is scowling.  Julie introduces him all around then looks at you.  "Ready to go?"
"Speech"  *Thought*  <Matrix>


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« Reply #269 on: <12-01-16/1427:12> »
"Well...alright. I was just curious."

He thanks Larry for the advise and asks Julie if she can share the feed from the drones with Larry.

When Julie is relieved and they are out of earshot he asks her: "Is he always that scowling or maybe he is not very fond of private security on his turf?"